Prot Pally Viability

A proper pally tank will have 140 defense in any situation that requires it for crit immunity. A MT is going to be one of the most focused players in the raid regardless unless they over gear the content.

Hmph. Funny that, while my raid logs are a mixed bag, most heal/some tank, but always on the clear.

Why I have so little tank record has alot to do with community hostility IN ADDITION to my own satisfaction with my personal journey on Prot.

I do outrank a good portion of my Holy MS counterparts on my server as per the Warcraft logs, despite being a OS Holy myself. And before and even during BWL im nearly always one of the best healers on details! reports, when in OS.

Although some fights where im requested to heal only the tanks due to high +healing OR gear swapping to something alot more resilient, my record is not so pretty.

But either way I do raid. Every week, and even as Prot :slight_smile:

And on Vael, insofar as I know only one Holy MS Paladin AT ALL much less on my server has a better highest rating on that boss.

Whoa, throw back.

These guys don’t know what they’re talking about, paladin tanks are great in raids, I did MC with a paladin named Holysoaks and he held threat just by simply spamming rank 1 blessings you couldn’t pull threat off of him. Paladins can be top tier threat holders/generators especially for aoe, their damage mitigation is good enough, i had a 57 paladin tank BRD pulling 4 groups at a time, although i play a mage and was blizzard slowing them he was running from the slowed mobs healing himself while holding threat on all of them while they got aoed down. Paladins are pretty good honestly, i’d much prefer a pally tank than a warrior in my 5 mans, warrior struggles to hold threat even on one thing especially on more than one thing at a time.

The blessing is only rank 1 because it is a Greater Blessing. If you used an actual rank one regular blessing it does level only threat * 1.9 RF threat multiplier.

As for that warrior, have him spam battle shout for ability level threat * number of allies in range * defensive stance multiplier which is more threat than a paladin using consecration if able to be spammed on cooldown.

Imagine innervating a prot paladin instead of the healers


Prot pallie is my favorite class/spec combination, but in Classic, if you’re doing anything other than tanking five-mans, it’s time to put on a dress.

Whoa there, that was from before release. After release paladins do not, I repeat, do not require innervate anymore as we have GBoK putting our threat way above necessary levels for current content. Even after, you have threat levels that will complete all content. The only fights that can’t be done alone are fights that require taunt swapping (not necessarily as you can just control threat levels instead) or the 2? that wipe threat to 0 or fights with adds without another paladin to draw aggro first.

The real hang up is the missing health and the inability to push crushing blows off the table without forcing a crit (35+% chance that the proccing crit gets eaten by a miss, dodge, or parry so not actually a bad trade)

I havent tried raiding with my prot spec yet, but in 5mans everyone loves me. In PvP I play support where ever I can. Mostly its providing heals and buffs where needed and of course carrying flag when I do WSG. It’s not too bad you just gotta be mindful of your strengths and weaknesses.

Also, make sure you down rank your consecrate as it’s a huge mana dump when tanking. I normally open up with strongest rank 5 for that initial threat gen then maintain threat with rank 2 or even 1. That’s all you need and that alone saves me a ton of drink time.

I use a 20/31/0 build.

If by prot you mean Reckoning, for PvP it’s great if you can manage your auto attacks correctly. There are both ret and holy flavors for more survivability or damage. Additional there are one and two-handed builds with different gearing requirements.

For PvE prot is fine for farming. You’re probably the best at boosting DM and Stocks, and can probably take over in SM since mages do Mara.

For dungeons it’s okay. You usually end up drinking a lot, you want to pull as much as you and your healer can handle at once to make the most of it.


I find it more efficient to front load consecration and spend the relative time spamming lower ranks regenerating mana instead.

Edit: Oh bloody hell, another several month old necro.