Proposed Changes For Demon Hunter talents in Shadowlands

Taking a look at the shadowlands talents I can’t help but miss the legion talent set up. While I am glad that the Eyes of Rage trait was baked into Demo Appetite I believe that the cycle of hatred talent will continue to be irrelevant. While the Demonic build had a ton of play in BFA, almost all of it actually, Legion had different builds you could make with talents.

The different builds boiled down to:

  1. First Blood Burst with Chaos Blades
  2. Demonic
  3. Bloodlet with Momentum and demon blades

Momentum was a lack luster talent for most of bfa because it lacked proper supporting talents like bloodlet. I believe we should see cycle of hatred replaced by bloodlet as then we will have another playstyle supported instead of purely the demonic set up or even just demonic with demon blades.

TLDR: bloodlet should replace the mostly forgotten talent of cycle of hatred to enable momentum builds again.
EDIT TLDR: Also immo aura fury gen should be baseline and the insatiable hunger should be redesigned as it also feels bad to play with.


I like zoom zoom class too.

Taking a further look at the talents, I also believe that the cd reduction on eye beam should be baseline like it was in legion. Also bloodlet could go in place of Fel Mastery and have Fel Mastery baked into either momentum itself if it is too weak or be in place of Cycle of Hatred. Either way there needs to be more build variety for DH in shadowlands than in BFA.

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Momentum wasn’t good because of Bloodlet. Momentum was good because of Demon Blade, and Demon Blades was the only thing that let Bloodlet not be a straight DPS loss. Bloodlet was an atrocious talent, all things considered. It didn’t scale with our mastery, it didn’t really have anything at all to do with our spec theme or concept, and its damage was so bad that it was a DPS loss to use Throw Glaive even with Bloodlet, unless you had Demon Blades to force Throw Glaive into the rotation (which it did even without Bloodlet simply due to otherwise empty GCDs, so Bloodlet at that point was just a “why not” talent). Literally the only even mildly good thing about Bloodlet was using it as a ranged anti-stealth DoT in PvP.

Honestly, the reason Momentum fell behind is because it’s simply horrible to play with in any sort of difficult content. In mythic raids, positioning is often tight, and you can’t be rocketing around the boss to get your buff. You also need to have those Fel Rush charges to GTFO bad stuff, so using them on damage is a huge risk in mythic raids. This, along with its hilariously inferior tuning, is why Fel Mastery is a non-existent talent as well.

Also, you’re puffing Legion up a bit too much. Momentum was the only viable build during EN. Changes to the talent tree, a small nerf to Momentum, and extremely well-oriented tier bonuses shifted the balance to the Demon Blades/Chaos Blades build being largely the only option in Nighthold and Tomb, and then the buffs to Chaos Cleave and the Antorus tier bonuses made Demonic the only option in that tier. Yes, we had 3 different builds over the course of the expansion, but we never really had any choice in it.

In BfA, the Demon Blades build has been fully viable (and in fact a couple percent superior on pure single-target) since the start of BoD. Demonic has been more popular, both because it has superior AoE and because it’s more reliable, but the Demon Blades build is and has been fully viable. In Ny’alotha, the Demonic Appetite build has largely taken over main stage, but the Blind Fury version is still perfectly viable in all but actual heavy mythic progression.

We’ve actually had more build flexibility over the course of BfA than we ever did in Legion.

Don’t get me wrong, Cycle of BindingHatred is a very weak talent, both conceptually and numerically. While that style of talent can work well in other classes (ex. Anger Management, a staple of Arms and Prot), it’s somewhat counter-synergistic with Demonic, and more critically it just cannot compete with First Blood. Honestly, very little can, both because of the numerical strength of First Blood and how much better it makes the rotation feel. There’s a reason a huge chunk of the DHs that post out here would kill to see First Blood folded in baseline (and Demonic, but First Blood is absolutely the more crucial of the two).

