Prune augmentation from the game

Idk, I get invited to 20s as dev, so it’s definitely a mixed bag.

do your own keys???

I don’t understand this “wah, I can’t get into groups as Dev because people only want Aug.”

Every class with multiple DPS specs has one that’s usually better in M+. They make it work. And all are perfectly capable at doing 20s and under.

Comparing the Aug/Dev situation to other DPS classes with multiple dps specs is a big false equivalency imo.

Last time I checked a Frost Mage or Hunter or any other dps class can’t buff all the damage dealers in a group and buff/aid the tank to such a degree that they’re mandatory in a damage slot even though their actual damage is :poop: .

Which brings me to the next point, Aug fans who attack attack attack, always point out how Aug “isn’t a damage spec” yet when it’s convient in the moment, now it;s just another damage spec? lol

Look seriously though, Aug is not a typical damage spec the way they chose to put it into the game, being a buff-bot making other people look good on meteres while your own damage is bad af is not how any other damage spec is meant to play. Dev players wanted to play a DAMAGE spec when they picked the spec, not a hybrid or experimental kinda-sorta-not-really-wtf-did-blizz-do “damage” spec. Switching between Frost, Arcane, and Fire mages is switching between three REAL damage specs, comparing that to Dev & Aug is one heck of a false equivalency, an ironic one at that coming from aug fans.

Yeah I understand this advice, this is a common suggestion I’ve seen before, and I see it works for others. It never works for me man, I have horrible luck. Will take a million years to fill a good group and still get leavers or bricked keys or arguments that lead to dude leaving at the end with plenty of time left JUST to spite the other guy he got into a text war with. Gets old real quick not being able to mix running my own key, with just being able to queue up and get into groups like I could before.

Slowly working on leveling/gearing another class at this point.

Definitely a mixed bag. Takes ages to find groups that will accept you. Used to be able to just queue and get in, now it’s a constant hour long game of being kicked, declined, and whispered “are you aug?” lul.

Probably helps to be duo’d with a friend or healer but I don’t have friends so solo pug life.

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There are likely two explanations for this; either you are the common denominator and are bricking your own keys, or you aren’t building your group well for affixes/keys/choosing people well. It could be a mix of both.

You have the ability to remedy both of these problems.

This is not relevant to their point. Whether it’s a “different” DPS spec in terms of how it compares to the other DPS option is not debatable… But in terms of the effect the meta has on expectations of spec, the dynamic still plays out the same.

If you were to join a 20+key as an assassination rogue, you’d encounter arguably an even greater amount of pushback to change specs.

This has always been the way the meta works, and whether or not people generally (and understandably) prefer Aug right now, there are disparities even currently that are far more detrimental than Aug vs dev.


This is exactly the point I was trying to make, thank you.

go next, not every run is gonna be perfect, your gonna find some real dense mfers in the game especially this late in the season. but download io addons especially where it says completed, vet your picks, continue. you deplate? go next and get taht key back up. thats the grim reality of pugging and why you have to network by friending and asking people you finished keys if they want to do another key down the line. :person_shrugging: thats really the best advice people can get and people heeding this advice are automatically betetr than 80% of puggers

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Everything is not always so black and white. I maybe not be the best player, but I have never been the cause of my keys bricking in DF so far (also haven’t tried a ton of my own keys this time around). Now I have TOTALLY bricked other peoples keys a ton of times because I’m me and I’m not some god-mode gamer on WoW, and no I’m not saying “i’m great everyone else is bad” - I’m just saying my keys going to hell in this expansion so far has always been because of stupid bs like arguing, quitting, D/C’s, or something else like that - minus one single time when me and a guildy just accepted randomly because we were pinched on time and built a dumb group comp that failed because the comp was poop.
Every other time though? Group comp can be fine, I can be doing alright, and crap still happens - that’s why I said I’m unlucky in terms of my keys, not everything - just my keys. The last time I remember running my own key, we were on the very last boss in Freehold - tons of time left, ezpz right? No, this one DPS player wouldn’t shush trying to tell the tank how to tank. The tank ignored him for a while earlier in the dungeon but eventually started going back and forth with the dude and at the last boss typed something smart and then left the group out of pure spite.

We were doing fine
Everyone in the group was good
Plenty of time on the clock
Could have timed
Dude still quit to screw the big-mouth dps player over - not caring how that screwed the rest of us - and even himself over.
None of us had “the ability to remedy” the situation enough that the tank didn;'t rage quit. We all tried nicely to tell the guy to hush, and that we can totally finish this together, we;re doing gret, blah blah blah - it wasn’t enough.

Now I could probably try more times to run my own keys, sure, it just honestly gets old. It was just straightforward to just be able to join groups, like most other people could, and dev always could before, with no issue.

That’s not what you said and the intention was so not the same.

I’d still say switching between two REAL damage specs is not the same as switching between a support/hybrid “damage” spec and a real damage spec. I’m a sub gal, I’ve always loved sub and never played assassination - even when the latter was really good. I get not WANTING to switch between say rogue specs, but doing so is still going from one REAL damage spec to another REAL damage spec, you’re still playing or performing in your role like you expect/want to. Asking Dev players to “just play aug, everything’s fine here and perfect as-is just play aug” is not the same since Aug does not play or perform as a damage dealer. It’s akin to telling Dev to just go play preservation…when they want to play a damage dealer, not a healer and not some hybrid bootleg DPS. I hope that makes sense. I’m tired man and kind of half proof read this wall of text lul - sorry.

Debating what’s meta and how “sometimes if you’re not meta you don’t get picked”, and comparing switching between two real damage specs vs. switching between a real damage spec and a supportive/hybrid/weirdo “damage” spec in name only - are two different things to me.

The original person came off like they were condescendingly insinuating we should all just shut up crying and play Aug because it’s just the better “damage” spec that has the same dynamic as switching between three pure damage specs on like a mage or hunter. That’s where my issue is, not that dev isn’t meta compared to other damage specs…but that acting like dev would want to just switch to aug because frost mages play fire, is a bad comparison.

Also, it bothers me that a spec that literally CAN perform in 19s and 20s - just like it was right before aug was put in - but suddenly stopped getting invited because Aug was so brokenly MANDATORY, not because they couldn’t perform in the role…but that’s also a different conversation lol.

So sorry for the massive wall man, I hope the typos aren’t too bad, I’m half falling asleep and didn;'t proof read a ton Q.Q

True true true. I haven’t tried as many times as I could have in regards to my own keys - I gave up after back to back to back bad luck groups. I just got to 2.5k by being able to queue up. So going from being able to play the game by queuing and waiting in a formed group, to being berated for not playing my spec when the spec itself didn’t suddenly become unplayable - is just ugh, frustratinggggg. It’s not like Dev got nerfed so bad they weren’t playable, Aug was just so cringe and broken.

Any whoooo, I’m tired and typed way too much - goodnight ppl.

I like Augmentation. But I agree, get rid of Paladins. They’ve ruined everything.


Go make one yourself then and prove its so easy and brainless as you claim to do.

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Sure, I’m willing to take one for the team if we can delete augs at the same time

Prove to me the sky is blue

I agree with you. However as of a couple days ago I’m in the “if you can’t beat em, join em” camp now. 427 and moving on up