Proposal: Allowing Experience-Off Characters in Random Battlegrounds

I am proposing a change to the battleground dynamics in World of Warcraft that I believe will significantly enhance our gaming experience: allowing experience-off (exp off) characters to participate in random battlegrounds alongside those actively leveling up.

Here are several compelling reasons why this change is beneficial for both players and the growth of our game community:

  1. Maintaining Social Bonds: In our diverse player community, it’s common for friends, family, or significant others to enjoy WoW together at different leveling stages. Allowing exp off characters in battlegrounds ensures that players can continue to enjoy PvP experiences together without the concern of outleveling each other.

  2. Enhanced Gameplay Variety: Incorporating exp off characters adds a refreshing dimension to random battlegrounds by diversifying the skill levels and playstyles of participants. This variety fosters more dynamic and engaging gameplay experiences, preventing battles from feeling monotonous or predictable.

  3. Community Cohesion: World of Warcraft thrives on its sense of community and camaraderie. Allowing exp off characters to join random battlegrounds promotes inclusivity and strengthens bonds among players, regardless of their leveling preferences.

  4. Strategic Depth: The presence of exp off characters introduces strategic challenges and opportunities for adaptation in battleground scenarios. Players must adjust their tactics and approaches to accommodate varying levels of expertise, enriching the overall depth of PvP encounters.

  5. Facilitating Alt Adventures and Roleplay: Many players enjoy exploring different aspects of the game or immersing themselves in roleplay experiences. Allowing exp off characters in battlegrounds accommodates these playstyles, providing avenues for PvP enjoyment without the pressure of leveling quickly or reaching endgame content.

  6. Proven Viability: It’s worth noting that players have been finding ways to include exp off characters in battlegrounds alongside those leveling up for an extended period. This practice has demonstrated its viability and relevance within our community, emphasizing the need for an official integration.

By implementing this change, we can create a more inclusive, diverse, and engaging PvP environment that accommodates the preferences and playstyles of all players. It’s a step towards fostering a stronger and more united World of Warcraft community.

I urge the game developers to consider this proposal seriously and recognize the immense potential it holds for enhancing our gaming experience.

Thank you

Dude, you did this not even a week ago:


That is how it used to be until Twinks started exploiting the queue system and had premades of twinks vs rg. randoms… yeah it dont work and it wont ever happen again imo.

it would help with que times in sub max brackets.
the acceptable bracket for out gearing leveling players has been the expansion capped bracket for 3 expansions now.

I just want to play all of my characters without out leveling my girlfriend and I think there are too many barriers separating people from playing together. PvP should be accessible for everyone at every level, just like dungeons

Edit: especially on Moon Guard. Like 80% of the playerbase isn’t max level lol

you can use partysync to play with people at different levels

Nobody cares about low level pvp. So no.

Every single person in this community was once a newcomer.

I’d advocate for benefits for all players of all experience levels, especially newcomers: our most valuable community members.

Experience off was separated for a reason. We also have party sync.

And for 10 years people have been regularly exploiting into exp on bgs while having their exp off lol


Which is exactly why we don’t care about low level pvp anymore. It’s not a place for legit noobs. It’s mostly cowards that just can’t hack it at max level for some strange reason.


the lvl 10-19 twink scene is so insanely wild lmfao

saw an r shammy who was on my team clap everybody in sight on the enemy team… then he LEAVES the game… somehow joins the enemy team on another alt shammy of his with the same name and starts clapping us all from that side.

ive never seen something so hilarious in a bg before

how do u even make a story like that up? u cant!

dude was literally 1-shjotting every1. think hje went like 80-0

this is the experience that new players get lmfao. no wonder nobody sticks around this garbage game


Why not just disable XP gains in all PvP content?

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Can we just not allow experience off players or lvl 70 players to q into lower brackets! We have enough balancing issues. Focus on the lvl 70 PvP please. Leave the low level bgs for levellers and new players. Why would a twink want to go into a bg and blow up a new player or a leveling player? What fun can be had from this?
Stop this nonsense


I know a chat GPT list when I see one.

Profoundly not. I’ve been writing guides and heavily detailed calls to action for decades.

Welcome young adventurer!

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Heh, fair enough, I just see lots of lists generated by Chat GPT…it really likes lists.

On another note, I agree with the queues being merged, and that they never should have been separated in the first place.

As it is now, BGs feel like a pvp themed leveling dungeon, where no one puts in any effort and just wants low effort xp.

No, it is just a way for experience-off toons to stomp on levelers.

BTW, nothing inclusive or diverse in stomping players who don’t have maximum gear because they are leveling. Off-experience players are what scares off new players trying to learn the game, low level battlegrounds are already cringe adding this would make it worse and scare off more new players.


i call them tryhardlys. its a play on the “tryhard” insult usually referring to anyone prepared for bgs and who wants to win. if a minimum ilevel requirement was added to leveling bgs the players with empty slots and gear items from 20+ levels ago would have to put in effort. more effort than clicking the join bg button for 60 levels.


I mean it was a well written request but it’s a pipe dream at best. No to everything you said in your original post unless 1 thing happens - gear templates for everyone in the match. Every player including party sync all have the same gear. Low level pvp is a cesspool, none of your requests are good for the game, no matter how well you word it, unless gear templates happen