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You mean Cycle of Hatred. Cycle of Binding is a Vengeance Azerite trait.

Maybe I’ll copy paste here what I said about all our talents in another post.

Um…ya, definitely what I meant. Getting my names mixed up. I blame it being 3 AM >.<

Thanks for the correction.

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We still have several dead talents as it is, unless very severe changes are to take place in the future.

The first row is ok, but Blind Fury could get some buffs. Maybe make it give us some more Haste after the full channel like a nerfed version of Furious Gaze. Not too much, but just enough to make it compete with the other two because it tends to fall off later in the expansion.

Baking the Eyes of Rage trait into Demonic Appetite was a good decision. The 15s cooldown reduction cap doesn’t bother me much because that’s a little more than the average we can get currently. The 2s reduction per soul is a nice buff that kinda makes up for the Demonic nerf (but I still want it baseline) and helps with bad luck on soul procs.

It was honestly kind of insulting seeing Immolation Aura be made baseline, but with the Fury generation aspect of it still being tied to a talent. The whole point of the ability was its Fury generation because the damage is incredibly mediocre. This talent should be baseline (even if the Fury generation was nerfed).

Demon Blades is ok.

Insatiable Hunger is never going to be good or interesting. Remove it.

Fel Mastery is bad, like really bad. It has the same weakness as Momentum does: using a movement skill for damage, and even then the damage is very subpar even with its %damage buffed.

Trail of Ruin is looking to be the best one in that row for all situations now with the incredibly moronic decision to make Fel Barrage a 5 target cap.

With the nerf (removal) to our baseline leech, it just makes Soul Rending even more powerful.

Netherwalk had its cooldown nerfed but it’s still going to be good situationally.

Desperate Instincts still sucks, so just remove it already.

Cycle of Hatred sucks now and a +1s cooldown reduction on Metamorphosis on a 40% chance on our main spender is going to do little to make it better. It’s going to continue sucking in Shadowlands.

Essence Break is Demonic 2.0, but instead of buffing us, it debuffs our target, making it substantially worse and enforcing an Arms’ Colossus Smash playstyle that I personally hate. All in all, another dead talent row with First Blood as the clear winner (which should have been made baseline already).

Playing without First Blood is extremely frustrating. The rotation is literally just Demon’s Bite -> Chaos Strike without it on ST.

Demonic is now nerfed to 6s, but the other two still cannot compete with it. Momentum and Nemesis don’t come even close with how good Demonic is. Momentum has a lot of problems with movement in M+ and Mythic Raid scenarios, and Nemesis is just plain and uncreative like a new intern just slapped it in there and they somehow gave it a pass.

Demonic baseline is the only way that makes sense if we don’t want to continue with another dead row like the entirety of BfA. It’s also what Blizzard should’ve built upon since the beginning to make Demon Hunter’s stand out from other classes, weaving in and out of demon form, and balance accordingly.

All in all I’m not too happy to see our talents untouched for the most part. There are too many that are just dead and are not picked in any scenario whatsoever. Some still need to be baked into the spec as baseline and some really just need to be deleted and something else needs to take its place.

I’ll just leave here, because maybe someone will find it relevant.


No problem. It’s still 1 AM for me here :smiley:

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When I say momentum build I assume everyone knows that you play FBDB. It is pretty much standard that they always go together. I completely disagree that DB feels bad to play with, so that is purely an opinion. Also it being viable with demonic is not what I am addressing. Demonic is the capstone build defining talent just like momentum and it being the only viable one made it feel stale after a while.

When you say bloodlet was used to “fill empty globals” that is so far from the truth it isn’t even funny. You used bloodlet during the momentum windows because the bleed scaled with initial damage from momentum so it was the highest dps way to play. Using chaos strike and blade dance only to fill momentum windows DOES feel awful which is why currently it is so clunky. It was also viable in certain fights later like high botanist among others.

