Proven right once again. WoW is for the majority, not hardcores

I am very happy with most things Ion said to Preach because it was the same things I wanted to say to Preach, he keeps point out how RPGs are not about the ultra high homogenized skill that exists in other games, RPGs are not all about skill therefore people who only care about skill shouldnt be playing wow

if you listened to half of what preach said it wasnt about skill it was about exclusion which now has another layer on top of not only are you playing the optimal class/spec but are you the optimal covenant adding more layers creates more exclusion but cant wait till they go back on this a couple months into the xpac and everything you have said in this thread becomes invalidated.

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He also just said each choice is gonna excel at different things therefore anyone demanding to be optimal at everything was not gonna get their wish, just like I said.


So if covenants are supposed to be a permanent choice like class I expect them to never be taken away from us in any future expansion. If they are it will prove that Ion is talking nonsense.

Well your not wrong there.

I don’t know Mister Ralphenford D Butheyyington Son, you spent a lot of energy on Coveants. Are you planing to marry them any time soon? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :laughing:

The word “Truth” doesn’t really have much meaning anymore because it’s been overused by people here saying “Oh people hate me cause i spit the truth”, and etc.

In all fairness, this is a place where words go to die.

This is a multiplayer game. Permament choices don’t work out very well. Not to mention Blizz does allow you to swap covenants, it’s just a long long process, as it should. it’s a happy little middleground.

:point_down: Scroll down to " How to Change your Covenant".

As i’ve said multiple times, Covenants just seem no different then artifacts or azerite and other such gimmicks in the expansion that tries to be identity but ends up being disposable in the end. Will Covenants be the same way? maybe, maybe it will be a permanent choice moving forward, but i won’t hold my breath if it’s just a gimmick of the Shadowlands.

You do realize game genres aren’t murtally exclusive to one another? I mean isn’t Fallout an RPG FPS? Heck, it was an RPG RTS or sorts once upon a time.

That is true, and that is mostly true in the olden days where we allow the proverbial dice roll to dictate whether you survive or not. But again, this isn’t a mutually exclusive genre.

Also, it’s kinda odd you take a bit of what i said awhile go on your post…

That doesn’t mean it can’t never be balanced.

Just because it doesn’t have a high skillcap, doesn’t mean “elitists” can’t come in and be elite at WoW. Heck, Spyro is an easy as hell game that makes Club Penguin the Dark souls of video games, and there’s yet elitists for Spyro.

You know what Ion should have said? I must be cruel to be kind.

How’s having less control over your actions and choices is freedom? what is with this attitude where having less or no choices or control is a good thing and having more of it is bad? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

You know, which it being a disclaimer, it should have been higher… :confused:

Well you don’t really have the power to take away people from being hardcore, so the people are allowed the day the game was released.

Maybe you would want to play a game with real focus on RPG elements, such as other MMO’s then WoW and single-player RPG’s.

Not to mention, it’s kinda funny you say this but at the same time, your allowed a lack of DPS meter in SWTOR get in between your fun.

And before anybody says it, i get it; DPS meters isn’t inherently “elitist” thing. It’s a useful tool to see how well your doing in terms of DPS, anybody can use it. But if your arguing for RPG side of things while at the same time, allowing a lack of something that isn’t typically in RPG’s like that to get in the way of your enjoyment of an RPG to a point where you quit, and telling people how to have fun, and calling people “delusional tryhards” for not having fun the way you want them to…

Well this only just hurts the point he’s trying to make.

it’s RPGs, RPG’s. :man_facepalming:

Call me cynical but I think this overall design of limiting covenant choice due to the punishing nature when rejoining is going to drive people away from the game. Atm you’re really only limited by the class you play and to a lesser extent what corruptions you’ve been lucky enough to get and even that is negated by the corruption vendor. But trying to force players to choose and stick to one covenant so they can be excellent at one thing but not all things is going to cause issues for many players. If a player feels limited enough and has negative experiences around those limitations it just incentivizes the player to quit out of frustration.

I wouldn’t expect Blizzard to make any changes for at least the first six months of the xpac if this turns out to be true though. They have a bad habit of stubbornly refusing to fix issues they themselves are responsible for until the game is bleeding subs and by that time it’s too late, the damage is done.

Keep fighting the good fight, Ralph.

This interview with Ion was a huge win and really enforced a lot of the points you have been making.

Do not let the toxic elitists dissuade you.

Ion also has said the backup plan is to allow easier movement between them if it doesn’t work out.
Another Ralph thread filled with half stories and smugness.

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It doesn’t fit his troll filled narrative so not surprised he’d leave that part out. That being said, how quickly Blizz fixes it if it does end up being a serious issue is what worries me. They have this habit of seeing the writing on the wall but willfully ignoring it until the damage is done and the change ends up only being partially successful.

THis game has never been balanced for anyone and never will .

What they need to do is just give us the tools to play how we want be it rp, game play and to be honest most will want both so don’t tie game play to the rp aspect . Once they give us the tools just get out of our way and let us play how we want because the only right way to play is the way each person wants to play and not by some stupid you must pick a forced choice of rp or gameplay they are trying to shove down our throats just so erpers like you can spite us average players because it also spites the 1%

Have you met Ralph ?

They don’t shut up

Yes, I’m too familiar with Ralph. Was referring to Ion giving us lip service about “more rpg traits, less number aspects!”, hoping to make US shut up.

That’s as far as I got. For starters, why make another dumb thread? Every thread you make literally repeats the same garbage rhetoric over and over again. There’s nothing new.

Second, it’s not “truth”. It’s your opinion of a game versus someone else’s. Just because the Game Developer has a view that you conveniently plagiarized, doesn’t make anything “truth”. What are you going to say when he changes his mind?

Have you heard the terms “I told you so” and “Rubbing it in”?

They are pretty cool when you are at such a position to do so

Another wild Ralph thread…

I almost love these threads for how good they are at pissing off a massive portion of the forums all while ignoring what they comment every time.

I have heard those terms.

Except you’re in no position to do so.

…and yet you continue to litter the forums with one garbage post after another.

I think I’m going to purity check everyone when making groups

Normally I wouldn’t do it but I’m going to make sure the people I invite are meta builds and if they’re not then no invite

Thank the old gods the covenant I want to join is also the best lol.

At this point I’d rather them just give everyone the class abilities and leave the soulbinds/utility abilities in order to preserve at least some form of choice.

Right now if player A quests through the entire campaign, meets all the covenants and gets one ability from all of them, that makes sense. You helped them out and they’ll reward you.

What doesn’t make sense is swapping covenants every other week because if I was swapping factions every other week, lore wise, they’d get suspicious. So I hope they come up with a solution that is not freely swapping covenants.

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Yet Ion leads a guild called Elitist Jerks…hmmmm…yeah, he doesn’t care about skill.