Pronouns something the community wants?

It’s going to be pretty funny as Blizzards moderation team starts getting a flood of reports on people not using proper pronouns for a set of pixels lol.


I don’t care about pronouns online. Why bother correcting people? Maybe it matches IRL, maybe it matches in game avatar, or people can’t tell, and they just use whatever.


oh look, pronoun thread number 12838729434528793.230

Of course people on these forums think that this guy will somehow get bored of this. Because they clearly have their heads a mile under the sand and somehow manage to miss


If the topics were about anything else these people duping these threads would have been eternally holiday’d. Months ago


Pretty much where I stand, but the opposite. I’m a guy playing female characters. Used to be for the obvious/stereotypical guy reason, but as I mainly play vulp/goblin/gnome now, it’s more from a head games perspective in PvP.

Yes, there are people out there that WILL do the sexist “girls suck at games!” nonsense and underestimate you just because you went with the female on a “cute” race (or in the case of goblins, the potentially cute half of the race)

Hey, don’t hate me because of that. I’m going to use it to my advantage if there are people that are going to think like that! Might be few and far between, but trust me: it is PAINFULLY OBVIOUS when it does happen.

Anyway, enough of that tangent. Bottom line: in game I’m not going to sweat it if I’m called her. It’s a female character. It’d be my first thought as well.

However, what this clown keeps doing is completely in bad faith, and it is always done in a manner that baits people. We actually had about a week of peace without this nonsense, so part of me is thinking they finally got that rightfully deserved forum vacation.

Best we could do is ignore them completely and just report the crap when it comes up, but the key issue is that the T goon squad always gets just enough bites from the folks that don’t know better, therefore the cycle can never really be stopped.

Hell, I’m willing to bet money that they aren’t even LGB.

I’m inclined to disagree. Case in point: Latinx.
Spanish is an EXTREMELY gendered language, and aside from some virtue signaling clowns like AOC, the vast majority of Latinos HATE the word.

Seriously, they consider it on the level of the N word.


Hey! Punt my fellow diminutive brethren and I’ll bite your ankles!

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Pretty sure they are adding them in dragonflight. could be cool for roleplayers n stuff. Probably won’t impact much but it’s good for the people who want it

Mute and move along people. It’s good for your health and the environment.


I’m pretty sure making multiple threads on the same topic is against the forum TOS. When you scale that then across multiple topics with multiple threads per topic. Definately a violation that would not stand in days gone by. The person would be penalised and very quickly find themselves suspended and/or outright banned.

I remember a guy in an old guild who created an alt with a crude name and was told by blizz to change the name. He did, he swapped a letter for an ascii code, and was promptly issued an ingame suspension. That same swift and no nonsense approach is needed here when you have 1 person (or maybe a few people) posting duplicate threads on a daily basis


I’m going to assume OP is talking about non binary pronouns.

Yes for sure. I think that I’d like to see Anduin called a she sometime. That’s where we’re going with this, aren’t we? What about Janna being a he? And then them both marrying Arthas who is neither a he nor a she. What’s the pronoun for a ghost that has no body but can be either genders as well as neither at the same time?


No, they are talking about normal pronouns that we will, in theory, be able to pick in Dragon Flight regardless of which body type you choose. He/Him, She/Her, They/Them.

It’s a very controversial topic on the forums, which is why the OP keeps making the same thread over and over again to “stir the pot”

Although, unless I missed it somewhere, the option to pick your pronouns isn’t on the Beta so I am not sure if it is even happening at this point.

He’s just recycling all his old threads now…


Should display my name.
I don’t introduce myself “Hi, I’m Him Raibt”, that’s not proper pronoun use.

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So people are mad that there will be a UI option that only effects you “if” you so choose to use it?

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Marxism is an economic theory.

People want Anduin to be gay with Wrathion, making Anduin identify as a she would defeat that purpose.


I’m startin to wonder how much attention the T army of alts needs at this point.

Is obviously lacking somewhere.


True indeed

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That’s all they do. I’m sure we’ll see another anduin/wrathion bait thread here in a week or two.