Proof blizzard has no clue what they are doing

Their recent post: Season of Discovery Class Tuning Incoming - March 5

Views: over 10k
Like count: 23 ( < .23% ratio )

Blizzard, for the love of god, change of management is needed. This is the point where changes are needed, and the audience doesn’t feel like you’re making good on any of your promises. You need to fix t his asap.


Since you seem to know so much about what needs to be done and changed, apply for the position and change it yourself.


“Customer, you think my food is bad? Make it yourself then.”

Changes were underwhelming.

I still am enjoying SOD and advocate for constructive criticism.

Nerf dispersion.

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people are just bored of the SoD nonsense. we know that these little balance changes aren’t gonna really change anything :expressionless:

Nerf dispersion.

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Or better yet, do what the guy some people said they wanted fired did, Bobby Kotick, and buy it with your own money so that you own it, and then make it one of the most successful gaming franchises ever…


Seem like the kinda guy who bases his happiness or status on likes.

Life isn’t about likes. Likes don’t mean anything. The changes are good

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I was thinking this, too. I don’t know that likes on a post are a reasonable way to gauge much of anything.


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please speak for yourself sir

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I’m speaking for everyone who shares my opinion (it’s a lot) :expressionless:

How in the world is that an indicator of anything? Likes on a post? Really? Are we back to facebook where we gauge everything by how many likes we got on a post? :rofl:

Most people don’t “Like” everything on the forums, they read the information then move on.

We are just desperate for Blizzard to show us some sign with the changes that they actually play SoD and understand it from the player point of view…

Still waiting for Blizzard to show us…


What are you actually disputing here? Just curious

Oh no! Every 2 min a priest can survive for an additional 6 seconds! Game’s bustedddddd

Change are needed, what this post is about is how it’s under 1% of the viewers like the post. Go look at any previous blue post that is well received, ratios do matter as it’s the only direct metric. If they had a dislike counter it would be more reflective about how people voice their opinions.

As someone who ran franchises, let me give you some inside knowledge. No successful person gives a crap if you like their product, they want to know what you dislike so they can eliminate that and make it more appealing. It’s always the people that dislike your goods/services that matter. “Customer is never wrong” is about the mentality that you need to listen to feedback to improve your overall business. Since blizzard doesn’t want accurate representation of negative feedback by limiting it to just like meter, you can A- go through the comments and literally see all the negative feedback, B- look how little likes the post received based on the viewcount.