Proof on how the 6 month subs actually pay themselves

My proof of buying a 6 month sub back in June

taxes varies between states

Back then I got a lucky yun and imp in a ball for the 6 month

thats $25 and $15 already

Then the new sub mount came out in july or so, the phoenix mount came out

another $25, already $65 worth of mounts and toy for a $78 6 month sub

then finally the new murloc backpack transmog

$80 worth of stuff that I DIDN’T PAY SEPERATE, for the price of $78 without taxes

6 months in 1 month subs is $90, plus $80 for paying separate is $170

you could have gotten $170 worth of stuff for more than half off

why didn’t you?

take this into consideration next year


Cause I don’t play WoW for 6 months at a go


if you have disposable income and would be spending in MTX anyway, like store mounts and Xmogs, then yes. Otherwise is not worth it.

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then thats the consequences of using WoW tokens/1 month subs

blizzard literally gives you this stuff for free if you just had paid it all forward

Meh, 14.99 wont break me… Make that literally in 4min plus i sub on and off

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Yeah it is, and I’m not upset anything. Just saying why I won’t do 6 month subs and why I’m not attracted to the bundle offers.

Cause I usually get bored with WoW within 2-3 months and prefer to play something else for a bit before coming back.


Well consider this… that flying mount in the pic you posted, doesn’t fly for half the expansion, and doesn’t fly in some places for the whole expansion…

It’s also a matter of value added… I’ve been buying and collecting mounts since BC… I could go get the anniversary mount, for free, and I have not… so far, it hasn’t been worth the time it takes to get to Tanasis.


The money left your bank account, the money did not get back in there as a direct result. I would not say that the 6 month sub pays for itself but you do you boo.


Again, the subscription I pay is tiny potatoes compared to so many other hobbies 3x as expensive.

I don’t even play enough of the game to warrant the subscription, but it is something I can afford because I’m too poor for other stuff like boats. I’d love to travel; see the world. Heck, I’d like to see next door. WoW fills that void in my life.

Why don’t I?

points at pile of Table Mission gold

That’s a big nope. 15 dollars is fine and I have no desire to use any of that stuff they released recently with the 6 month subs.


How? You’re saving money monthly. It’s less per month and you get free stuff.

Because I spend my money on bills, food, and non pixels.
I also don’t get nearly enough out of this game to warrant it so even my game time is through gold.


if you don’t play every month, and don’t spend on MTX, then you are not really ‘saving’

Let’s say you only play 3 months of the year, that is $45 only; so, why pay $120 to have the sub running year round?

So, yes, depends on the play time and spending power. For some, even if they only play 1 month of the year, they don’t mind paying a yearly sub.


My man really thought this through.

I’ve been looking at longswords again on kult of Athena. I’m thinking about buying a new sword. I don’t know though…….6 month sub with a murloc backpack. That’s a hard choice.

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Then the six month sub is completely moot to anyone not playing every month. You can’t say “it’s not worth it” if you’re not even playing.

Not for me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
But if you like both then I can see why it’d be a hard choice [whilst knowing you’ll play 6months etc]

well yeah, that’s exactly the point. Not everyone gets the 6-m sub because not everyone plays year-round.

It’s not worth it for everyone.


Whoever picked that purple void elf with the murloc, they did a good job with the whole image. The pose, the angle, the outfit.