Proposed Fixes for Layering!

  1. You cannot layer hop while you are in combat + 10 seconds after getting out of combat, dead + 20 seconds after rezzing, in the Gurubashi Arena, etc (more can be added).
  2. You get locked out from being able to switch layers for a few minutes or more (depending on which action you performed) when you mine a vein/pick a herb/open a chest, kill a named mob (grey elite), kill/tag a Devilsaur, and etc (more can be added).

Let me know what else should be added. Maybe even a #3.
Ty for reading.

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<Blizzard Project Manager Charged With Having a Tested and Functional Project by August 27th>: A complex situational list of custom layering behavior limitations, that even you are unwilling to comprehensively list and identify? Are you insane?

(At least, that would be what I would say)


I would say, let’s get a few ppl to create the list. Not complex at all
 Just put a circle light somewhere that lights up green/red for when you can/cannot layer switch.

No layer hopping on days that end with ‘y’


No layering outside starting zones.

From a development standpoint, my guess is that layering by level or by initial zones would be easier to do than a highly custom system that needs fine tuning and may still be exploitable (to a lesser degree).

Layering up to level 25 seems reasonable to me. Back in vanilla my friends and I would get alts to the mid late 20s and give up on the class. Tourists will likely do the same. Blizzard could also look at the known level distribution curves that they have and are out there already to better tune the the layering level application.

Then it won’t be possible to do all the usual game breaking exploits like important node farming.

U should read up on my previous layer fix post then.

Mind summarizing for me? I’m not too familiar with navigating through historical posts on my phone. Thanks!

Bottom half.

Literally a good fix would be that you:

Once you swap a layer, you cannot swap to another for 1-2minutes, then exploiting would be far more tedious.

And also everyone is implying how everyone is going to be hopping layer to layer to gather resources effectively, beta population is no more than 1500 users, and stress test was no more than 20k, if you think the nodes are just going to be available on every layer, you’re mistaken.

The way layering is supposed to work is each layer would have 3500 users, right now its clearly not even remotely near there.

It’s not that nodes are going to be “available on every layer”. It’s that if you hop around enough you will get more nodes than you normally would. Layer hopping for nodes should be impossible entirely.

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How about, you keep the same layer you got the first time you logged into classic (Launch Day) You can also choose your layer on launch day to play with your friends. Let’s say you all plan to go to Kil’Jaeden #5. Only way to change layer to play with other friends who didn’t get the memo is thru the logging screen and you can only do it once a week. Since it’s a weekly cool down the one odd friend should swap to your groups layer.

Or, layer 1 will be reserved for characters whose numeric representation of the first letter of their character name is divisible by two. Layer 2, the rest. However, this doesn’t fully spread things out. Layer 3 is reserved for those with mailing addresses whose house number is a prime number. Further, pet owners (no exotic pets) get Layer 4.

On every 3rd Sunday and/or during a waxing moon, layer shifting will be possible so that people can play with friends. Unless, the friend’s character name starts with a vowel. That’s just unreasonable, they have to wait for the first Thursday of the month when the tides are highest at their server’s location.

Boom. Solved. Ez-mode fix. Blizzard, I accept check by mail but PayPal is fine too. You can all thank me later.

(While hyperbole, this is not that far off from how a lot of these ideas sound)


False. You will get about the same amount from layer hopping as if you were just searching for nodes. The only people that are gonna benefit wildly from layer hopping in this manner are those that rush to 60 with the required level needed in a profession or farmable desired item.

I agree with this, but probably be better to have increasing increments in the layer lock to consistently make it more tedious to layer hop in given amounts of time.

Inconvenient and defeats the purpose of keeping things open ended to be able to play with friends. Keep in mind that being able to hop layers is not a bad thing. There is just a need to create a limitation in doing so for more anti-community style aspects.

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Here’s my version of an alternative idea that doesn’t require layering or any other ingame interferences to work, aka #nochanges friendly:

Don’t see how that is possible. Any time you switch to a less populated layer the likelyhood that the node you were at was not already tapped is higher, and you have eliminated travel time to get to that new instance of the same node.

You are basically just suggesting server merging. Layers are pretty much servers that function with each other. They make it to where the server itself has people able to interact with each other from the beginning and that there is not conflicting information that occurs such as AH prices and so forth. The advantage given by layers makes it to where larger amount of people can play with sustainable servers and still be able to play with others even if they are in a different layer. No matter what people try to suggest, deconstructing layering is not the way to solve the problem right now. Blizz is going to implement layering as it is now, so its better to come up with bandaid solutions to the negative aspects of layering.

Keep in mind that layers function in a manner that will keep each layer relatively balanced. So rather than thinking of it like layer 1: 1500 people, layer 2: 1500 people, layer 3: 50 people. It will end up looking more like layer 1: 1500 people, layer 2: 825 people, layer 3: 725 people or a ratio of 1110 : 915 : 1025. The server likely will have the capability to keep some for of balance in the layers.

So with the first example, you end up with two layers that are equally fighting over resources in layer 3. In example 2, you have all resources relatively balanced in rate for which they are being gathered. Or to put in simpler terms, everybody is fighting over every resource available. Resources are not the problem with layer hopping.

Have they confirmed that they will use layering for the official game yet?

I keep seeing people saying this, but everything i’ve heard from the devs so far is just them putting forward this idea and trying it out in the beta/stress tests, gathering feedback about it.

Where is the confirmation that it will absolutely 100% be in the game? Is there a blue post i’ve missed where they announce it as a feature of Classic?

I genuinely haven’t heard about it, and i’ve been looking more than i’d like to admit.

Simple solution though it may not be very desirable:

If you are invited to a group, you shift to their layer
 after 10 minutes of waiting.

For dedicated groups, friends, dungeon groups etc
 this would be fine
 This only prevents people from spam swapping layering.