DBFB with demonic instead of momentum was done simply because momentum is so bad. It actually isn’t the best ST for anything right now as Eyes of Rage with appetite is always better but that is a moot point.

The entire point of bringing momentum bloodlet back is to have different builds back for dh. Not everyone enjoys only demonic, not everyone enjoys momentum bloodlet with FBDB, the point is to have the option to choose the builds you DO enjoy and maybe even optimize a bit for different fights or encounters.

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Should they, though? Synergy between talents is fine, imo, but having sets of talents be mandatory pairs is questionable to me.

Besides, my point was more that you had the causation wrong. You’re arguing for Bloodlet to return so Momentum will be viable again, but Bloodlet wasn’t what let Momentum be viable. Momentum (and actually, Demon Blades) was what let Bloodlet be viable. While Momentum never really saw the light of day without Bloodlet, because Momentum was nerfed at the end of EN, Bloodlet gradually faded from use throughout Nighthold (ended up with an average usage of around 40%), and was basically dead as a doornail in Tomb. What that really proves is that Bloodlet isn’t needed to make Demon Blades viable, but Demon Blades is needed to make Bloodlet viable.

I agree. It’s a very polarizing talent, and players typically either love it or loath it. I fall into the latter, you clearly fall into the former, and neither of us is incorrect in that, because we’re talking about playstyle preferences here. This is one reason I argue so hard against proposals to make Demon Blades baseline, because there’s a fair chunk of the DH population that would just straight up jump ship if that were to happen. Contentious gameplay alterations like that absolutely should be optional, and talents are how that happens.

Overall, don’t get me wrong. I would love to see more build variety in Havoc. While I’m personally pleased that Demonic was the one that ended up on top in BfA, purely due to my own gameplay tastes, I acknowledge and agree that having only a single build be viable is a very poor situation to be in.

What I’m content is more Bloodlet itself. There seems to be this portion of the DH population that has become absolutely enamored with the talent, despite it actually being pretty darn bad of a talent, both from a gameplay perspective and from a class/spec theme perspective. It had its uses in PvP, but there are far better ways to handle that gameplay niche, ones that tie in much better to our spec fantasy, our mastery, and the rest of our kit. The fact that Bloodlet was actually a straight DPS loss if you didn’t have Demon Blades is really good evidence of why that talent should stay dead.

I don’t think talents being taken together being the only way they are good are bad design. I think this is actually fun design and good character building. I don’t think there is any reason for bloodlet not to come back unless they find a NEW talent that works well in the slot. Mythic NH with experimenting with all 3 builds was amazing fun, I ran different talents almost every fight to maximize dps.

Bloodlet was fun to many people and its a huge shame that the playstyle is gone and not replaced by anything. Even if you did not enjoy it, many did and it doesn’t even have to be the only thing added. The one talent flip is the simplest way to add a playstyle that many(not all) find fun while we preserve the already founded demonic style.

cycle of hatred was only forgotten bout because there isnt a single talent in the entire world that can compete against first blood. i personally never liked bloodlet, but it should be an option to enable more builds. it just always sucks when these types of builds perform much higher than the other options. its why i main swapped from ret to havoc for bfa and for the first time in 15 years

first blood goes baseline and something else replaces it, we’re looking at considering cycle of hatred. with the demonic window being nerfed futher to 6 seconds, i absolutely dont mind having a talent that lets me cast meta more often. its already frustrating on farm clears when your guild kills bosses in under 4 minutes

I think first blood being baseline, along with the immo aura fury gain, is also a good move. The reason Cycle feels so out of place though is the other two in the tier are playstyle defining. Bloodlet fits that bill and would not impede on the current mostly complete demonic build.

i am a little concerned about immo aura not generating fury baseline. im not in the alpha so my personal information is only as good as what i find on wowhead, but immolation aura does very little damage. not sure how many targets would need to be around for it to be worth more than an annihilate or something. currently immo aura is even higher prio than an annihilate because the fury gen is so high on it


I absolutely agree, it is almost insulting that they split it into a talent as the only interesting part of immo aura was the fury gen.

