First, this is not intended to be a rip on the Devs responsible for DKs. The class is holistically in a decent place, with at least one of the specs receiving tuning adjustments with each PTR build and sizeable reworks going into the latest expansion. With many significant quality-of-life improvements brought to the game, the current runeforging system is both dated, and causes numerous pinch points for the class. The two premier are:
The necessity of using Death Gate not only when a weapon upgrade is looted/crafted, but additionally when desiring to change the active rune. This is primarily an issue for Frost DKs swapping between Shattering Blade and Breath of Sindragosa builds and Blood DKs using Sanguination for pure single-target encounters.
Rune of the Fallen Crusader. This has been the defacto rune for every spec for many years and expansions now, persisting through nerfs to it’s healing and several buffs to competing options. This is especially an issue for Frost DKs with three distinct playstyles in TH obliteration, DW obliteration, and Breath of Sindragosa(BoS) (this remains true in spirit today with the dividing lines drawn between shattering blade or BoS).
The current rune system lacks legitimate options, with nearly all roads leading back to Fallen Crusader. This is incredibly impactful to Frost DKs who prefer the TH Obliteration playstyle and require the percentage of throughput to be tuned aggressively in Obliterate’s favor to compete with both the loss of a second runed weapon and subsequent synergy with the talent tree from not having Razorice. My rough proposal for an updated system consists of the following.
Bringing a weapon to Acherus to “rune-forge” the item. This would unlock either a single rune slot on one-handed or two slots on two-handed weapons and prevent it from being enchanted by conventional means.
The rune slots operate very similarly to gems by being interchangeably selected and loaded using an arbitrary menu WITHOUT RETURNING TO ACHERUS.
This would preserve the thematic feel of runeforging your weapons which Blizzard clearly doesn’t want to move away from, while adding further depth to the system by finally providing specs access to flavorful options that always fall short of Fallen Crusader. Specifically, TH frost DKs would be able to use Razorice, Unholy could take Apocalypse for the first time, and Blood could continue to choose either Sanguination or SS Gargoyle. Proponents of DW frost would lose nothing in this example. Lastly, this would round out break points in tuning required for TH Frost to be viewed as a meta choice in any content for which it has significantly lacked representation for most patches since BFA. This is admittedly not a perfect system as it would require some tuning due to the potential increase in damage or survivability possible by stacking two runes on a weapon. However, given Blizzard’s evident willingness to adjust tuning knobs since the end of Shadowlands, this is a reasonably minor flaw.
I agree change needs to happen, although I don’t mind the need to go to a Runeforge to change. Its an enchant replacement, not a buff, so I get it. Although it would be nice if they set up a Runeforge in every expansion hub, cause why not?
They should incorporate the Rune of the Fallen Crusader into the Spec Tree, as its too hands down better than everything else. It would be nice if they updated the Runeforges available as well, as they have been painfully stagnant.
I get that it’s thematic to our class, but at this point, it’s a stagnant feature with no signs of changing ever. Just toss the system. Take the runes and bake them into the class. There’s a lot of different ways that you can go about doing it that integrate it more fully with play style and will allow for easier balance passes. Plus then it frees up our weapons to join the rest of the game with each expansions/patches weapon enchants.
I personally prefer even the stagnant feature as it is over baking EVERYTHING in and using generic enchantments. Not just for the loss of theme, but when a new expansion/tier comes out and the costs of weapon enchants skyrocket, I know its not my problem.
Either in the class tree or as a weapon enchant is fine with me. Blizz just needs to balance all of them better, even if that means nerfing fallen crusader. (Just nerf the proc rate)
Make changing your rune with a drop down ability like rogue poisons or mage portals. Quick and easy way to change your runefoege.
Refreshed to what? FC into the spec tree is a mandatory pick and the rest of the runeforges would have to be better than enchants, and then there will be the best runeforge again. Its just circling back around to the same problem while having baseline nerfs due to FC being baseline for all specs.
This is literally first world problem stuff. Something to complain about to complain.
I don’t think you have a terrible take that it should stay the same. I understand it.
I like the free enchants, I do. It’s just stale, and its pretty much just RotFC. If that’s the case, just build it into the talent tree and eliminate the options. The Runes could be used for more flexibility or customization based on talent trees is the point. They need to add complexity in my opinion. But I understand that others wouldn’t like that.
Would only work if Death Knights cant enchant their weapon. Otherwise you just apply the next best thing since the name of the game is make your character as best as it can be. Whatever that might be at the time, you just apply that to your weapon for the entire expansion. In Wrath it was Berserking, Cata - Landslide, MoP its probably Dancing Steel.
It really just makes DK’s like the other plate wearers, or you have to limit weapon enchants so baking in FC into the specs doesnt bring about a nerf due to adding in more power through enchanting.