The Truth About Layering

Here’s an idea very quickly laid out:

Realm groups

You have a couple groups of realms which share a namepool. A group could be called “The Dragonflights”.

The Dragonflights realm group would consist of 3 realms (for example)

  • Red Drangonflight :red_circle:
  • Blue Dragonflight :large_blue_circle:
  • Bronze Dragonflight :hourglass_flowing_sand:

Each realm acts just like a normal realm. No shenanigans, except that the namepool is shared between all the realms in the group.

In case of emergency dropoffs ONLY, any realms in this group could be merged together without any naming conflicts.
This avoids PR BS because they aren’t technically merges as the realms were already grouped, and shared a namepool, connecting them in this way.

This appraoch would require manual monitoring on Blizzards part for the first weeks and months especially, because they should look to merge the realms asap when/if tourist dropoff starts happening bigly to reduce damage on the communites.

To do that they have to keep an eye on traffic on these realms to make the best choice as to which ones to merge together.

This would allow max authenticity while still addressing population issues down the road, it’s not just useful shortterm but also longterm and it greatly reduces the damage on the community because of very early merges where needed.
On the flipside it ill probably cost more money, and more effort, but the outcome is in my opinion absolutely worth it if authenticity is really their goal.

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