PSA: Don't use Public Computers

What you’re describing happens maybe 1 in 10,000 cases. False flags, for things like botting, are very rare.

If you say so, but forensics are saying otherwise.

This morning I woke up to a six month ban.

I attempted a ticket and was told “You violated the terms of service” with no additional information. I attempted a second ticket via chat and was told “You are using a known third-party software”, and would not talk to me afterwards

I have been playing Blizzard games since Warcraft 2, and am a long-time WoW player (since BC) with no infractions to date, and I don’t want to be locked out for six months when Blizzard won’t even talk to me now.

and would not talk to me afterwards, basically saying that it sucks to be me for the next six months, but “hope you have a great weekend”.

Some of the wording intricacies stand out, but I’m not going to write an essay about it. The fact that you got an 18 month ban, when they only hand out 6 month bans, also suggests you were previously banned. Yeah, I’m almost positive it’s you.


This is also mostly true. August 11, the patch goes live. You only get access up until partway through the first expansion though, you’ll still have to buy the last two if you choose to keep playing.

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You have no clue if that is true or not… Only the OP typing ‘Hey guys I’m honest here’ into a forum. Blizzard doesn’t respond to these types of posts in this forum. And out of all of the people who I have heard ‘say hey guys I didn’t do it’… I can count on one hand the number of people who were accurate with those statements. So yeah, call me jaded or whatever… but statistics are on my side. Also as others have stated, something really, really bad had to have been done on his account for them to issue an 18 month ban… 18 months is normally for second offenses.


My apologies that’s what my friend told me so I was just spreading misinformation like the game telephone :joy: Thanks for the correction. Still a good call imo for Square Enix.

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heh…the problem with this argument is we see the same thing when someone makes a thread about being vote kicked. theres always ‘more to the story’…even when there clearly aint, lol.

Ive always had good luck with bliz support, but based on how this forum is run, if they get a hair up their wazoo the same way they aint backing down even long enough to confirm if theyre right or wrong.

I dont cheat. period. I hate people that cheat. Its a game. If you have to cheat in a meaningless game it says a LOT about what kind of person you are.
if this happened to me and I know I didnt do anything wrong blizzard can expect to say byebye to that $1500 a year or more I spend on my video gaming that they get most of.

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It absolutely is. That’s a ton of free content, and they’re redoing the content that’s from level 1-50 so it will be more fun for people to get through. It’s a bit of a slog right now. Pretty smart moves on their part.

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I guess your math isnt the greatest. The post you linked was from 180 days ago or six months ago.

Given the account suspension given was at the begining of the month…there’s an overlap of 25 days…

Not to mention the obvious logic of someone would need to be a complete moron to do the exact same thing after just getting their account off suspension lol.

I’m pretty smart. I have invested far too much time and money into the game to risk it over something stupid.

Plus there’s no need for anything third party…especially when you’re live streaming and pushing high content

3rd party software or not, you should already know not to do anything personal on a public computer, especially on a public network.

It’s just not secure and you can never trust such a machine with something like your login credentials for WoW. It’s not even your computer.

This is basic common knowledge.


That’s exactly where I’m at…I’ve spent close to 2000 in the past year.

I think it’s appalling and due to that reason I’m leaving blizz and wow.

You should’ve spent your disability pension on a better computer instead of level boosts and race/character changes.


Blizzard warns us all the time during the loading screen not to play WoW on public computers.

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Why do you use internet cafes to play wow? Are you in Asia or something?

2000 includes the computer.

Level boosts etc were prior to my accident

I didn’t say he’s innocent or that I believe him. I said blizz’s system for dealing with such issues is broken if they refuse to consider all his evidence and just shut the case. 18 months is tantamount to a perma-ban so they should at least tell him exactly what’s the cause.


They didn’t even allow me to send evidence in

Blizzard said that they won’t do this because that type of information would allow the authors who create the software that most of these guys use to defeat the system.

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So smart that you trusted a public computer to just handle personal credentials and everything and not compromise your account in any way.

Ok I jest. But I don’t think this is a Blizzard problem.


Your ‘evidence’ means nothing. Their databases/systems track everything you do… every keypress that you make… Every IP you log in from. Their warden software already knows what is on your computer and running anywhere near wow’s memory space.


Yeah cause I am going to tell a cheater what got them flagged. So the cheat maker can rework his software to try and avoid detection.

False positives do happen and innocent people do get caught which does suck. It is very rare tho.

All I am getting from the op is the same spiel that gets trotted out by cheaters who get caught. Call me jaded if you like but it is what it is.

Seriously spend some time around cheat selling websites customer support/ forums if you want to learn more about this stuff.


Sorry to hear that, OP. I hope Blizzard looks at your situation in more detail :/.