Proven right once again. WoW is for the majority, not hardcores

I knew this post was flagged before I clicked on it lol.

Read the OP, the game is an RPG, the game is about difference instead of homogenized classes and specs, that means things will be different, things will be unbalanced, this is how RPGs at the end of the day work.

And the more high end you go the worse the balance gets. Might want to check the Ion interview, he destroyed all those people who obsess over skill.

With the slightest of glances at this issue, i don’t see the hardcore players complaining, rather being worried at the changes.

At the end of the day they’ll do what they have to for optimization, in my opinion casuals suffer more at the end of the day, with not only being “permanently” locked into a choice they may regret, they’re also at the mercy of under performance in varying types of content because of it.


RPG is about choice not about consequences thats why in almost every rpg you can either respec or have a save file that allows you to take a different path

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I disagree. Because my identity is not stripped away every 2 years


Weren’t you like an Ion hater like a few months ago?

I assume it’s because Ion seems to be anti “elitist” and pro “RPG” now, so he flipflopped.

Which again the biggest irony of all is Ion is the GM of Elitist Jerks, so he and his guild are the reason why the “elitist” min-max meta chasing stuff is so prevalent in WoW in the first place. Dude helped to make it mainstream and now he’s railing against it as being badwrongfun.


Also those that want to play all specs. I actually forgot people did that because I don’t . I’m a casual and balance with everything else in life so I tend to just focus one for PvE and one for PvP. Hard to get gear with the time I put in.

At the end of the day, it’s others opinion. I can’t force them to love something they don’t. People hated MoP but the majority loved it. Same with Cata, I loved that expansion but most people didn’t. It’s just typical players it’s like that with every game.

He sorta like a cafeteria Catholic…pick and choose how one accepts God…or in Ralph’s case replace God with Ion

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Link, at best I ve criticized him about design issues such as for example adding DP to spriests even though it directly competes against voidform, but I dont ever remember jumping on the dumb Ion hate train the forum loves

Well you can argue that, it is a valid point, can hope that maybe it stays but we ll see

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You’re regularly scheduled Ralph thread will continue after this brief video.


I mean, I like Ion. He just seems like a normal person. I have no reason to hate the man. He’d be a cool friend.

But I think demonizing or deifying any normal person is weird.


If you’re gonna rot your brain, you’ll do it watching / reading stuff that is actually entertaining, right?

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Or maybe he’s still elitist, but is giving lip service to the pro-rpg crowd, all to placate them and make them shut up.

I’ve run out of likes :cry:

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This Ralph is the most obnoxious person that this forum has ever seen.

You take a opinion from the game director and transform it into a fact, explicitily saying that you were correct because you just happen to agree with him.

What a low self-steem person you must be.


WOWs main problem is that the developers are creating what seems like a job rather than an escape, a means to have fun, away from the stressors of real life.

I’m not a fan of the game system layer cake that WOW has become in recent expansions. And it feels like the developers don’t ever really nail it, but they get kinda close towards the very end of each expansion. Idk man, I’m just going to try to find the fun it all like I always do.

I’d give mine if I could. Not stingy.

More importantly because everyone disagreed with what I was saying about RPG design and how it will never be balanced and will never truly be about skill due to rng elements.

Many hated me for saying that, Ion just proved what I said was right.

The game is going to the direction I expected and said, people who dont like that are free to leave.

“look at me I can parrot, please validate me”