So taking the OP’s to task.
I tried to keep meaningful talents and then created my own to replace ones that are boring. I tried to give 3 solid gameplay choices in the form of…

  1. Single/Burst (First Blood)
  2. Single/AOE (Demonic)
  3. Single/Cleave (Bleeding)

Not all winners, but I think some are cool ideas but its mostly for fun.

Tier 1
Primary Fury Gen

  1. Blind Fury
    Eye Beam generates 40 Fury every sec. In addition, the CD of metamorphosis is reduced by 1 sec for each time an enemy is crit with Eye Beam.

  2. Demonic Appetite
    Chaos Strike has a chance to spawn a lesser Soul Fragment, and consuming any Soul Fragment grants 30 Fury.

  3. Insatiable Hunger
    You now strike an additional time for each Demon’s Bite. In addition, Damage and Fury generation for Demon’s Bite & Demon Blades increased by 20%

Tier 2
Secondary Fury Gen

  1. Prepared
    Reduces the cooldown of Vengful Retreat by 10 sec, and generates 30 Fury over 3 secs if you damage at least one enemy with Fel Rush or Vengeful Retreat.

  2. Demon Blades
    (Replaces Demon’s Bite)
    Your auto attacks have a 60% chance to deal additional Shadow damage and generate Fury.

  3. Furious Vision
    Reduces the cost of Eye Beam by 20 Fury.
    In addition, increase maximum Fury by 30.

Tier 3
Fury Management

  1. FelBlade
    15 yd Range
    (Charge to your target and deal (0)% Fire Damage).
    Demon’s Bite had a chance to reset the cooldown of Felblade
    Generates 40 Fury.

  2. Chaotic Fury
    Blade Dance has a chance to make your next Chaos strike free and grant you 40 fury within 5 sec.

  3. Chaotic Onslaught
    Chaos Strike has a chance to slash an additional time.
    In addition, doubles the amount of fury refunded.

Tier 4

  1. Soul Rending
    Leech increased by 5%.
    Gain an additional 35% leech while Metamorphosis is active.

  2. Desperate Instincts
    Blur now increased your dodge and reduces damage taken by an additional 15%
    Additionally, you automatically trigger Blur when you fall below 35% health. This effect can only occur when blur is not on cooldown.

  3. Netherwalk
    Slip into the nether, increasing movement speed by 100% and becoming immue to damage, but unable to attack. Last 5 sec.

Tier 5
Damage Style

  1. Momentum
    Fel Rush gains an additional charge & increases your damage done by 15% for 6 sec.

  2. First Blood
    Reduces the Fury cost of Blade Dance by 20 and increases its damage agaist the first target struck.

  3. Fel Barrage
    Unleash a torrent of Fel energy over 3 sec, infliucting [(0% of attack power)] Chaos samage to all enemies within 8 yds.

Tier 6
Crowd Control Type

  1. Unleased Power
    Removed the Fury cost of Chaos Nova and reduces its Cooldown by (0)%.

  2. Master of the Glaive
    Throw Glaivehad 2 charges, and snares all enemies hit by 50% for 6 sec.

  3. Fel Eruption
    Impales the target for (0% of Attack power) Chaos damage and stuns them for 4 sec.

Tier 7
General Playstyle

  1. Demonic
    Eye Beam causes you to enter demon form for 8 sec after it finishes dealing damage.

  2. Bloodlet
    Throw Glaive causes targets to bleed for 200% of damage inflicted over 10 sec. If this effect is reapplied, any remaining damage will be added to the new bloodlet.
    Chaos Strike has a chance to reset the cooldown of Throw Glaive

  3. Demonic Unanimity
    Embrace your demonic presence within and gain access to its arsenal for a 15 seconds.
    When entering metamorphosis, you can now attack at range for a large amount of single target damage.

