Progression after 606

I think most people would agree that the early experience of the war within felt very good progression wise. It felt like your time was being well spent with gearing through delves and even early mythic plus/raids. I think once you hit a certain item level and you start needing runed harbinger crest/gilded harbinger crest you hit a brick wall. Why? well lets say you wanna run a mythic 4 so you can get those crests, guess what no one will accept you if you don’t have a high rating. you can be fully maxed out gear wise (606) but without that rating Goodluck. I think most of that comes from people getting their keys locked out and only wanting the best of the best. But as for progression for the more casual player it basically ends there unless you’d like to grind out hours of pointless dungeons to get nothing in return for a chance at getting into that plus 4. Raids are still a good solution just good luck getting into any heroics if you have no experience with heroics. I think for casual solo players we need better options for progression. I also think wow in general needs to respect the players time more, the pointless grinding to get nothing in return is horrible. Id like to see as a salutation maybe make the higher tier delves give more crests or allow for higher ilvl gear. progression after 606 seems to hit a brick wall and your time becomes worth allot less

The fact you can get to 606 without ever touching m+ or raids is insane. A tier 8 delve is = to a M+ 5, and it’s on par with normal raid. And people still don’t think it is good enough.

Although I do agree tier 9-11 should give something.




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If you don’t raid or M+, why do you need more then 606?

I hit the “wall” so tonight I was doing +4’s. Either get runed crests, or gear another toon or something. ilvl shouldn’t be freely handed out


well… I should be the poster child for delves then… I was 614 before EVER hitting a M+ this season. I have gotten maybe 4 pieces from Heroic raid but everything else is from lvl 8 bountiful delves and the vault from them. I am now 619 and about hard capped until I start doing M+8 keys. The bountiful delves do drop the runed crests, 2 per run and you can do them without having to use a key and still get them. Is it the fastest way to farm crests?? NO, absolutely not but it is do able. I am only going to be doing Heroic raid and dabble in M+ so I may not even get to the M+8’s and farming gilded crests, but 619 is more than enough for heroic raiding that i do.


My lock just hit 610 with his vault this week and has never done more than delves or LFR. Progression slows the higher you get, but that’s the point.

People need to slow their minds down and stop expecting everything to be maxed out so quickly.


Nah uuuuuh! Because it’s not mythic raid level gear from world content. (That’s usually where these posts devolve to)


You can get 616 gear off the vault weekly and runed crests if you do T8 delves so idk what you’re talking about. The only thing you can’t get without raiding or doing M+ is Mythic gear or the glided crests.

Also, the reward for completing 4 heroic dungeons this week is a 610 hero gear.

oh yeah we all know it’s coming… I am more than happy with my progression though. I don’t have to have the highest ilvl / IO in the game. I pay to play at my pace and that’s a happy pace. Some just believe that since they pay to play they should be able to get all the greatest without any work. Well if they so unhappy about gear progression and all that other crap they complain about on the forums, there is a very simple solution for them. STOP PAYING and PLAYING… go play FF14 since most reference that crap of a game to this one and say it’s so much better for this and that… but they won’t stop paying or playing this game. I swear they could give everyone the absolute best gear at highest lvl and then they’d complain about not having goals.


Wow has always been a loot farming sim at it’s core. The more/better gear they give, and the easier it gets, the more people complain.

I did forget to drop these charts. Theoretically if your map drop rng is decent, you can keep upgrading past 620 just from delves.




Having the potential to hit 619 alone without ever touching M+ or Raids is pretty crazy can’t lie.

Sure things drop off a lot around 606 but like you’ve mentioned you’ve got the vault and bounties to work with at that point. Plenty to still chase from that.


Honestly gear progression so far has been the best I could remember. I don’t do high level end content, but I also don’t believe I should be able to get the best gear without the time commitment or effort.

“Give an inch and they’ll take a mile.”

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And if you aren’t touching things higher than lfr and staying clear of m+, upgrades beyond 606 are redundant other than just wanting to sneeze and things die.

Casuals should be around 625 now.

Remember when you reach 619 all slots you can convert runed at 6:1 into gilded, and there’s potential late into the season patch cycle that bliz uncap runed crests, making 626 and crafted 636s a long term possibility on at least a few slots. If not then at least a 636 weapon.

619 all slots + 636 weapon should be a pretty reasonable end point, then maybe even a few 626 tier slots depending how many more gilded you get.

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You’ll still get one 616 item from the vault each week (or 45 runed crests if the vault doesn’t have anything useful) in addition to the occasional delver bounty.

At 606, normal raids aren’t completely worthless. A full clear of normal will yield 30 runed crests and 90 carved (which can be upgraded to an additional 15 runed once you get every gear slot with 606 or better). Getting competent in normal raids will also increase the chance at success in heroic raids. Currently I just run normal Court and Queen because that is the most time efficient.

After doing normal raids and leveling up gear a bit, heroic raids aren’t that difficult to start if you go in with the right mindset. Don’t expect drops and don’t expect to fully clear with pugs. When I start gearing a character, I go in with the goal of just doing the first 4 bosses. Most groups can accomplish that. That will give 2 additional high level vault slots and 40 runed crests. As ilvl increases, its easier to get into better groups and clear more.

People also keep forgetting about renown. For each renown you get to 24, you get an Enchanted Runed Harbinger Crest (plus one for the quest to kill Queen Ansurek). That will allow you to craft five 619 items.

This is what I’ve been doing. I have not touched m+ and I have yet to fully clear a heroic raid. I currently have two characters at 620 and a third will probably get there next week.

My goal is to unlock the mythic transmog set on as many characters as possible before the end of the season. The 1st will be geared enough in 3 weeks, the 2nd will be there in 4 weeks. Then I move on to other characters while I wait for catalyst charges.

Gearing after 606 definitely slows down but it’s hardly a wall. It just takes time and planning.

Are you saying that all gear should be like PvP gear in that the item level and stats change in the instances and out in the open world it gets reduced?

You are right, no-one needs gear over 554 to play open world.

But the delvers wouldn’t be the only ones mad if all gear were adjusted to only be usable in the instances it was obtained in.

Imagine the rage if m+/raid gear had modifiers like

“Item level in open world content 554
Item Level in m+5 or above 606”

with some of the effects or stats reduced or turned off.

as it is rn, m+ or raid geared players are already having a remix type experience in open world content at the gear levels they are at.

Why are there even level 9 or 10 delves? no one does them. It’s literally useless to put them in the game. They should add higher rewards for 9s and 10s. instead of them doing nothing.

For bragging rights and them achievement hunters.


Yet they can get up to 606 without having to grind.

Where is this coming from? lol

I could see them adding higher odds for cosmetic drops from 9-11s, but there’s issues with delves fundamental design that prevent it really being comparable to higher m+ and mythic raids in terms of rewards, no matter how much you turn up the scaling.

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