[prot warr] should i try to do pvp for gear?

Yeah. Agreed. But that discussion is getting away from op topic. And yeah i was mostly speaking about progressing through from pre raid and working as you get gear.

I hated how tanking threat became so easy after tbc. It isnt even a slow change. Basically as soon as wotlk, threat becomes way way easier. It will still be important in wrath but not nearly as challenging as it is now.

But as much as i hated the change, i do totally agree with it. If you are a good tank and know how to get as much threat as you can, its not a big issue. You were not going to have issues anyway. But for avearge and new tanks, it was an almost impossable task to expect players to try to keep threat against bt and sunwell geared dps. Its not happening and it just leads to frustrated and confused tanks that think they are doing something wrong. So it had to change. Ecspecially with lfd being the new way of grouping. So most of my thoughts about using pvp gear and hit/exp was for advice to any new tanks just starting out. Getting that exp and hit will be a huge assist for them trying to keep up when outgeared by dps.

Last thing i am saying, you will know you are figuring it out when you bags and bank slots are full of gear because you know there will always be a chance that that one piece u have for that one slot may be needed for that one set for that one task. Lol. From trash, to different bosses, off tanking and so on.

I mean you can most definitely do PVP as a protection Warrior it’s a lot of fun actually too It’s not the most competitive thing in the world but it’s a whole lot of fun.

The mobility you have is a protection Warriors absolutely ridiculous on top of that the stunds you do do a very good amount of damage And well shock wave hurts And shield slam is a dispel as well.

I mean the same thing with a protection paladen In a blood dk You can technically PVP with these specs it’s not gonna be the most optimal thing but that doesn’t mean they’re completely worthless either.

Paladins only get 30% with holy shield, and can get 30% more with a random proc but that’s hardly reliable. But yeah, I forgot about how good shield block is as I haven’t played my warrior in ages, pretty embarrassing.

Tanking? On a prot warrior? This late into the expansion? With wrath so close???

Just do yourself a favor and reroll literally any other tank class, and then just farm gold on your warrior to prepare for wrath. The truth is that prot warrior is by far the least desired tank in wrath, and you will have no future on that character beyond heroic dungeons.

Get some 10 games a week for the arena shield. The other options might not even drop. Before that you can get the S2 shield for honor for a good basic start.

Then look at the S2 chest, also from honor, def. better than most blues and decent tank chests arent easy to find early on. Bracers, belt and boots will also be very competitive. If you can get into Karazhan or some Heroics, badge legs and neck are also great.

Early warrior itemization is all over the place. Just focus first on staying at 490, swap for more sta / hit / expertise when you can afford to switch out defense pieces without going below, and try to pick up upgrades here and there. Aside from badges, ZA has quite a few quality tanking drops but its hard to find a group that’ll take an undergeared tank through it

Yeah this is why I’m basically going to a dps role in the next expansion. For me TBC tanking is so fun because of all the gearing choices and the nuance involved in building specific sets. With threat being far less an issue in Wrath, I don’t think raid tanking will be nearly as interesting.

That said, I think dungeon tanking as a warrior will be super fun given how warriors get some really nice changes to TC, get shockwave, and can charge in combat. Really nice stuff for 5 man content.

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