I am currently in search of a guild to push AOTC/CE with for Season 2
My current experience on my Warrior tank is 3/8m 8/8h for Vault. I stopped playing him and went into Hunter dps then switched to the Pally tank. I will be pushing High keys with him season 2 and trying to push for CE.
I am a former mythic raider in previous expansions but never gotten CE but pushed for it. my goals for season 2 are to achieve CE and push High Keys on my off raid nights. I am open for raiding any time of the week in the evenings.
I am currently on Illidan Horde, Willing to Transfer/fraction change,
Raider.IO for my Paladin tank is
Saltymangina @ Illidan (US) (raider.io)
you can reach me at
Discord: Salty#3288
Bnet: Salty#13183