PSA - Don't click the Gear Update at Login Screen

For what it’s worth; original races don’t have a requirement for not boosting. Only allied races do.

Your night elf should still be fine


I got the gear and items in mail but all my gold about 272K was gone. Vanished and told nothing can do.

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It works fine. It just upgrades your gear to be at the heirloom level and gives you new bags. It’s odd that only some toons get the option while others don’t. You can also deletenyour quests at the same time. It also sends you to chromie, but no requirement to actually decide a chromie time yet. All your old gear is in mail box.

Definitely worth doing if you ever plan to play the toon. Bags alone are worth it.

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I haven’t had a problem with it yet. It has prompted my main race characters to get their heirloom gear, because they were over level 50. I don’t remember if it prompted my Nightborne or Void Elves, I already have the sets and didn’t think about it.

I have all the rest of the allied races at level 40… so I’ll see if they get the heirloom prompt at level 50 or not. Maybe because they still have leveling to do it might prompt them? The heirloom problem is supposed to get fixed, so maybe by the time I get their level up it will be working.

As anyone got an idea if the heirloom quests are still broken?

I was also told in a ticket by a GM that the gear “update” makes it so you cant race change your character for 3 days.

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Aha. That may explain the error I got on this character. This character is still in the Pandaren starting zone, where there are no mailboxes, but is just about to pick a faction. When attempting to use the upgrade, it just throws a UI error, and doesn’t really explain what happened. So, I didn’t know what was going on.

I figured this would be the perfect character because on Wandering Isle you have basically very limited gear and bags. But now I guess I would have to log in, pick a faction, and then log out again for 60 days to get the upgrade offer again.

This is the error:

Message: Interface/GlueXML/CharacterServices.lua:1092: Usage: C_CharacterServices.RPEResetCharacter(characterGUID, faction, spec, keepQuestLog)
Time: Sun Aug 27 08:12:43 2023
Count: 1
Stack: Interface/GlueXML/CharacterServices.lua:1092: Usage: C_CharacterServices.RPEResetCharacter(characterGUID, faction, spec, keepQuestLog)
[string "=[C]"]: in function `RPEResetCharacter'
[string "@Interface/GlueXML/CharacterServices.lua"]:1092: in function `func'
[string "@Interface/GlueXML/GlueDialog.lua"]:752: in function <Interface/GlueXML/GlueDialog.lua:739>

Locals: (*temporary) = "Player-11-0E1E9CA8"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = 253
(*temporary) = tru
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i tested it out on a low lvl character i had previously set up.

bars wiped clear. had to re build the character. an absolute waste of time.
bags are worse than what they had. (i usually give alts a full set of 30-32 slot bags)

the only good thing is it was a low lvl alt character and not a main alt. (re applying ~80 buttons, macros and short cuts to mounts and toys would be a nightmare.)

if someone was away only long enough to trigger it but not so long as to have forgotten how to play it, this “feature” would be a bigger hinderance to jumping back in than paying the sub fee and buying the expansion. IMO

where is the “your ui bars will be wiped clean” warning. or an option to not touch it?


I would just like there to be options that we can select. I just want my quest log wiped and maybe the bags. Everything else can stay just as it is. Some characters I might want a full refresh, but not all of them. The choices should be more granular.

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Some things to keep in mind:

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I didn’t have any issues with it. When I used this on other characters I didn’t care about the quests I was on nor the gear I had. Nice to have stuff completely reset with some helpful starter gear after all the level and ilevel squishes.

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THIS is a huge problem. Blizzard should not be deleting your money

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I just did this on an alt I haven’t logged into since last halloween. It really feels like blizz is trolling people just for fun. Having to redo all my bars, bags and sell the crap gear they gave me that’s nowhere near as good as my SL gear was such a hassle. To top it off, my glyphs, a couple of which were expensive, are gone. I should know better than to ever accept anything blizz is willing to give you for free.


i don’t know why they implemented this and i don’t like the way they did. shouldn’t wipe bars or “recreate the character” and if the losing heritage quest part is true that really, really sucks. also sucks for that guy above who lost his money.


I made the mistake of choosing that option on one of my toons and I basically had to start from scratch resetting bars and icons. And the bags they give you are werse than what you had.

It wouldn’t be so bad if the gear changed and Blizz left everything else alone.


most of us will probably never play the toon again…

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I know this is from several months ago, but I’m reasonably certain that my void elf got her heritage armor despite using the Gear Update. I have the memory of a dead goldfish, so I don’t specifically remember doing the gear update, but I keep selling trial set armor and i still got the heritage quest upon hitting 50.

edit:: i may have quoted the wrong person, sorry.


When I did it on one of my alts it warned me that it’d wipe everything clean before I clicked it. Including my quest log.

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They fixed the ability to do heritage quests on allied races, I haven’t had any problem with getting the heritage looks on any of my characters.

You have a choice to wipe your quest logs, or keep your quests.

For me it was worth having to reset my stuff. I liked the quest wipe and a lot of the gear was useful.


Yea, also do not use it at level 60. The gear you get is ilvl 187 or something. Be sure it’s an older 61 or higher toon.

I find it best for forgotten 25 to 50 toons.

I think it’s good for leveling characters that were abandoned that had really bad gear.