<Proud Manlets> Famed 9/9M - 8/8M Sales – Mythic, heroic, and M+

We are back again after an exceedingly successful Uldir sale.

Proud Manlets are selling Heroic BfD carry runs. We include options for individual full heroic, highest priority loot or personal, or just the Ahead of the Curve Jaina achievement.

If Mythic plus is more your speed, we are also offering 10+ key carries. Be sure to get your weekly 10 key done so you can collect Titan Residuum to target that elusive azerite armor.


Proud Manlets are a cutting edge mythic Kel’thuzad guild. Primarily our members have been on Kel’thuzad since vanilla and other members are a tight knit group from horde.

On warcraft logs our guild currently holds the rank one spot for all progression, speed, and execution on kel’thuzad. We also achieved a famed conqueror of dar’zalor title at rank 69 as

What we offer are efficient, and professional sale runs. We hope to leave a long and positive lasting impression.


We offer affordable but competitive prices on Kel’thuzad. We want to ensure you get what you pay for and leave satisfied. We only accept gold.

Heroic: 400k - All usable items tradable with guaranteed armor type

Mythic: 6/9 - 3 M

Mythic: 8/9 - 6 M

Mythic: 9/9 - 10 M

For mythic reservations we require a 10% upfront non-refundable deposit.


In our runs we aim to trade you any gear that you may need and use. An exception to this rule are extreme cases of high titanforging where players may not be able to trade loot, or if the piece is a significant upgrade.

In our heroic runs we will avoid stacking sales of the same armor type so we can maximize your chance of getting what you want and not having to share with other sales. If you are looking for specific gear, we offer the option to class stack to increase the chances of your item dropping.

We encourage players to come prepared with as many bonus loot coins as they require.


All our Heroic sales operate at Thursday 8:00 pm server Mountain time (10 EST). We will engage heroic Jaina later if you are only looking for AOTC.

Mythic sale runs will occur every Tuesday and Wednesday at 7:30 pm server Mountain time.


In the case one of our mythic runs being cancelled. We will return the reservation and offer a future discount on our next raid.


For inquiring about a purchase please contact me in game or at #Michael1541.

If I am not around, message anyone in the guild and they will get you in contact with me.

Thank you. We look forward to hearing from you :grin:.

All prices are subject to change.

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Gokupanda is a gentleman and a scholar

Heroic sale took under an hour. Happy buyers.

Super quick runs this past week and open spots this upcoming week!

Prices updated. Thanks for the support!

I’d like to buy 5-10 M+10 runs on my fresh alt this week, special pricing? Discord is Vvheelchair#4278

I’d like to buy 5-10 M+10 runs on my fresh alt this week, special pricing? Discord is Vvheelchair#4278

Selling things all week! Let us know what you need and we’ll take care of it

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This will be our last week for Mythic & Heroic Uldir Sale Runs with Battle for Dazar’alor new raid coming out next week. If you’re interested in buying any of our carry runs I highly suggest you contact me soon before spots are taken & reserved.

Mythic Ghuun for Cutting Edge is SOLD OUT !
For our heroic sale run on thursday we have Cloth, Mail, & Plate spots available.
You can also purchase a Heroic G’huun only kill as well for the thursday night run.
We are also selling M+ carries this week.

If you’re interested in buying add my btag and contact me soon: Dinnerboy#1661

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Thank you everyone for the immense support in Uldir. We will start selling full heroic BfD aswell and aotc jaina shortly.

Sales start the week of Feb 12th. Full heroic and AOTC.

WTS Normal & Heroic BoD carry tonight! @ 9:30pm eastern. Add my Btag Dinnerboy#1661 & message me for prices and details.

Sold Heroic this week. Thanks for the support! Looking for more next week.

Selling [Glory of the Dazar’alor Raider] meta achievement tonight for 700k gold. Includes a full normal BoD clear. Add my btag Dinnerboy#1661 to reserve a spot.

Sale moved to friday this week.

Heroic BoD Sale Run Tonight! Azerite Armor drops are now being given to buyers starting tonight! Add my btag Dinnerboy#1661 if youre interested.

Spots open for Mail & Leather buyers for next weeks Heroic BoD Sale Run!! Azerite Armor is now included and given to buyers! Add my btag Dinnerboy#1661 for prices & details.

Heroic BoD Sale Run Tomorrow Night! @ 9:30pm east. Few spots left! Add my btag Dinnerboy#1661 for prices.

Heroic BoD Sale Run Tomorrow Night! @ 9:30pm east. Few spots left! Add my btag Dinnerboy#1661 for prices.

Forgot to update prices, inquire with Tony.