Prot Pally Viability

You will only get a raid invite if people feel like carrying. As for BGs, they are not optimal and you will probably be angry a lot. I love my prot pally, but in Classic they are far better healers than anything else. if you go into it saying “No I will not go Holy…Don’t ask…” you will not be asked. Or taken along.

Trash Tank at best.

For Reckbombs 10/10. If you’re planning on sword/board 1/10.

Does this mean no off-healing/Utility for teammates? 0/10

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You off-tank SOME fights and that’s about it besides that pally tanks jobs are restricted to dungeons which is fine if you love doing dungeons in the game, Classic isn’t 100% about raiding.

Good for scholo/strat and low level stuff because easy consecrate threat. Other than that, prot pally is booty.

They are fine. I played prot pally in vanilla and my guild got to kel. We had no warrior tanks at all.

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in raiding they were okay at some things but mostly relegated to niche trash tanking situations or the tertiary tank slot (so almost never actually tanking the boss.) and why would you want to pvp as prot instead of Ret or Holy?

Wanna uh back that up?



Ill go back in time and get my old account.

Your character is still likely possible to find within the Armory.

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Or he could provide the guild and server name as that would allow for a little fact checking of his claim which seemed pretty unrealistic at best.

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In case you guys haven’t figured it out, this guy goes thread to thread trolling and making up outlandish lies about having played vanilla. Of course he “no longer has that account” LMAO.

If you read his posts as comedy you will get a lot of good laughs though.

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The only troll ive ever seen here is you. Though you’re so far gone. You can’t even recognize it.

Uh huh. Several people still waiting on your “source” kid. :laughing:

insert doubt meme

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It’s true. I was also the first Grand Marshal and High Warlord, and I personally trained Maydie.

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They’re fine. In pve you normally won’t main tank in raids but you can tank in them.

Best AOE tank in the game and one of the best AOE farmers as well. you can actually spec into prot while leveling and AOE grind in addition to tanking instances.

You’d be better as Ret in pvp due to burst and offspec into holy for support, but prot pallies counter warriors and rogues pretty hard. They lack any real range against casters, however.

Ignore the forum hero’s. Most of them are running on private server meta assumptions. Which have been proven wrong several times by both blizzard and other evidence such as old YouTube vids.


You must be trolling. Up until the tree revamp, (Ret was basically worthless) protection was the best talent tree for most content, as you weren’t going to do any damage questing or leveling holy-specced and all the gear worth wearing was warrior-centric (Stam/str gear)

You only needed a few holy talents if you were called on to heal. The interrupt prevention talent.

The entire holy tree that matters after the first 10 points increases crit chance and gives a refund on crit. That’s it. You gain longevity, but not any significant power.

The reason prot spends 11 points in holy is for more strength, more damage from SoR, and consecration.

Any real increase in healing comes from gear.

Yeah, that’s some seriously terrible information right there.

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The biggest issue with prot pally in raids cant speak much for pvp is the dedication and requirement ceiling is much higher specially when compared to a warrior. You can be an average to subpar warrior and still be a decent tank called upon where as with prot pally you kinda need to know your stuff specially at end game raiding. The lack of any ability to snap agro hurts a bit as a pally you need to a bit precise with your rotation as all I takes is a good oopsy for things to go south for you as you don’t have really any strong abilities to snap agro back. Any tank swap bosses you are at a complete disadvantage and can screw things up very easily if you are not a meticulous player.

You want to prot pally in end game you have to have some form of dedication to your player and playstyle your gonna need to know the right gear you will need and rotation as you have very small room for error. Its a balancing act between mana management and making sure your just squishy enough to get smashed in the face for your procs but not to squishy that your healers arent hating life when you do. Prot pally can and have been used as end game tank both as MT and OT however the MT is saved for those who can really be at the top of their game as a pally because it is too easy to have a oopsy that causes everything to go south very quickly.

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THE PALADIN Guild - Welcome

We are going to NEED Prot Paladins in our guild.

Prot Paladins will be a cornerstone to our success and fun. I will also be Prot for a majority of Classic.

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