  • Ability Gained:
    Fel Lance (Replaces Chaos Strike): 30 yd range, Bombard your target for [(200% of attack power)] Chaos damage.
    Unable to move and take 50% increased damage while active.

Baseline Passives:

  1. Eye Beam is Reset when entering metamorphosis
  2. Soul Fragments reduce Eye Beam CD by 2 seconds.
  3. Chaos Strike has a 40% chance to refund 20 Fury.
  4. Increases Maximum Fury by 20
  5. You generate 5 Fury each time you dodge an attack.

I actually added it up earlier, and it’s worth using in both single target and AoE even without the fury generation. The damage it deals is a fair bit in excess of the averaged damage of a “filler” GCD (defined as the weighted average damage from a Fury-neutral ratio of Demon’s Bite and Chaos Strike). I can run through the math if anyone’s interested, but suffice it to say it’ll at least be worth casting over Demon’s Bite, and since it has a CD and Chaos Strike does not, technically over Chaos Strike as well (even though it strictly speaking does less DPCT than Chaos Strike).

Oof. I mean, I like the concept, but that’s 15s off per cast of Eye Beam (or 10s, your version appears to not have the duration extention, with is +5 ticks), which is every 30s, so that would mean Blind Fury would be effectively cooling Meta down by 45s for every 30. That cuts a flat third off the CD, reducing it from 240s (4m) to 160s (2m40s). And that’s on one target. Against, say, 10 targets, that’s 150s off Meta’s CD in a single cast.

It would probably be more balanced to be Eye Beam lasts 50% longer, generates 40 Fury every second. The the remaining cooldown on Metamorphosis is reduced by 7.5 seconds when it finishes channeling. If you cast Eye Beam on CD, that reduces the effective CD of Meta by 60s.

That said, I’d prefer they bake in a form of Furious Gaze here, one that’s not based on rating. Eye Beam lasts 50% longer and generates 40 Fury every second. You gain X% haste for Y seconds after Eye Beam finishes channeling., with X and Y set according to balance (but for reference, a 475 version of Furious Gaze is worth 16.8% haste per trait). Since this is a flat percentage, it applies multiplicatively with all other effects, and thus doesn’t suppress the value of haste rating nearly as much.

The major issue with Insatiable Hunger in current content is that it’s simply too weak and too unreliable. Your version does little to change that. 20% is exactly how much the current version averages to, in terms of increased in resources, and the extra strike is being added to our weakest ability.

What I’d rather see here is You generate 50% (or whatever percentage ends up balanced) more Fury from all sources. Increases your maximum Fury by 30 (so to 150) . In particular, this would apply to Chaos Strike refunds (ie. a Refund would return 75% of the Fury instead of 50%), but also any other source, and it would be a straight multiplier. Right now, Insatiable Hunger changes Demon’s Bite from 20-30 Fury to 20-40 Fury. This would change it from 20-30 Fury to 30-45 Fury, which both has a higher actual effect, and is much more reliable. Might need to be pushed up to your Tier 2 instead.

That’s a savings of 40 fury per minute, which is 1.25 Chaos Strikes. That’s actually really bad. I kinda get the concept, but it just doesn’t have a chance in hell of competing with the other two.

I’d honestly prefer the Immo Aura fury talent here instead. I dislike the design model of using mobility buttons for damage. It’s not a good pattern to get into, we need to move away from it. That’s one of the core issues with Momentum, actually. Though at least Vengeful Retreat is far less often used for mobility.

Ok, I like this one a lot. The fury over time lets you burn off fury with another Chaos Strike if need be to avoid capping, and it plays the rotation into itself. This is really really good, regardless of balance (and I have no idea where this would land compared to the other two).

