PSA - Don't click the Gear Update at Login Screen

You are right! I just noticed that recently on another toon. After logging in you cannot get the option again for the Gear Update. Tag this feature as “shady” at best lol. I mean if it’s good it should be usable any time.

However, I do agree with others that this is a generally helpful idea that just didn’t have the coding cushion around it to make it a professional feature. Still good though, so don’t let me stop you all from trying it!

Personally, I prefer to pay for the boost and know what I am getting and use it when I want. Let’s be honest though, this is a totally free boost (without the level change) so that is still a positive. Also, sometimes you just can’t deal with all the stuff in your bags and having all that junk instantly packed up and sent in your mail can be really nice.

I logged into an old, expired account where all the characters had “gear update” showing. Tried to log into a low level and got the message that I would lose my gear update unless I paid 300k+ gold on the spot to reactivate. That sounded kind of expensive for a set of crap gear.

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It does require an active subscription for Gear Update to work. We can agree this makes sense. However, I was not aware you can pay in gold on the spot (perhaps the going rate of a token?).

I can see how you might get shady vibes from the experience though. They can probably mask their intentions better, like giving you screen with a cute character saying “We want you back”, etc. and then ways to get your sub going (i.e. instead of saying give us golds right away!).


The fact that you find this out only after clicking made it feel like they were holding my character for ransom.

Anytime an account that has enough gold on that server expires, logging in to the character screen brings up a window to use your gold taken across the characters on that server for a token of gametime.


This sounds disingenuous

I think it’s just saying you need to subscribe. You can use gold or cash. You’re making it sound like you need to make a gold deposit to access the character, which is not the case.

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If you do you lose the gear upgrade.

It’s to get you to log into your old toons. If you log in without taking the upgrade you lose it.

thanks; I updated the initial post to strikethrough that line.

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so i bought the epic edition to boost my boosted toon that i havent touched since it got boosted by blizz.

anyone else done this?

Edit: my bags became 30slots, but everything still a mess.