PSA - Don't click the Gear Update at Login Screen

There is a new Gear Update option (free) on the login screen intended to get you to freshen up any low level toons, but be warned that it wipes your bars! It basically does a Character Boost in the background (and even says that which scares you into thinking you just used one).

My baby shaman was perfect and now he in all greens with no bars. No level change, just all the inconvenience.

So, don’t click it unless you know what you are doing.

(and maybe login to your toon first to screenshot your bars like you would for a regular boost)

//Edit: User feedback has determined that once you login to the toon, the Gear Update goes away. Therefore, you cannot screenshot your bars first.


might be a bug, I did it on my monk and everything is still there and their old gear was mailed to them.


Thanks for the link. Reading that, now I know that I lost my Heritage armor too.

They should include a “rewind” feature to undo this in your bags. But on the plus side, once your character is ruined you are more likely to use a full upgrade token. In my case I will probably delete my shaman and start again.


Thought you lost your boost option if you logged in.


The gear update is great for my level 10’s that I haven’t touched in months. I get better bags, I haven’t started real questing so it’s ok.

You do get the option to wipe your quest or keep them.



I found the gear update very useful I hadn’t touched some of my characters since before SL. A lot of their gear was very outdated, and this really helped get them up to par.

Sure, it switches up your talents but it’s a small change to fix. If you don’t want to drop your quest log, you have an option to keep it. The gear really helped my characters get questing ready. The bags are really nice, a lot of the stuff was better then what I had.

It didn’t work as well for my level 60 characters, and most of them ended up back into their own stuff that was mailed to them. But for my lower level characters this was awesome.


It down-graded my DH’s gear, who hadn’t been played since the end of SL, from 267 purples to 173 greens. It did at least mail all his old gear back to him.

It erased his action bars and talents. I agree that the talents are a minor nuisance, but wiping the action bars with all my mounts and toys on hidden bars 2 and 4 seemed more than annoying and unnecessary.

It tagged my character as boosted in the background, so it is no longer eligible for the upcoming night elf heritage armor. I expect that when I do a level boost, but a gear update doing the same was unexpected. When I took this action I was only warned about gear and quests (and quests were optional). It was not described as a level boost at the time and it has since been changed per the paragraph below.

It no longer appears as an option for my mage on the character select screen so hopefully they’ve added some background filter that only show the Gear Update option for characters that are well below item-level 173 and I also hope it provides very clear warning that this is a boost that will make your character ineligible for heritage armor.


Are you able to just decline? I have two characters and I noticed that option on the character selection screen. Maybe I’m in the minority? I’m not really interested in having free gear mailed to me. Part of the fun of playing alts is to watch them grow in power over time as they complete objectives.


Yes, you can decline it.


When I used the option on one of my older alts just to see what it did, the option on the login screen disappeared for all other characters who were eligible.

I was wondering if it was a one time thing, but now after around 3 days it has re-appeared, so I think using it might incur a cooldown period.

It’s a terribly implemented good idea. Which is seemingly the new Blizz mantra.


Yeah this got me but it also deleted over 250K in gold on that toon, everything in his bags is now gone, and banking bags also empty. I have greens and nothing else.

I didn’t have a cool down period with mine, but they were having some complications with it. It looks as if they fixed it, if it’s back up for you.

Did anyone else notice what this does to your original main bag?? I never did authenticator so most of my toons still have a 16 slot main bag. I tried this out on one of my alts and yes, it wiped bars and etc, frustrating BUT what I did notice is all of a sudden that main bag on that toon is 24 slots, with authenticator it would be 28 slots. Almost makes me want to take a 2 month break from the game =P

I thought I’d check to see what happened if I clicked that on a level 15 on an expired account. I got a popup that I had to pay for a month’s sub in gold or I’d lose the gear upgrade. It felt…very odd.

probably because all your existing stuff is mailed to you.

it would be lost to the void without game time.

It felt like they were holding that green gear upgrade ransom for 285k gold.

It deleted your money… WHAT???

It doesn’t.

It takes literally everything you own on that character and mails it to you.

I did the same thing on my old paladin who was sitting at lvl 60. She was decked out from SL, full M+ gear ranging from 260-304, double legos. Set hotbar, Ya now. Ready to go.

I did the gear update just to see what it does. It Emptied my bank, unequipped all my bags and gear and threw everything in the mailbox. It took ages to sort through.

Even worse, the ‘gear’ is 180ilvl greens. Utter trash, even if you are fresh.