I’d actually prefer this to simply reduce the base cost of Chaos Strike. Doubling the refund effectively means Chaos Strike was free, and free abilities can cause nasty side-effects in generator/spender rotations when you have other sources of Fury. Double refund reduces the average cost from 32 to 24, so this same effective average would occur if the second part of this talent were In addition, Chaos Strike costs 10 less Fury. This would reduce the base cost to 30, so 24 once the 40% chance of 50% refund is accounted for (which averages to a 20% cost savings). This would also let the DH start casting Chaos Strike earlier.

Solid addition. I still think the concept of Momentum is toxic, but I acknowledge that there are those that prefer it. The additional charge at least makes it more flexible, and makes periods where you can’t charge around less of a loss as long as you occasionally can.

I question putting a talent specifically for AoE against a talent that mostly benefits single target (yes, the cost reduction applies in AoE as well, but there’s no additional damage in AoE, and since we largely can’t leverage our fury into effective AoE outside of Blade Dance, the cost reduction is substantially less relevant in AoE than in single target).

Interesting addition, but seriously, what is y’all’s fascination with Bloodlet?!. It’s a terrible talent. It doesn’t fit into our spec fantasy, it doesn’t scale with mastery, and it’s tacked onto an ability that is otherwise straight up only for pulling mobs at range. In fact, given that this version has the same coefficient as the Legion one pre 7.2.5 (200%), I can confidently say that, just like it was back then, this talent is would be a straight DPS loss without Demon Blades. Tripling the damage of Throw Glaive still doesn’t give it enough to be worth using in the single target rotation unless Demon Blades forces you to.

What I’d prefer to see here instead?

It fills the Bloodlet niche of a ranged DoT for stealthers, complete with charge mechanics. Unlike Bloodlet, however, it’s not dependent on an otherwise terrible ability, instead adding a new high-damage nuke with splash to the rotation (and rotational Chaos Strikes would reduce the CD), it scales with our mastery, and it’s actually thematically relevant to our class.

Edit: looking back at this, there’s a fair amount of criticism here. While my intent was to grab specific parts that I thought were problematic, I love the effort you put into this, and a great deal of your ideas and small improvements are very awesome. I hope you don’t take the above too harshly, I’m just trying to discuss on the merits and built towards a better version.

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Once again it was not a dps loss in the build it was played in, and that was fine and cool because it was an “emergent playstyle” which is awesome. Also we like the talent because everyone has opinions and just like how you think momentum is toxic, we found momentum bloodlet to be a blast. Demonic fills the control the demon fantasy and that is cool. Momentum fills the demon agility warrior fantasy that blizzard had a blurb about when announcing the class.

So let me explain a bit why some talents read the way they are and the overall goal of the different combinations and how they ebb and flow with one another.

First, Let me explain where these ideas come from.
I am a designer by trade for my career. I work with architects and engineers. I am more of the artistic nature and less of the engineering side. That being said, the ideas I came up with are starters/concepts. The numbers are flexible and I appreciate your take on how everything adds/compares with one another.

Second, Let me clarify some points.

Blind Fury
Eye Beam generates 40 Fury every sec. In addition, the CD of metamorphosis is reduced by 1 sec for each time an enemy is crit with Eye Beam.

The goal of this was to make it so you can quickly fill up your fury bar while giving a bonus to Meta CD reduction. However, I did not want it to reset Meta crazy fast with a lot of mobs/Eye Beam Targets.
The way this would work is if you have 1 target, you should shave off as you mentioned 10 sec. but if you have lets say 9 mobs then thats 90 sec so 1.5 min per Eye Beam cast.
I think it would be brokenly OP if it shaved off anything more then 1 sec.
Having said that, I’m okay with your answer. Just as long as the goal remains. Which is to reduce the CD of Meta in addition to filling your fury bar.
But maybe its not needed as per your second iteration.

