Professions 8.1.5 - FAIL!

All the hype about the “improvements” in professions in 8.1.5 is bunk.
The very same flaw - gating professions behind dungeons/raids - that cropped up to kill that part of the game in Legion will now be presented in nothing but an “enhanced” version.

The devs turned a deaf ear to casuals with their scheme in Legion and are only doing a double down with 8.1.5. Aren’t there other aspects of the game that they could have spent their worthless time on instead.

Well, Blizz, keep hammering those nails into your own coffin…


They are killing their own game, how will they be able to sell us the next exp after all that crap


They aren’t targeting us, the players who have been around since XXXX or are returning after not playing since XXXX. Their design decisions are aimed at the new players picking up the game for the first time, who likely outnumber us 5 to 1. And Activision wants to spend as little on game development as they can, creating re-usable content like Island Expeditions and AP grinds that are easy to update to appear as new content to attract new players.


I agree. The players that spend the most time and effort on Professions are the players who DO NOT RAID or do max-level dungeons.

Not all players have a “main”. Blizzard seems to be forgetting that.

In BFA (like in Legion) I can do each zone on a different character to unlock WQs and to unlock flying (pathfinder-1). But guess what? I cannot unlock the Kul Tiran AR that way. I cannot even start the “Pride of Kul Tiran” questline without doing all 3 zones ON THE SAME CHARACTER.

Blizzard simply assumes that every player has one MAIN and does everything on that one character.


The game is based around having one character. Blizzard realizes some people have more time then others though, and accommodates those players and playstyles.

Some account wide unlocks exist so that players can change characters, especially in cases where Blizzard screws up their class or doesn’t even bother to look at shaman. But others are part of the “experience” of playing the class, and they expect you to repeat the content, no matter how stupid it is.

Do you think players who completed all of Legion and BfA content should just be given a 120 character boost after reaching 100 since they already leveled and did all that content? Upon hitting 120, should characters with AOTC already in the new raid be given a full set of 400 ilvl gear? Of course not, leveling and earning that gear is part of the point of a MMO RPG.

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I don’t really have a main, but I do designate one character to do all of the pathfinder achievements so I can get account wide flying, so naturally I spend the most time on that character just because of this. Otherwise I play all 12 classes equally, so not much time for BG or raiding, just leveling all 12 classes.

FInished all classes in Diablo 3 in 2 weeks, maybe wow in 2 decades!?

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I have 11 120’s, and I’m 5 points away from 150 in engineering to max out all crafting…do you know how hard it is to get the stuff needed for max level crafting on 6 different toons?..blizzard sucks…


…it’s not about more time then others, I have A.D.D. and I can’t stick to 1 toon…so I constantly jump from toon to toon to keep interested in the game…the game is pretty boring, and the only thing I enjoy is pvp and that pretty much sucks…it’s just a matter of time before I get 150 in engineering and cancel my sub…the game sucks because blizzard sucks…


Expolsum is a hassle to get. I got all profs either maxed or near maxed (140+) 2 times over. It took awhile that’s for sure, especially if you don’t have alot of gold. Still working on 120, started BFA this year.

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Honestly putting stuff behind dungeons isn’t really a big deal, especially if it’s queable like heroic dungeons or LFR. I’m avid recipe collector and I’m looking forward to getting some of these patterns next patch, but I admit it wouldn’t really be fair to people who put effort into getting the old versions if ot was too easy to get.

Some stuff does go too far though, like the Rank 3 shoulder patterns in Legion still being locked behind RATED Battlegrounds to unlock. I’d be totally fine with them in regular BGs or being purchased with Marks of Honor etc. as an alternative, but rated is pretty hard to break into and sucks that you need to win if you only want to collect some patterns.

15 Tidalcore/Hydrocore is also a bit steep just to learn the raid cratabkes though. It’s a pretty tedious thing to run 15 mythics to get Hydros for your crafted gear if you’re mainly a raider.


I would prefer that the Blacksmithing hammer give a chance to add a socket or a tertiary stat besides Indestructible to crafted items. That would make crafting slightly less unimportant.

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The new tools of the trade are meant to add flavor to the professions, not power. If it added a socket to the gear, then every serious raider or m+ player would be “required” to level blacksmithing for two 415 ilvl slots of gear with perfect secondary stats and an extra gem socket. Indestructible on the other hand is just “cute” and might save you a few gold over the life of the item.

Hey, we’re forced to do raiding and M+ to get the materials to craft; wouldn’t it be fair to force them to craft in order to do M+ and raid?

Or, you know, they could set it up so neither of us had to do the stuff unrelated to what we like. For example, they could make the materials freely tradeable and the crafted gear BOE.


They may not be targeting those of us who have been around from the start or even those that have been playing for 5 to 10 years but they should at least listen to us.

With the developers gating the best grafting behind dungeons and raids that does cut off a good portion of the player base who do not like or regularly do those activities. People login to this game to have fun and to do something they enjoy outside of the real world.

A friend recently told me “I work in the real world I do not login to a game to “work” I login to play.” I do the same and I am sure that is the case for most if not all of us. I do understand that some effort should be put into getting the good stuff but it should not be overly difficult or undesirable. So what if a player can make a couple of pieces of the best gear in the game every raid tier…big deal. If people who don’t like crafting want it then they can learn to do a little crafting to get it or better yet make the stuff BOE instead of BOP.

I have seen a lot of your posts and replies to a lot of people on the subject of crafting, some I agree with and some I don’t, but I am sure you know that most people are not enjoying crafting in this game anymore and that includes the new players.

Crafting never was great but has never been this bad. It has been taken in entirely the wrong direction over the expansions and that needs to get fixed and the first and best step in that direction would be to remove the BOP from all crafting materials and crafted items.


Crafting never was great but has never been this bad. It has been taken in entirely the wrong direction over the expansions and that needs to get fixed and the first and best step in that direction would be to remove the BOP from all crafting materials and crafted items.

Totally agree. Crafting has always been meh, they have never done it well nor seemed to care that it was subpar but this new direction is plain killing it.

There are just less and less reasons for me to devote much time to the game anymore


Yeah, that wasn’t my quote. I think it got butchered a bit. I understand the purpose of BoP crafting materials from dungeons and raids.

I do disagree with the BoP “combat perks”, if the goal of a profession is to make gold, BoP crafted items is stupid. And expulsom at this point functions more like obsidium (?) from Legion then BoS, so it should also be tradable.

Their vision for this game is completely different than it used to be. It probably stems from having developers that don’t even play their own game.


Which makes the increase to 50 alts on a server baffling. They know people have many alts yet keep gating content as if you had a main only.


You mean like how things have always been when subs were at an all time high and people actually enjoyed playing the game? Weird.


I agree blizzard has made this game a FAIL. a lot of people are leaving already ,
use to be so much fun to play and now it old boring content.
so many have said it’s a fail and it is…