Proven right once again. WoW is for the majority, not hardcores

Who ever argued this game was for hardcore players?

Hardcore content is mythic and most folks don’t do it.

WoW marketed itself from day one as the more casual friendly MMO

Plz dont believe anything this larper says, he just spams the board with useless post about “anti elitism” while running the most top tier meta build for shadow priest. Then he changes one talent in the talent tree and he claims he is not playing the meta.

Blizzard, can we ban this guy already? Literally multiple times per day now he’s making posts just to start fights. You allowing him to continue stinking the place up is just embarrassing.

Aside from this troll OP, I’m just sad so many average/casual WoW players don’t see how awful this system will be for them to. Oh well, just have to wait for the new expansion hype to wear off. Just like Legion, just like BFA.

He should have his own stream so he can present his findings and save us from the headache .Wait i mean so we can sit back and have popcorn.

You guys have gotta stop bumping these Ralph threads up. Let it be buried in a thousand threads that go against it.

Yes I am aware of my own hypocrisy in saying that.

Seen also many threads celebrating it and telling Ion to keep going, dont try to pretend there isnt also huge support for keeping covenants locked : P

Another Ralph thread, another instant flag after 10 minutes.

I love this community. Hopefully he eventually goes away.