Proof of my head canon is real...(I hope)

The biggest proof that Shadowlands expansion isn’t real in WoW and it has been another horrific vision of N’Zoth:

Nothing is more horrific than Blizzard downplaying genocide and Sylvanas getting away with one of the biggest, if not the biggest, war crimes in WoW lore.

You tell me that isn’t a horrific vision of the future that may come…

10.0 Black Empire / Dragon Isle expansion…remember N’zoth was never our real enemy…it is just as afraid of what is to come…

I will see myself out. Take care.

Cop out or no, if Blizzard took this out, I wouldn’t be mad.


Yea, but Blizzard hates Night Elves so they gave Sylvanas everything she wanted and let her get away just like the Horde while making everything as horrible as possible for Night Elves.

The icing on the cake was the Night Elf Souls being obliterated in the maw after everything that happened as their conclusion instead of giving them a somewhat positive or happy ending.

It’s not like this was foreseeable or anything with writers that are writing a story that is supposed to be hostile towards a specific playable race

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10.0 starts with Chromie waking us up and reminding everyone that we were just about to enter Blackwing Lair after Onyxia did her big musical number


It makes a lot more sense when you know that most of the team never wanted the so-called genoicde to happen in the first place.

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There is still the potential of Sylvanas being executed before she jumps into the Maw.

Possible =/= likely.


Is there actual proof of this? that “most of the team never wanted the genocide”? I’ve only seen employees from like 2018 when it happened being excited about the burning and have been making jokes about it ever since. Is there even one employee voicing their dislike of this?


It’s all off the record, but seems to have been confirmed by multiple people:

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No, Afrasiabi is not to blame for everything, especially since the new writing team carried on his hateful writing towards Night Elves for over 2 years after he left now.

I thought we had already established that. Stop trying to find excuses for the inexcusable


Didn’t say “everything.” But the burning of Teldrassil was apparently his idea, and one that wasn’t popular with others on staff.

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Considering how the remaining team went on with the Night Elf souls being obliterated in the maw and other gross things like that, I highly doubt that.

This is something that could’ve easily been changed and Afrasiabi hasn’t been in the team for over 2 years now, yet the current writing team still thought it would be an appropriate end to the Night Elves to just obliterate their souls in the maw after they were killed and tortured for an eternity.

Yeah, I mean this can all be just randoms at blizzard saying they didn’t like it at blizzard NOW because it has been unpopular and they have been trying to blame the trash story entirely on Alex, as if there wasn’t an entire writing team. They really should have no problem talking about that publicly, the way they have treated it and continued to write/ignore it. No one really seemed to have a problem joking about it at blizzard for the last few years.

I really need proof, not possibly anonymous tips about an unpopular storyline that looks more like a way to not take responsibility for and not trying to fix a bad story.

Where were these people giving anonymous tips back when it was happening?

While some are destroyed or weaponized by the Jailer, some Night Elf souls are rescued.

I sympathize completely with the “Sylvanas gets away with a wrist slap” part.

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We freed around a hundred while several thousands were obliterated.

We have those numbers, and even if the total number is incorrect, we still know that we freed a lot less than a tenth of those that actually died because we can just look at the percentages.

This is just unacceptable to free that little while such an overwhelming majority was obliterated.

Metzen by all accounts was incredibly surprised the writers would go there


Kosak was a part of the Cosby Crew, his works are tainted too.

If that’s your excuse, then try harder. You don’t mess around with the idea of a genocide half-@$$ed…

Dabbling in such things never work.

Since they crossed this bridge, they either need to retcon the burning of Teldrassil out of existence via “It is all a dream” or deeply discuss in the lore of the game why it needed or had to happen.

And all your resources are outside of the game…no one cares about that. People care about the lore of the game…and this teldrassil burning and the fiasco of Shadowlands, it will need to be handled with extreme care and measures like retconning basically TWO expansions to just after Sargares plunging his sword into the heart of Azeroth…

Aren’t you the guy that kept making troll posts about how the Night Elves deserved the burning in one shape or another?

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never said they deserved it…I said Elune thought they deserved it as she viewed them as ANIMA batteries. Which says alot about Elune…

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