Prot pally in 5 man dungeons

Hi, as stated on other posts, I’m sad that prot paladin will be once again mostly useless in raids. I’m still planning on rolling a paladin and heal in raids, but I’d also like to tank in 5 man dungeons. Is the prot pally viable in 5 man dungeons ? Will I also have a hard time finding groups ?


They’re fine in 5-mans, arguably better than Warriors. Just remind people you do not have a taunt so they can’t go crazy with DPS (but then it’s always fun to BOP them).

Hell, Prot isn’t awful in raids either just not for a main tank. We used one or two IIRC for Garr adds.


In hardcore I healed plenty of paladin tanks. They have no taunt but in general do better at aoe threat anyway and there is always some dps hitting the wrong target.

In short you should be fine tanking any five man.


Thanks ! That would give me my tanking fix while waiting for TBC


In the same boat lol. Some of the posters will want to chew our heads off if we want a taunt tho, :frowning:

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Yeah, I noticed. A part of me wants to play the original thing, but I still think it’s annoying not being able to play the spec I would like to play.

Protadin cannot tank anything that has a threat reset of any kind or that requires taunt. If a DPS pulls threat off of any mob for any reason, it immediately belongs to them until it dies or they do.

This applies from Deadmines to Naxxramas.


pls give them a taunt


The irony is IIRC even the class designer said not giving them a taunt was a mistake. But they were so caught up in “it shouldn’t just be like a warrior’s taunt” that they didn’t understand why that didn’t matter and just neutered the class instead. And then they ended up just giving them a warrior taunt (hand of reckoning) anyway.

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We ended up with hand of reckoning, but in TBC we had something else. Righteous Defense and we we able to pull up to 3 mobs (IIRC) from an ally. That worked okay TBH and I could defenitely live with that.


pallies have BoP :expressionless:
good enough taunt substitute for dungeons


Also hilarious to use it on a trigger-happy DPS

Good idea, but it’s still on a 5 minutes CDs (I think)

Im sure the new parse cultures going to LOVE a bop from a prot Paladin hahaha😂. But I suppose parsers wont raid with a prot pally anyways.


I was thinking dungeons more than raids but yeah. BoP that tryhard rogue or warrior and then be like “what happened to ur dps bro git gud” xD

No one will raid with a prot pally, that’s for sure. But I’ll have fun in 5 mans

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Yeah let me know how that turns out on Eranikus or Tiger boss in ZG.

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Well, as stated before, this idea was for 5 man dungeons, not raids.

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Throw down judgement of righteousness and use a macro to put a Skull icon on that target.

Place consecration down while hitting skull.

Tell your group to always hit skull first.

By the time skull is dead, the other mobs should be glued to you. But if you find that doesn’t happen, before Skull dies, hit them each a few times with auto attacks + righteousness.

Anyone who doesn’t attack Skull can fend for themselves and tank the mob themselves. Tell healer not to waste mana healing them. They will learn, or die, or off-tank successfully. Either way, their own fault.

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Eranikus is a 5 man boss. You cant bubble the banish and the banish is a 100% threat reset. Half the hardcore death reels ive seen are guys getting mollywhopped by Eranikus cuz a Paladin thought he could tank a boss that yoi have to taunt.

P.S: the threat reset goes through even if you pre bubble the Banish.