Progression after 606

Yes. It’s guaranteed. You get 2 runed crests from all t8s. The only limit is the season cap. There are a couple stories that I’m particularly fast at and I’ll knock out a few regulars after I do the bountiful if I’m lagging behind on crests that week.


How are you maxed out at 606 after doing Delves? I did them almost exclusively the first 3 weeks and got 3 characters to 608 to 610 without touching an M0 or + and on one character without clearing NP normal yet. I’m genuinely not sure how that is your ilvl ceiling with what T8 Delves give for loot and crests allowing upgrades.

Dawg i was 616 before m+ came out. The raid is easy af. Carved crest cap has been bugged allowing more than the cap cuz it doesnt count crests gained from certain activities. If you hit 606 trade those carved for runed. If you dont have time to play thats your problem. But progressing past 606 is stupid easy. 619 is where it gets hard.

That’s not a bug, it’s so the one off rewards from renown aren’t just timesaves but actual additional currency.

More crests would probably be a good thing. 1 extra for each level. Possibly only from bountiful delves, but idk.

Not sure there’s much point, crest rewards from delves are already farmable so adding extra ones just becomes a question of time efficiency. You can do 2x T8s in the time you can do a T10?

Huh? Do you even casual bro?


For casual players, the game ends at the hero track. If you’re not willing to commit to raid, m+, or PvP, delves are the one remaining facet for power progression.

I don’t particularly have an issue with the progression from 606 onwards…I do feel like the early iLvls and lower level content is over saturated with gear though. I know the game is offering a lot of warbound gear for alts but the amount of explorer and adventurer gear given out is kinda insane considering how quickly you get past it.

Lol, you can simply wait for the vault each week. All you need to do is finish eight delves.

Gear progression has always slowed down after you grab the low-hanging fruit.



Never seen somebody so clearly say, “I have no idea what I’m talking about,” without explicitly using those words.

The return will be “You could have simply maximized every single potential gain from every single potential currency, filled your delve vaults, and supplemented with heroic raid drops to this point and you could be at least 619.”

Ignoring that this is not casual behavior at all.


What you super “casual” players don’t get is that wow progression is meant to be experienced “in time”. This means it’s a dynamic experience that changes as the player base progresses.

You can’t progress like we all did not because the system is flawed, but because, frankly, you’re behind. Here’s what the rest of us did: we stockpiled keys in heroic week… and as soon as m0’s came out, we ran 16 +8 bountiful delves, 4 a day, and supplemented bad luck with m0 runs. We were all about 608-615 BEFORE m+ came out.

So basically, you can’t progress because you need content that either a) nobody does because we skipped directly to +7 keys for heroic gear farming or b) the player base as a whole is just higher ilvl now and ilvl/rating that would once get you into a certain key level is no longer sufficient for that key level. Blame forum whiners for that one… everyone cried that gilded crests should drop from 8 instead of 9… so what happened when blizz acquiesced? All the 2500+ rated players who wanted to farm crests promptly dropped to 8’s and all the lower rated players were just frozen or squeezed out of content…. Because who wants a 2000 rated player who’s 615 when you can have a 2700 rated player who’s almost 630.

Basically, you can’t apply week 1 standards to today’s content and blizzard can’t really fix your problems with reward redesign. Your problem stems from being behind the curve in what has become a seasonal game with ever shifting standards based on aggregate player base progression. The game style itself precludes fixing your central problem: that you are simply behind and the only way to fix that is to go back to content based standards a-la classic/tbc/wrath/etc…

If you are not mythic raiding or doing M+ you don’t need to go past 610.

You can do everything in WoW below mythic + and mythic raids at 610.

Gear from lvl 8 delves will get you good gear from bountiful chests and your vault. 616 from vault every week.

There is no reason to expect gear past 616 if you aren’t going to do mythic end game content.

I’m not doing that mythic artificial difficulty garbage. Normal and heroic have good fun encounters. They are enjoyable. In my past experience mythic content isn’t enjoyable for myself.

I’ll probably get around 616 or so and call it a day. Just have fun doing everything available in the world and dungeons/raids with my guildies and friends.

If you WANT 626 gear and upgrades, do the content that drops them.

What does “needing” something have to do with anything?
Nobody needs to play this game.


Tier 8 delve being on par with a +7 is insane.

Was doing tier 7 and 8 delves the week they were open in sub 600 gear.
Can have a good run in +6 and still miss on time in 613.

People: “You can do +7s in 590 gear. You just can’t get an invite.”

Also people: “It’s ridiculous that you can do T8 delves in 570 gear.”

Honestly it really isn’t that big of a deal. Only difference is I’m not waiting for an invite.

Also wanted to add that 8s are only “on par with +7s” when it comes to vault rewards. EoD chance of a 1/6 heroic in your mythics > delver’s bounty RNG.

Doesn’t help that people 610+ can’t even do +5’s lol.
Or my 570-580 toons surpass those 610s as well.

Can’t trust ilvl at all.

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But it is, as a casual only playing 11 hours per day and sometimes 19 on weekends it is doable.

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Understood and agreed.