Demonic Core stacks not generating

I was running a 24 JY on my Demo lock when I noticed my Dreadstalkers weren’t generating DC stacks when they were expiring. This continued to be the case AFTER the dungeon on a target dummy, and a friend I was in disc with confirmed that his Demo lock wasn’t working either. DC stacks weren’t working on the BETA either.

Edit: after some more time at a target dummy my imps were also not generating stacks on expiration NOR was my Hand of Guldan via Demonic Knowledge OR Borne of Blood


Same thing happened to me. After noticing it, 3 of us all logged onto our locks and it’s definitely not working for anyone.

Same thing also happening to me.

Same! Not working!

I’m reporting that dogs expire and no DC procs and or imps are generating on top of the fact when I use DC for my pre pull I’m only getting 1 Shard not 2 like normal. The pre pull DC is sometimes 2 and sometimes 1. I just tested on a target dummy and it was 50/50 1 or 2.

Something for sure seems messed up!

No demonic core procs here either. 30 mins of play and zero procs.

same here, i thought i was going crazy1 lol

bumping this. Demonology is pretty much useless without this working right.

Class it not playable , do we have a fix inbound and or eyes on this one?

Same here - fix ASAP please and thank you blizz!

Same here for me. No Demon Core Procs. Please address

Same here please fix whe possible

same problem here :confused:

I am still getting Demon Core procs but only very occassionally. It’s like someone reduced the existing proc rates by 99% or something.

Lol oh man Im glad this post is here. I’m a total noob returning and went into my first dungeon to do Uldaman. Thought I was just wrong about how it worked and was messing something up, same thing happened to me though.

Likely from your "Demonic Knowledge" Talent

Same no Procs or one every once in a blue moon. but very very very far apart. Thought I was crazy. Worked fine earlier today but went for lunch came back and not working.

Pls Fix this thanks

Oh man i thought i was going crazy, definitely not proccing cores

Dogs look to be refunding DC charges again, as well as imps.

I’m still only getting 1 shard on my first DB before combat starts though.