Professions are in a terrible state, no revamp in TWW

Please do all of this.


They reduced the public orders to 4 so more people could attend to it.
I work 99% on personal orders.

I don’t like much public orders because if you don’t have an addon or don’t pay attention it could consume your own resources.

The NPC side is the intermediary that makes the system work and to ensure that payment is delivered upon completion and goods are delivered upon completion as well.

That is irrelevant with warbands now

I mean they did say that they would be adding npc work orders to smooth things out.

Professions for Alts, NPC Work Orders & Flipping - Wowhead Economy Weekly Wrap-Up 333 - Wowhead News

That’s something.


Wtf are you talking about? so who is going to craft all the gear we need?

And if you are trying to make money blame the bots for farming all the mats.


I mean… the dragonflight system is quite frankly the best the system had been in multiple expansions with people actually wanting things crafted so while it isn’t perfect it’s a damn sight better then what we had in the past.


I’m a bit of a completionist. I maxed out my professions in every expansion until Blizzard gated recipes in Legion. I find the DF system to be overly complex and progression too random (do this and you may learn a new recipe. Hey you did it! Here’s a worthless recipe!)

Alchemy is the most useful. I may drop the rest from alts and just do gathering on them (except my one alt with transcription, solely to open lockboxes.)


It’s not, having to log onto another character and actually play it is gross.

The 0.01%, obviously.


Your problem is not the profession system.


Revamp made professions more complicated and convoluted than they needed to be.

Imo, they’re an even bigger timesink than ever before, because of the talent system and how it works.

Before you’d just hit max skill, and that was that.

There’s so much crucial stuff locked behind the talent trees, that one person with the same profession as another, won’t be able to make the same stuff.

I get they wanted to make it seem more specialized, but imo it’s kinda backfired.

Professions weren’t cookie-cutter before, but now that specs are added to them, they’ve become that lol.

There’s gonna be a “best” or most profitable ‘spec’ for each profession now lol.


The Dragonflight update was excellent, crafted gear has never been as strong, or as widespread, as it is, now.

It IS very annoying that alchemy remains the required profession on your main character, expansion after expansion.

I also think they really need to roll the gathering profs into the primary ones. Just as Enchanters get Disenchanting, Leatherworkers should get Skinning and Blacksmiths/Jewelcrafters should get Mining.


I dunno, I thought the new profession system update was good. The only thing I don’t like is requiring certain raids to get certain blueprints, but that’s been the case since forever.

I don’t really see it as being convoluted. Seems straightforward to me.


I think they could get rid of the “intermediate” parts. Salad on the Side, Frozen Runes, Earthshine Scales, all that crap.

Would also help with the bag bloat issue the revamp introduced.

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There are no profession weeklies for those 3 extra days.

Can we stop spreading misinformation?


This again?

Remember the other thread where you couldn’t articulate how TSM is botting or even what it is?


Because the way that professions has worked in DF has made professions fun and engaging for the first time since… professions was never really that engaging or fun to be fair. Since most of the time it is just “Get to max and max it out” and after that you were done with it.

Sadly a lot of the information about professions were largely ignored by players, because reading quests or engaging with NPCs proved too difficult. So that was a problem … but it ain’t one that Blizzard can really fix when it is 99.99% a player error of refusing to read text in front of their screen.

So… a profession system incentivising people to be social in a MMO. And you list that as a negative, and this is a negative thing because you have to be social to sell the stuff you make. Rather than just lazily post things on the auction house with a “race to the bottom” mentality of undercutting each other constantly.

That’s really the point you wanted to make here?

Furthermore, lots of folks have talked about TSM so I decided to install it and check it out.

It is a more advanced way to scan the auction house and to setup item groups to buy and sell. All of which we can do ourselves, and this is just an addon to simplify that process. Mate … you can dislike the thing if you want, but as far as I can tell from looking at the addon, nothing about it is even remotely akin to botting or cheating.

“I think the system is bad because it has choices and I want fewer choices to make.”

Mate, the reason why the specialization trees are honestly brilliant is because since Legion folks have wanted more options to specialize and customize our character’s personal progression trees. But as the Artifact weapons and Azerite necklace showcased tying that to player power was bad. In SL they tried to disconnect that from these grinds and the like, but wanted to still provide folks with a meaningful choice … which folks really hated because we had our favourite covenants that if we wanted another ability we couldn’t do that.

The professions offer a way for us to specialize our characters, continue their personal growth and power, without impacting player power.

You can dislike these things all you want but it ain’t a bad system. It is as objectively as one can possibly call someone objectively a REALLY good and damn healthy system for the game. It ain’t over-designed either for that part, especially since you have no idea what over-designed means if a simple specialization tree is “over-designed” according to you.

Yes, because before professions were this boring thing you just “got done” and then never paid any attention to until next expansion. Unless we go far back enough where professions actively impacted our player power.

I don’t get why ya’ll keep saying this thing as if it is a good thing.
“Oh I’m done with an activity and I can no longer progress it any further. THANK GOD FOR THAT!”
This is just the weirdest stance to take in regards to an activity that is supposed to be used or engaged with.


99.99% of all statistics are made up on the spot


In another thread they claim to be proficient with Lua and C, but think that AAP and Leatrix are providing genuine inputs as a form of automation.

Or, to TLDR, they have a habit of making things up,

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They want my Leatrix banned?


They are definitely not.
And they are more accessible because the best crafted items in the previous system were crafted by the people that got the most gold. Today the new system is different so, no.

Legion system required you to craft 10 level 1 legendary level to craft the level 2, then the level 3, for all armor slots.

Each one costed thousands and thousands of gold. There was even spreadsheets we would put the gold costs to calculate how much we would need to level our legendaries.

today it is over, your progression is not tied to how much gold you have to spend crafting and flooding the AH with items that no one needs and sinking down the prices.

Everyone who complains about the crafting system just wanted to buy millions in gold of mats, craft everything and just use the AH to sell it, spend like 0 time crafting.

Find another thing to play the AH, the crafting system is not for your taste.


I think the new profession system is excellent.

It’s not perfect.

I think material qualities are unnecessary complexity. I don’t mind the gear quality, but it should be based on the stats of the player and BOP mats only.

I also think there are just too many materials and then crafted materials on top of that. I can’t keep track of all of them.

I don’t want to get a bunch of leather and Primals to craft some other things several times to then finally be able to craft the gear I wanted. If you want the recipe to cost 500 leather and 50 Primal Fire, then just say so and get rid of the other steps.

The lack of a catch up system is being fixed in The War Within, but I still think it’s a flaw that the system needs a catch up mechanic at all. It would be better if you just couldn’t fall behind.

The points for professions are better as bonuses for getting some materials back or guaranteeing a high quality. I don’t like using points to learn the recipes. I think that would be better as something else - even quest lines to earn them (if we don’t judt want them on a vendor).

I would also eliminate the current version of the public Crafting Order system. I think the whole system should be rolled into the Auction House, and it would be better if I can, for example, make the base item for a Leather Helm and just sell it for what I want on the AH. Then, let the buyer socket the Spark/consume the Spark to increase the armor to the desired item level.

Regardless, I’m nitpicking. I really enjoyed engaging with the system (I mostly did Skinning/Leatherworking). I was able to craft myself great gear (even just yesterday) and I was able to order gear from others.