Proposed Update to the Archaic Runeforge System

by that logic, why have talents/customisation at all? We all use the best ones anyways.

People find it boring and its all the reasoning it needs. You cant argue those feelings. Just because something works really well, dosent mean it feels very good.

Personally i’d like runeforging to be a bit more interactive. its such a huge part of our class identity and its mostly a put on and forget.

The whole game is evolving and constantly changing, the whole game gets its systems refreshed and updated pretty frequently. Runeforging is old. Even if its working fine, it would be nice to see it with a new coat of paint. Its okay if you dont understand or care because you’re a classic andy, I love classic too. However Classic exists for those that want the old reliable, Retail is for innovation and modernity. The System is old, people are talking about how it could be re-painted/remade/reworked/touched up. thats it. Its not that deep.

Yes, why have them. 90% of the talent points go to mandatory talents anyways. Just go back to how it was.

No its not. Changing something that you rarely interact with just because 5 people on the forums is bored is a waste of time.

People feel what they feel, but so what? A feeling doesnt change the outcome of what people are asking for.

Because its a weapon enchant and thats all its meant to be.

So? A lot of those changes arent for the good. Change for the sake of change is bad the majority of the time.

Oh, I understand perfectly. The people asking for these changes are the ones that clearly dont understand basic stuff.

No, retail is for a continuation. Not everything needs to change. Not to mention you guys largely dont trust Blizzard to do any good so why ask them to change something that isnt broken?

So? And they arent improving the system, they are just shifting it to the next best. Like what do you guys not understand about that exactly? Oh you dont put FC on your weapon anymore and now its Stoneskin. Give it a week and then people will go back to complaining that Stoneskin is the only good runeforge and this entire thing repeats.

Its a waste of everyones time. These threads that do nothing is a waste of time because their changes accomplish nothing and Blizzard listening to these threads is a waste of time because even if they do exactly what a few players want to try to stop the flow of whine, it doesnt stop the whining. In this case it would just shift people saying FC and replacing it with SSG.

Not saying its deep, Im saying this request is a bad request, accomplishes nothing, and doesnt stop the whining. None of these suggestions are innovative or anything close to it.

How does any of the suggestions not just make Stoneskin Gargoyle the next used runeforge for the foreseeable future given that FC is just made baseline to the class? And people wouldnt complain about that?

??? its 100% the same in classic. people pick a build on a website and mostly forget about it. It wasnt the case back in 04/05 because those websites barely existed. They do now.

You’re not god or a dev/project manager at blizzard, you dont get to choose what people waste their time on.

A feeling is enough to justify change.

Dosent mean it couldnt be something else in the future

The last 2 expensions have been pretty succesful, I think you have very strong opinions on those changes but at the end of the day its entirely subjective.

Notice how I said “or care” but nice changing of the goalposts here.

Big generalization/assumptions there one might even say a strawman. No one was mentioning trusting blizzard here you brought it up. Retail has always been an evolution, systems change every expensions, apart from BC and Wrath pretty much every expac since has brought innovation in one way or another. Its the natural flow of game design for big games like wow.

Thats why its a conversation? People are talking like they would at a cafe or convention. Of course bad takes will be said but something really good might come out of it, say your piece but if you dont agree let them talk lmao.

Only one whining here is you, everyone else is having fun with a pretty surface level discussion for beeps and giggles. Requests/Discussions is bound to happen in a continuous development game thats been going on for 20 years and will continue to go on for longer… You cannot and will never stop that flow, stop white knighting for blizzard they’ve been taking feedback for a while

Finally, the entire game is a waste of time, gaming is a waste of time, entertainment is a waste of time, arguing with strangers online on a game forum is one of the most ridiculous ways you can waste your time. Go touch grass, play in the snow. walk your dog Stop being so beeping negative all the time.


so? I mean if you want to do a whataboutism, ill just play into it. Talents are not runeforges, and talents also act as something completely different than what classic talents were, they act as a class trainer which people cant grasp despite Blizzard saying as such.

Why are you saying this? I mean if you are coming in this disingenuous why even bother posting at all?

and you arent a mathematician so you dont get to decide what 2+2 is. The thing is 2+2 is 4, and a waste of time is a waste of time. Just because you dont realize it is doesnt change anything.

no its not

and if my mom had wheels she would be a car… its not something else, its a free enchant.

HAHA. No they havent.

thats what you are doing, and arguing goalpost moving and all that other bs because you are wasting your time with these bad arguments. You dont even know what a strawman argument is.

They have been talking about how Blizzard is… what are you even talking about? These are the same people that create these conspiracy theories that Blizzard hates Death Knights.

Its not a conversation, its a request presented to Blizzard.

No, its you guys always wanting change whining about every little thing. Thats why Blizzard doesnt listen to 90% of you guys. Its just complaints about every little thing.

ARE THEY?! What forums are you reading?! Its not these ones so maybe in some alternative universe that you are from they are, but they arent here. Again its complaint after complaint after complaint.

No its not.

Thou projects too much.

stop making bad suggestions all the time then.

Trust me Venar you will have a better time on the forums if u just put Kel on perma block guy is total troll, will bait you into arguments and has 0 idea about how this game is played.

