<Protect the Warlock> [A] 3/8M Uld - Kel’Thuzad 2night LFM DPS/Heal

Protect the Warlock is recruiting for Battle of Azar’Alor!
An ALLIANCE based guild on the Kel’Thuzad realm.
We’re a 2 night a week (Tue/Thur) raiding group looking to push mythic content come BFA. We’re a laid back team that gets stuff done while having a good laugh. Running M+, islands, gearing alts and trying to kill Cinchil on offnights.

Raid times are 8:30pm EST to 11:30PM EST (again, Tuesday / Thursday).
Please direct questions to #Nez11158 or Raiil#1729, we look forward to hearing from you!

Seeking*: Requesting minimum 370 ilvl
MDPS - DH/DK/Rogue/Warrior
RPDS - Hunter/Mage/Shaman
Heals - Paladin/Druid/Monk/Priest

*considering all applicants regardless of class

Discord - s3WB7VD

What can we do for you?
Our group offers:

Active players
Legacy content
Dungeon diving
Mythic + dungeon runs
Island expedition teams
Legacy/current raid/glory achievement runs
Weekly clears of current raid content!

side note…
Upon joining the guild’s deranged warlock Cinchil requests you install protectthewarlock.exe a virus software that forces all of your CDs and heals to be focused on the warlock at all times. Warning side effects include; caring about your local warlock, wondering if your loot is an upgrade for the warlock, helping summon, healing dps, saving brez for the warlock.