Profession Knowledge not catching up

Awhile back I missed a week or two in profession knowledge. I got weak aura that now says i am behind 9 points in alchemy and 5 points in engineering.

The thing is - I literally have done everything daily for a month now and have STILL not been able to catch up.

Why is this? You miss a spark, you catch up instantly. You miss knowledge points - you’re permanently behind.

What am I doing wrong - please advise.

Based on what I am experiencing on my professions, that close to catching up you should be seeing Work Orders awarding one, maybe two, Flickers per week per profession.

If you are not seeing those Work Orders, then the game system does not agree that you are behind no matter what the weak aura says.

The only crafting profession that can be fully caught up is enchanting. The rest, the closest I got is 1 point behind in engy. And I too do my best to fill in those patrons WOs with KPs items. So you are not alone.

The “catch up” kind of relies in getting lucky with what crafting orders spawn for you. If you were fully caught up, those orders wouldn’t spawn at all. As long as you are behind they keep spawning, but only 1-2 a day, so the catchup process is very slow.

I get 3 flicker patron orders for tailoring and alchemy each every day after reset no matter how far behind my alt is, I think that’s the “catch up” mechanic. if so it’s contingent on logging in each and every day which isn’t the friendliest. :confused:

“Catch Up” is misleading, there is no catching up among the crafting professions. The patron system will only allow so many work orders per week and it’s a crap shoot at what you are getting. I get a lot requests for recipes I don’t have or recipes in trees I didn’t spec in, also some specs you have to be rich to be able do the a good number of the patron orders, blacksmithing, engineering and jewelcrafting. Gathering professions can probably catch up in a solid weekend, with the exception of skinning maybe.

There is catchup. The single KP craft orders will only spawn if you are behind in points.

Fly around and loot those globs of waxes, they sometimes have points in them. I don’t know if they have extra points. As far as I know, most catch up points (aside from enchanting) come from patron orders.

Alchemy: I seem to get more patron orders awarding kp’s on new characters.

Enchanting: I’ve had so many catchup points thrown at me, even on a character that hadn’t yet picked up Khaz Algar Enchanting, that I didn’t realize I hadn’t picked up KA enchanting until I got around to trying to level it a couple of weeks later. I was able to DE current gear, get new recipe drops and as mentioned, bunches and bunches of catch up points.

Engineering: I don’t know I kind of gave up bc points seem so pointless after a point (pun unintended)

Everything else: I stopped leveling everything else and just go alchemy/enchanting now except hunter has skinning but I don’t chase points.

I know that some points are once-offs, so it might be you can never get the ones you seem to be missing. That’s what someone more professional than me told me.

Catch ups for the crafting professions is through the patron’s WOs except for enchanting. Chanting can just keep disenchanting stuff after the weekly allotment. Gathering start getting catch ups after the weekly allotment also. Difference is that gathering controls just how fast the catch up can go… Just keep gathering. Crafting has to wait for those 1 KPs WOs. Those are on a very slow trickle and brutal rng. As far as I know, the only crafting profession that can be absolutely up to date is enchanting, the others are ALWAYS behind.

Yeah I really want to switch one of my prof but at this point I would be soooooooooo far behind and the catch up doesn’t really catch you up. Even if you just get 2 extra points a week at this point you won’t catch up before the release of the new exp. :confused: Kinda silly

You will because there aren’t unlimited points. Eventually you get them all. Even sooner than that, you get all the important ones. Right now, assuming 0 catch up points, if you got every point available the first professions would max in late February. I have all 8 profs, and my last one will max in late June. And that’s one where in missed many points due to cost and build issues (blacksmithing). That’s also assuming 0 catch up points, ignoring Darkmoon fair bonuses, and assuming no new sources of knowledge in the. 1 patch (.1 added new treasures in DF, as well as skill books via currency). So there is plenty of time to catch up before the end of the expansion.

Have you collected all of the +3 knowledge treasures ?
Do you dig treasures?
Do you buy a treatise every week?
Also Dark Moon Fair ends today.

Did you order an engineer treatise this week from a scribe?

