Fair enough. Last time I dug into SSG, it was a 2H only. For what its worth, I pulled it up on wowpedia to double check, and it wasn’t updated there. Kinda proves the point that no one even looks at Runeforging anymore, they just gate and throw on FC.
You are wrong. And your wrong because of how you look at the argument. I clearly said that they can overwrite each other, because that is how Blizzard balanced them. You using that as a reason why they are enchants isn’t the dunk you think it is.
Now if you wanted to, you could have said "After you Runeforge your weapon, the results state “Enchanted: Weapon X”, and you would be right, and would have a better argument.
You DON’T have anything to correct. This was a proposal thread. Its very similar to threads on reddit saying the similar stuff. You just disagree that the Runeforging needs an update. You think its fine. OK. Say why you think its fine. Say why you think its ok to have 7 Runes and only 3 ever see play?
You do realize that people play 40k with alternate rules all the time? yes, there is a set rulebook, but the vast majority of tabletop games aren’t played at REL.
Cause we are board and waiting on 11.1, and complaining that DKs haven’t gotten overhauled.
All I am saying, is that there is a time and place to correct “wrong information”. I think you did great in the thread about is FDK a 3 button rotation. They were asking was it going to be meta.
This thread was an exploration thread about what could the Devs do, if only for random internet banter. You don’t need to interact. You don’t need to be a buzzkill. You could just say, “That’s an interesting idea, but I don’t think they need to be changed, and here is why.”
My comment here is why the negativity man?