Prot paladin didn't need nerf ?!

Watching tank haters celebrate a small victory and then crying about how tanks are still allowed in arenas a week later is the best feeling of all

Yes. Yes it did.

You play a tank in in pvp- you’re at a sick man.

Hope they gut all tanks to the point of extinction


I suspect OP might actually be a 3rd grader


Then Blizzard should shut down Arena till they can come up with a format that is inclusive to Tanks in competitive play. We shouldn’t eliminate a group of people from any activities. We need to be better and show love to everyone.

looks like blizz agreed withh me and not some crazy prot paladin main

Deckard Jim out here rn


yeah after watching a prot paladin tank me and 3 other people for 10 minutes im disinclined to believe that prot paladins didnt need nerfs

Did he kill any of you ?

Keep nerfing all the tank specs.

Tank specs (the way blizzard has them) have no place in a pvp environment. I will die on this hill.

They make the game not fun for everyone else playing, any time a tank spec is strong, the pvp is miserable

Fixed it for you.

Probably can add Rogue/Mage to that too.

Wow so true. Now imagine he’s enabling his other partners (along with another healer) to do that in arena. 10+ minutes of misery while the fury warrior I know you’re chomping at the bit to queue with does unhealable damage into someone.

Hmmmm, how could this be toxic in a setting where people can’t simply choose not to engage like in a BG.

Hmmmmmmmm :thinking:

All tanks deserve this nerf and more, tanks deserve to be exiled into he darkest pit of he*l while demons relieve themselves on the tanks for all eternity.


To be honest mate there’s no way they could’ve let Prots stay in the state they were in if they were going to allow it to queue with a healer. These nerfs indicate they clearly want the spec to be in the DPS slot in 3s for some reason which is just strange given the Solo shuffle decision. But the amount of healing we are putting out atm before the coming nerf is totally unacceptable in the DPS slot in 3s.

The fact you think it’s not doing as much healing as the classes you mention is just unhinged.

Tank players crying make me all warm and fuzzy on the inside. Tanks have no place in pvp. Bye.

Always a shaman dark iron dwarf to ready to jump on the hate train lmao.

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Im sorry you don’t agree with me, but the majority of people, shaman or not, agree that tanks have no place in pvp.

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Give us your reasons then, checkmate.

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Reason: Blizzard just nerfed every single tank across the board after lots of players feedback and data indicated it was busted

Sorry your upset you can’t abuse tank in pvp

Nope. They nerfed tanks on a pve reason that rextroy just debunked with his newest video lmao. Also they based their data on pve statistics because for exemple prot can heal themselves with a 250% healing bonus but on others the bonus is only 50%. So a prot with every buff in the world does 300k wog on himself but a 100k on someone else. And in average a 60k wog on himself and 40k wogs on others.