The treatises, and DMF for that matter, are not part of the catch ups, you miss them and tis gone. The catch up mechanism is for the dirt treasures, the weekly quests, gathered KP items allotment or the patrons WOs you missed/didn’t get listed or were unable to craft/gather.

I have every profession in the game. I tracked my catch up points for every profession for 12 weeks on all but mining, herbing and enchanting since these gathering professions let you totally catch up. The other professions do not. I have four professions I have been training from day one and the rest I took later. On the professions I began with I have never been able to complete despite doing every single daily patron order. On the the ones I started later I get to the same point with the original professions but never can complete. For instance, the first week I started tracking this my tailor showed 4 points to catch up. 12 weeks later he was at 5. I also tracked how many were available each week. I discovered Blizzard will not consistently give you enough Knowledge point quests to complete the weekly quota. For instance week one on tailor was 4, week two it was 10 meaning I was shorted four KP quests. 4,10,9,7,4,8,6,4,2,7,3,5 is the full 12 weeks. I still get the catch up quests which means when they short you, you have to do the 1 point quests.

Same boat here pretty much. This week it’s the JC and an engy that is a single point behind. Maintenance today so it will fall back. I get the randomness of patrons, but a single point? One less 10 AA WOs would not have hurt anyone!

Oy. You are making some assumptions here.

First of all, there is no “catch up knowledge” value on your character. What the weakaura is telling you is the value of a hidden currency.

For example, tailoring is associated with hidden currency ID = 3067. The value you are seeing is the max value of that currency - total earned (both values which are stored in the currency).

That hidden currency value is used to determine how many extra patron orders to give. It NEVER says that you were supposed to get that number to zero. Anywhere. It’s not Blizzard’s fault that you assumed it was supposed to.


While what you point out is true, there is a buried data in his post that is kind of frustrating.

Simply, the total number of WOs offered each week for the 2 KP Glimmers is variable. Sometimes you will get three per reset. Sometimes four. Possibly even five depending on the profession. This also leads to issues where people who started the same profession week 1 and completed all WOs offered each week can be off by 20-30 KP, which are not necessarily “caught up” by the 1 KP Flicker WOs because they seem to be individually based instead of across the board.

That’s wrong. The 2 point ones are constant. It’s a 4 day cycle, you get you orders every 4 days. So you get 1 to 2 days per week. On those days, eng always gets 2, INS gets 3, jc 2, lw 3, tailor 3, bs 3, alchemy 2. This is constant. I’ve been tracking this cycle on my chars (1 of each) for 2 months and it’s never carried from that, only the 1 point ones differ. 1/29 for me will be eng, then ins and JC on the 30, lw the 31, tailor, bs, alchemy the 1st then repeat. It’s possible that the start days of your cycle may differ, but the cycle itself never does

It should be wrong and the Glimmer orders should be constant, but they are not.

Like you, I’ve been tracking my WOs across 12 crafters since week 1, and another 6 crafters started in November. Unlike you, I’ve seen different Glimmer offerings on the same character for the same profession, and differences across multiple characters with the same profession. It does not make sense, and I assume it is a bug on Blizzard’s end, but it is happening.

The follow on from that for the ‘catch-up’ WOs that offer Flickers becomes more convoluted because of the simple question: is the back end system calculating the theoretical maximum as a per reset global? Or is it based on an individual characters theoretical maximum based on the WOs they’ve previously received for that profession?

It seems more like the global since my crafters that started later were receiving ‘catch-up’ Flickers since they opened WOs, but there are still variations in those offerings that make me think it may be a combination.

As an example, my Engineer 1 is only about 90 KP from finishing and receives 1-2 KP offerings per day.
Engineer 2 is about 200 KP from finishing and receives the same 1-2 KP offerings per day.
Engineer 3 is about 190 KP from finishing and receives 3-5 KP offerings per day.
Engineer 4 is about 300 KP from finishing and receives 2-4 KP offerings per day.

If everything was working as a constant, those daily WO KP offering numbers should be different for three of them and in a different order.