Professions are in a terrible state, no revamp in TWW

The OP falls into the “I’m going to make stuff up because I’m unhappy and so are some people around me just so I can dismiss others” category.

They aren’t everyone, neither is this forum. People need to stop making up numbers.

This wouldn’t surprise me.


The professions UI is confusing to me. I have no idea what I should level up or why.


I’m starting to think, Ion and the rest of the devs will get the idea, WE could lock leveling up with the professions, your toon gets to so and so level, you must craft a gidget, to keep leveling up, then they put the mats in behind a time lock, one piece every week, the chance that it is a dupe that you don’t need 98%.

I wouldn’t say they’re in a terrible state… I was actually enjoying them up to a certain point, but one thing they absolutely need is the ability to respec profession points at least on a limited basis.

I decided to try Textiles as a Tailor. Had the idea that most people would be going for gear, figured there would be good money to be made in providing the curiated parts. Turns out, there was a complete saturated market for this (since a lot of folks did this who were just not interested in professions, but passive incomes via some of the boons)… but since I’d already invested 50+ points in this, I’d basically bricked my entire profession without a chance for a redo.

So I stopped participating in professions and didn’t bother with them on alts because you’re asked to make way too many important decisions about what you’re going to specialize when you understand the absolute least about how the profession works and what the market will be.

I get they shouldn’t allow respecs so you can chase whatever market is hot on a daily basis… but some latitude so you can continue to participate in case you made picked the wrong choice when you knew least about how it all would shape up would be appreciated.


The NPC crafting orders in the new expansion made my day.

It’s much better now. The more specialization points you need, the more crafting orders will be available. They’re basically gated each week, and if you show up 6 weeks later, you’ll have 6 weeks of pending orders that you can do to catch up.

SO much better.

I abandoned the system before right out the gate, always felt behind.


Recipes that provide skill up are color coded and will have a number next to them indicating how many points you earn.

The wowhead guides are pretty solid. I was able to cap BS to 100 in a day in S3/S4 on my DK. My points are lagging behind like whack, but I can craft a mean longsword lol.


do you really need that much gold in game nowadays ? not really




You need to be on the right server and to have started at the right time to make any money with DF crafting. It’s garbage. Make Work orders region-wide and it’s fixed imo.

No other expansion have I had this much trouble making gold. Shadowlands was better.

My main money maker rn is archaeology.

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Because they are good.

Do you have a source to share where is this statistic coming from? What was the scientific method used to measure this?

I made over 3 million gold this expansion so far and I haven’t played the whole season 3.
In fact I made more gold this expansion with professions and I’m only talking about Blacksmith. In the first season I had 2 characters to have access to both weapon / armor specialization but once I got my DK fully specialized in all sections I just kept doing it.

I haven’t gone out of gold anytime and I’m still over 1.5 million gold right now. I am more casual than you most likely, who is concerned with having to use alchemy for twice flask duration… when we’ve been using cauldrons that makes flask cost nothing.

and that is the biggest change and I hope we never go back to crafting and putting items in the AH, let alone use AH for that.

The artisan’s guild and the crafting system is much better experience for a crafter. You’re just a trader. Go trade some other items if you want.

The new system is very satisfying and you really feel like being a crafter. It provides also security for the client to put up their goods through a safe place to receive their output there. It is a very safe transaction.

82 primary stat, are you passing on a valid buff you can have that can even last 2 hours and through death if you have the Alchemical Flavor Pocket. But you’re min-maxer to consider alchemy for 2 hours flask. That is weird.

Again, it is not. It favors the crafters. The previous system favored gold whales that could buy off everything from the AH, craft everything and fill the AH with BoEs and dominate the market.

Sadly, you can’t do it with crafting system.
That is why I love it. I see how mad people are that they can’t simply ignore the interaction with players.

As a crafter, I love talking to people, explaining how it works and how they can make the most with the crafting system. I’ve met a lot people and I’ve got customers to come back to me after a while because they liked my service and how I treated them.

Have you even gave a chance to the crafting system, at all?


Yes and no.

No. Move to a high pop server if you want to be a crafter there.


You didn’t deny how crafting is dead on smaller servers.

And this wouldn’t be a problem if commodities at least were server-specific. Either all of it should be or none of it should.


Of course I didn’t.
You need customers to craft.

But things might change with the guilds being cross-server also.

A large portion of players complains about commodities being cross-server too.

I just want to see how it will be in TWW, as the gathering is changing.

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Crafting wasn’t dead on small servers in SL and before.


that wasn’t crafting. I’m sorry.

They just haven’t fixed the revamp. It doesn’t need to be thrown out but the weirdness of the trading post system really needs to be fixed. They didn’t tweak it seemingly at all during Dragonflight…really needs attention.

So yes, we expect them to rework it until it doesn’t suck. I think that is reasonable.


Abolish the profession limitation of only being able to learn just two major professions and allow us to learn every profession on a single character. Then there are no profession advantages to worry about.

Make profession progress account wide.

Make them slightly quicker to learn than they are in Dragonflight(make profession points slightly more abundant).


The revamp doesn’t need fix.
The only thing needed was the catch up mechanism and they made adjustments with regards of inspiration that changes into concentration, a much better system.

The trading post itself is where people go to setup their orders for crafting.
I like it how it is. It is one step closer to having your own shop.

I never liked the idea of opening trade with someone and handing over them thousands or even millions of gold in materials for a craft. The system DOES fix that, even if they don’t craft it for you at least you get back your materials, and the payment is guaranteed as it is send along with the order.

What else would you prefer? to have another trade window system for craft? Potatoes Potatoes?

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I do agree they have fixed some things, and it needed it. Not saying they haven’t but am saying that the situation after the revamp was not good because of the reliance on the trading post and how weirdly pigeon holed they made the thing.

I still think much longer listing and a lower cost to put up requests is needed as is some sort of system for more public orders. Or just do away with all the questing tied to that system…which it seems like they have done with the NPC side.

It doesn’t need a full revamp, but it needs a lot of tweaking and it sounds like they have done a good portion, but I haven’t seen anything about changes to work orders. They still seem wonky to me.


I think they just need to add a 3rd or maybe a 2 to 1…ie two craft and one harvest. Or you can have two harvest and 1 craft. Just something. It has really gotten stale.

Interested to see how crafting will shift with warbands though, might really shake things up but also could do very little if everything is still soul bound. hard to say.