Proposal: Allowing Experience-Off Characters in Random Battlegrounds

The last thing we want newcomers to face in lower level bgs is xp-off twinks.


Then you must be disturbed to know that twinks have been getting into exp on bgs for nearly a decade after the separation.

Yeah but they leave right before the battleground ends and get a 15 minute deserter buff.

just like afkers at 70 i assume they just switch to another toon.

No, it’s not a solution at all. When you were removed, you were all complaining you were getting owned by level 29 twinks. The shoe was on the other foot.

By exploiting, which further reinforces the need to keep XP off out of regular bgs. Yeah, yeah, and players leaving early…


And what do you call XP off twinks? I have a name for them, but I would get banned from the forums.

Because that is what they are. Not for Twinks with super OP gear to school new players. Spend your time collecting all this OP gear with gems, and you don’t really need most of it to win. You would probably win anyway. Where is the fun in a resto shaman or resto druid one shotting undergeared players? You don’t even need to try… So boring.

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Yes they do. There is a certain person that refers to Your Mom in their character names has about 3–4 toons they rotate and AFK with. It’s a full-time job for this person. Resto Shaman, MM Hunter, Resto Druid all geared to the nuts in the 10-19 bracket.

So every game they play in WOW, they never have to really try. It’s just one shotting all over the place. A sad existence.