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I dont bait anyone into arguments, you just dont have good ideas. Even others know that the FC baseline does nothing and doesnt open up the runeforging system, it just shifts it to the next best which would be Stoneskin because of how it would interact with FC.

There is no argument to be had, the one trying to argue is Venar, and then you with your fingers in your ears because you dont like it that your ideas arent good.

Yeah its just really funny and shows his colors even more when you engage with him just enough for his logic to get thrown out the window. Bro has gaslit, moved the goalpost, did whataboutism, Strawman, ad hominem in the name of being “right”

It cements that whatever he says is just negative and dosent bring anything to the table.

My brother in christ most of us have under 1000 posts. You’re the only one here “all the time”

I Completely agree theres no argument to be had let people post what they want lmao. Stop interjecting yourself into stuff you disagree or hate. Say your piece and move on instead of arguing relentlessly.


dont use words you dont know the meaning of.

havent moved any goalposts

that was you with your “but what about talents”

you again

again dont use something if you dont know what it is.

So the whole thing of the suggestions being made not actually doing anything is bringing nothing to the table?

what does this have to do with you making bad suggestions?

Am I trying to stop people from posting? No, its just bad ideas that should be called bad.

You arent accomplishing anything. What do you think you are going to do? Drive me away from the forums with your “you post too much” posts and accusations that im trying to prevent people from posting what they want? They can post however many bad ideas they want to, but dont get pissy when someone called your bad ideas bad.

No. Bad ideas deserve to be called bad. Again what do you think you are going to accomplish, you are wasting your time as much as this thread is requesting the runeforge system to be changed because people dont want to use FC anymore just to shift it to Stoneskin.

Its funny how the people saying I had terrible takes here are saying the exact thing I am pointing out here in other threads about runeforging. Its absolutely hilarious.

So quit with your nonsense obsession about trying to shame me for something no one should be ashamed of and actually talk about the topic instead of other players. How about that?

This is not a bad suggestion and I’ve seen variations of it suggested it before.

I’ve been thinking about this though and I think another viable alternative would be changing runeforging to be a cosmetic part of DKs. It could act as a special DK-specific weapon transmog that allow us to add actual runes or DK themed edge glows (similar to Unholy’s mage tower appearance) to our weapon.

The existing runeforge functionality can be moved to talents and would prevent equipping a traditionally enchanted weapon. General runeforges, such as FC, can go into the class tree. Spec runeforges, such as RI or Apoc, can be talented in the spec tree.

This would alleviate the need to run back to Acherus in the middle of a raid when a new weapon drops, while keeping a very flavorful part of the class. As a part of the talent tree, the current effects would be easier to change on the fly as well as being easier for the devs to balance.

How? If they are no longer enchants then that just opens up your weapon to enchanting.

Also, if things need to be nerfed due to increased power ending up at the same power level as before the change… what is being accomplished?

Just allow DK’s to put a runeforge on a vellum but makes the vellum soulbound, problem solved.

More of this.

To me, its not about power level, its about stagnation and consolidation.

With the suggestions in this thread, its just going to stagnate in a weeks time while being accompanied by nerfs that people will just complain about.

If people want to buy 100 vellums to runeforge so they dont have to go back to Acherus all the time, and to prevent those runeforges from being sold on the AH as enchants for others they become soulbound, have at it.

You know, if they update the Runeforge System, it better be good.

If not, it can stay so I can explore other classes.

If they remove it, well then… My Demon Summoning Witch can happily accommodate to you guys with weapon enchants. :smiling_imp:

Trust me, she’ll be really sad for you guys if they remove the Runeforge system.

Its not. Its a free weapon enchant system that Blizzard doesnt have to worry about. Its static, its pretty much a non-variable. Its also not going anywhere and shouldnt.

If the runeforge system is stopping you from playing a DK then you dont like DK’s.

There’s little to nothing that I think needs updating with the Runeforge system. I would just add the ability to change your Runeforge in the middle of instanced content (dungeons, battlegrounds/arenas, raids, etc.) as well as add more Runeforges in the hubs (for example; an Earthen Runeforge in Dornogal and Gundarghaz, Nerubian Runeforge in the Weaver’s Lair, etcetera.)

I’d also bring back the old runes, such as Cinderglacier and Lichbane.

Ew… why? This thing was the most useless runeforge ever.

Because its cool, and unironically would be useful given how often undead enemies pop up in the game such as Hallowfall, or even before that such as Shadowlands; the perfect expansion for its return?

It wasnt even useful against the undead. The Undead were all throughout Wrath and Lichbane was absolute and utter garbage.

I hate to admit it, but he’s right on this one.

Probably wrong about everything else. But on this one, he’s right.

People are getting too used to convenience. Runeforging, having to Deathgate to Acherus and back, these aren’t problems. FC being too good IS a problem, because choices should have weight, and you should feel the sting of picking one thing over another. FC should be baked in to the DK talent tree. The rest of the runes have their situationally optimal specifics, but none are as important as FC.

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okay okay hear me out tho, wht if we had lika eng toy, ir mayb a BS makes it? and it just slapps dwn a temporary runeforge for like 5 mins? you know kind of like the portable hunter stables. Just a thought, lowkey sick of seeing the old legion screen everytime i get a new weapon. Also 100% agree on FC.