Insatiable Hunger
You now strike an additional time for each Demon’s Bite. In addition, Damage and Fury generation for Demon’s Bite & Demon Blades increased by 20%

The goal here was to make it so that your Demon’s Bite when striking an additional time would give you x2 fury than otherwise. Then add on an additional 20% on top of that. So it would take baseline Demon’s Bite at 20-30 fury and double that to 40-60 fury + 20% = 48-72 Fury each time you press Demon’s Bite with this talent. The strike is not for damage, its for extra resource.
Keep in mind the goal of each talent row as I have labeled. (again, numbers can change etc.)

Reduces the cost of Eye Beam by 20 Fury.
In addition, increase maximum Fury by 30.

The Goal here is to be a great combo to Blind Fury as you can use it without needed to overcap as much. But it always works well with the other 2 talents in first row and it gives you a bigger pool of Fury to play around with.
Where as Prepared is a bit clunky/situational and Demon Blades is unreliable because I’m thinking your risk at not having enough Fury or overcapping if you get a flood of it. So either way, your a bit starved of it. That was my reasoning as to how these compete with one another.
However, I do admit that it did seem a bit on the lesser side of the 3.

Reduces the cooldown of Vengful Retreat by 10 sec, and generates 30 Fury over 3 secs if you damage at least one enemy with Fel Rush or Vengeful Retreat.

This is only here to provide then inn and out perks of playing bloodlet or keep away.
So i’m fine if this doesn’t make the cut.

Chaotic Fury
Blade Dance has a chance to make your next Chaos strike free and grant you 40 fury within 5 sec.

Yea I liked this one when i thought it up.
However, to be clear the idea around this is when you use Blade Dance and proc it. Then your next Chaos Strike cost is free yes. But it will also give you 40 Fury which in turn allows 2 more Chaos strikes & if your lucky, you get the 40% return and get in another 1-2 Chaos strikes. If everything lines up, you can cast Blade Dance then follow it up with 3-5 Chaos Strikes and be ready to hit Blade Dance off CD. It had the potential to give you a nice burst of damage if you get good procs.

Chaotic Onslaught
Chaos Strike has a chance to slash an additional time.
In addition, doubles the amount of fury refunded.

Reading what you wrote, I’m not sure I fully understand what your wanting from this.
But the goal here is similar to Chaotic Fury in that you can get lucky procs of refunds and go crazy with spamming Chaos strikes. I tried to make it so it works like the Artifact Weapon trait of the same name back in Legion.

Fel Rush gains an additional charge & increases your damage done by 15% for 6 sec.

Yea, I figure if your going to take this as a talent, you should have a bit more mobility since your constantly using it for damage instead.

  • First Blood
    Reduces the Fury cost of Blade Dance by 20 and increases its damage agaist the first target struck.
  • Fel Barrage
    Unleash a torrent of Fel energy over 3 sec, infliucting [(0% of attack power)] Chaos samage to all enemies within 8 yds.

Really the reason these 2 are here is that with other talents, you don’t need the First Blood for single target, you can have that covered. But you can drop a little single target for more Burst AOE situations.

This entire Row is purposed in this way…

  • Momentum = Constant AOE Uptime but a bit fast and loose risk/reward with playstyle i.e. you might die if move the wrong way at wrong time.

  • Firstblood = Single target + bonus AOE.

  • Fel Barrage = Burst AOE for on demand everything must die fast moments.

Chaos Blast
20 Fury - 30yd range
Instant - 2 charges (30s CD)
Unleashes a furious blast of energy at the target, dealing 80% AP Chaos damage to the target and 30% AP Chaos damage to targets within 5yd. All targets struct will burn for an additional 20% of the initial damage over 8 seconds.

When Chaos Strike refunds fury, the remaining cooldown on Chaos Blast is reduced by 5s.

I actually like this. No complaints.

Now the overarching goal.

I wanted to have 3 distinct types of builds. But they can ebb and flow into each other for different flavors of what rout one wants to take to fulfill that playstyle.

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