PSA - Demo is broken

Unsure if it’s everybody, but many demo warlocks are experiencing dreadstalkers not generating demonic cores.

I’ve tested to see if any dog talent interactions have been causing this, and from what I can tell a talent isn’t responsible.

People experiencing this bug be sure to report it, as it’s an extreme detriment to the specs ability to function.

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Bug reported and a forum posted linked. This one needs to get some traction as the spec is DOA as of now.


I reported it a while ago as well. Playing demo without cores is painful.

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Is this something that started happening today? My demo lock was generating stacks yesterday.

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yes, it started for me around an hour ago


It’s a, maaaaaaad world.

Foolish warlocks expecting anything to work correctly in prepatch.

Laughable really… Small indie company and all.


Demo looks to be fixed again, will test further.

One thing I’m seeing still is the precast of Demonbolt only generating 1 shard vs 2.

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Anyone else getting only 1 shard when using Demonbolt as a precast before combat?

Its random if it does 1 or 2 but when it does only 1 it feels bad :confused:

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I didn’t notice that bug but what I have noticed is in the mythic + dungeons on the beta your felguard keeps despawning where it shouldn’t. So on the flying dragon dungeon, when I exit my dragon it despawned, it used to do that way long ago, but then they fixed it.
There was another dungeon where it despawned as well but I can’t remember it.

Also, out Tyrant fite is not shadowfire like shadowlands, so out For the shadows is not buffing out tyrant damage… BUG

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I’m still seeing the initial demonbolt only give 1 shard vs 2 and this is just random when it does and doesn’t. On a target dummy in my covenant, I got the bug to happen six times in a row with a guildmate watching my stream to verify I’m not skipping over it.

Bug reports have been filed but this one seems to be under the radar, has anyone else seen this one yet?