Progression after 606

getting 2 runed crests from an 8+ is an absolute joke.

Anyone know how many of each type of crests are needed to fully upgrade a complete set of champ track gear and a 2h weapon?

From nothing or? Cuz vault 616s save you having to go from 606 to 616 on that slot, same with free 619 crafted reagents from rep / story quests.

Maps at 610 save you one upgrade on that slot too.

I can tell you you need 435 runed crests with your gear exactly as is. Each rep faction you hit 24 with saves you 60.

sure, lets say from nothing.

Sounds like a good place to start.

Yea, can get ā€œfreeā€ upgrades from vault and things like that.

but for the sake of brevity just starter champ track with no upgrades at all

Iā€™m curious how many delves Iā€™d have to do at 2 runed each to finish a set in S1.

4x15x slot number runed (15 for caster with staff) = 900.

3x15x slot number carved = 675.

Each vault item knocks off 45, each rep at 24 knocks off 60. Each map slot knocks off 15. Story quest knocks off 60.

Given you craft 5 crafted items, get an average of 3 616s on un-upgraded slots from vault, and 1 from a map item, thatā€™d be 390 runed crests needed. (Current cap is 540).

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so around 900 total then?

is my math mathing?

Doing 8 delves a day thats what, like 50 something days?

So around 2 months if doing 8x t8 delves per day.

sound about right?

900 at most, I posted numbers for something a bit more realistic above.

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right, just wanted a raw number for base line.

The real actual time investment will be much shorter with the 616s from vault and crafting, etc, etc.

Thank you for the help and info :slight_smile:

Technically you can get glided crests (3) from doing a tier 8 bounty map. But those are rare.

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Do your eyes work?

Did you just not read the post?

Total maximum runed crests this week from delves alone is 336, someone who never missed a delve could be full 619 next week in week 7, but more realistically using the above model would need the first few days of week 8.

At which point they can convert runed crests into gilded at a ratio of 6:1. The best thing to do with those would be to save for a 636 crafted weapon, then probably upgrade current head chest and legs to 626.

Iā€™ll be much further behind that crowd :slight_smile:
I donā€™t even play everyday.
Canā€™t really, adulting and all that.

And I usually only get around 10 or so per week done.

I should still have a full set of fully upgraded champ, mayybeee even hero by the end of S1.

I forgot to include the 15 extra runed from capping carved each week once you have every slot at 606 or higher.

Thatā€™d make it nearer 420 available this week, given you also spent at least the first two weeks of carved crests on actual upgrades.

Is rating the obstacle here? It stands to reason if you donā€™t run m+ you will have a low score. Everyone starts somewhere. If gearing progression is your MO why not use that beefy ilvl, run lower keys and build up your score for the keys you need? List your own keys, people will come. Unless something drastically changed in this expansion from the last?

iirc you can get runed crests from non bountiful delves as the crests come from one of the standard chests, not the bountiful one.

psure I have about 23 something runed at the moment and valorstone capped.

canā€™t login rn to check

doing cloth sims and it takes a good hour for these on the software I currently have to do them with.

If everything goes well, I only have to do 2-3 of these.

If I have to make adjustments cuz the sim messed up and I have to change the animation to fix it, it take alot longer.

Ok that makes the math somewhat moot then, 540 available right now. 390 needed given at least ok vault rng.

The fact someone could already be 620~ ilvl and working on their BIS weapon having done nothing but delves and world content is wild.

So we do get the 2 runed from just regular t8ā€™s and itā€™s all the time not just a chance drop?

They dont. They Dont need over 580 basically. Its the minimum not to feel ā€œunderpoweredā€ aka naked in world content.

Im solo player myself. I have done Through T11 Delves just for the achieves but I stick to T8 Delves and my Goal is 606 in s1 on all 6 Toons

The point is people arenā€™t going to invite you, join your party, or outright might drop the party and brick the run if you arenā€™t up to their speed.

(Referring to M+)