Wowhead has datamined some items being added to professions.
Disclaimer: Remember that datamined does not mean the item will actually be in the game when the patch goes live. In the article, it references the multicraft nerf/resourcefulness buff that was delayed, however it is not yet confirmed that they are doing it in 11.1.
Notable: they have items that seem to allow you to reset your KP, but how much and what it costs is unknown
There are new enchanting crests but no other new enchants.
There are some new treatises that give 10 KP but it is unclear how they are obtained.
There is a new armor kit which gives primary stats rather than int only or agi/str only. It appears to be better than spellthread. (Sunset spellthread R1 give a 593 int/180 Stam, this gives 605 primary stats/625 Stam).
As I posted there, partly based on my own opinions, and partly based on the comments on the article, these are the changes I’d like to see:
Get rid, or nerf even further the multi-proc/resourcefulness - it makes it impossible to craft at a profit if you’re not spec’d into that tree, and RNG when you are (particularly, as people pointed out, it’s more often the vendor mats than the rare ones).
Simplify the KP trees, but make it harder to get the first points in a new tree - it was a good idea to force specialisation into, say, “leather or mail” for LW, or “armour or weapons” for BS, to give the feel of “expert in your craft spec” (the 2 main BS in my main’s guild chose different ones). Forces the goblins to split their effort into 2 characters too (or not dominate both markets).
Give better catch-up mechanisms for KP and Accuity - the current NPC orders are too expensive for returning/new players, late starters and alts and the drop-rate of catch-up items from doing open-world content is too infrequent.
Further limit the number of NPC orders for recipes you don’t have yet. Whilst I don’t mind the odd order where I can buy the recipe, their drop rates are so low that they’re often 10-100K each on the AH. Either increase the drop rates or make them only for the order that gives you a raid crystal instead of KP or Accuity.
Ditto for recipes you don’t have that are locked behind KP trees. Whilst I can sometimes do catch-ups to get to them, if they’re 30 or more deep it’s impossible if I’ve already collected all the “extra freebie” notes available in the wild on that character.
Increase the Accuity gains over time so collectors can catch up after the season-start rush. I can understand the need for a mechanism, but the un-fixed Accuity shuffle negated it completely for those willing/able (i.e. not 18+ years worth of collected recipes, some now unobtainable) to do it. This can easily be done by, for example, increasing the amount gained on a first-time craft, or adding it to a knowledge point item drop in the open world.
Link the Work Orders to the Auction House. Yes, the Trader’s mount is handy (except you can’t use it at the only open air one due to overcrowding/people covering the NPC on huge mounts) but it still adds an extra, unnecessary step as a barrier for people placing Craft Orders.
What would other people like to see changed about professions?
wouldn’t have the effect you think. The reason most crafts are unprofitable isn’t because people are speced in multi. It’s due to low demand combined with people who think creating with their own mats is free undercutting the actual market price (and losing money over selling the mats). Removing these procs wouldn’t make them profitable, it would make them even less profitable.
no. In like having an single crafter of each type. This change would lead to busy work of me managing at least 2 leatherworkers, 2 blacksmiths etc. It would add nothing to the game, but make crafters lives worse.
better KP catch up, fine. Acuity catch up isn’t needed. Even my tailor enchanter, who got every single recipe in game including all of the bags, has been done with acuity for 2 months. My single crafters have been done since October. The acuity grind is over, and was an reasonable length.
4/5) this I agree with. Especially bad for blacksmithing, where not opening the armor and weapon trees first put you at an big disadvantage.
once again not needed. The acuity grind was really short for most crafts. Having to devote a month or two was reasonable. If you want to make it shorter than that, argue for it to be removed entirely and you have a better argument.
I don’t think anyone has a problem with finding the NPC who can’t solve it with an quick /2. They have better things to work on, and in don’t think adding craft orders to the ah would be an good UI experience.
And don’t forget cross realm AH for consumables/mats, plus warband bank making everything basically cross realm so prices are pretty low as they even out everywhere.
I sincerely hope Blizzard does not offer excessive catch up mechanics in Dragonflight and The War Within.
There are so many points currently available for all professions via treasures, knowledge point books. General specialization leveling as you craft each new recipe.
You have more than enough to pick a niche and make solid money off it.
This concept that enough time has passed so a mechanic or system (in this case), should reward points is exceptionally disrespectful of players time who invested for the sake of the economy or collections.
Its insulting how lazy people can be.
You dont deserve it. You dont need it.
All it would do is save you months of farming, gold for crafting costs, and it would generare large revenues that earlier players should own the rite to.
Knowledge points earned from having access to rare or unlearned process are not a given. If you can earn or collect a recipe through any meana, only then are entitled to the work order available. These constant pleas I see on every section of every WoW forum to reduce, remove, restrict. They need to stop. You people are ruining the game in so many ways.
System after system is slowly being converted to particpation rewards for everyone.
Its been happening for years.
Every person argue for a change they want that makes sense to them. Personally. Very rarely, if truly ever. Do I see people argue for change for the sake of the community.
Professions should allow people to have time to cook in real life, too. Clean our RL houses. Have jobs. Go to the gym.
It is ironic you call us lazy because we rather spend time at the gym than the tedious grind of knowledge points.
I can understand being proud and enjoying skilled gameplay. The joy of a good quest line story. Chatting with friends while doing world quests. Wanting to show off creativity in housing decorations.
I don’t understand putting down people because they don’t sink in the same hours for tedious time-gated content.
My friend had cancer surgeries and was recovering from them so she missed out on all of TWW up until these holidays. And all you could think to say was that you’re insulted she’s lazy?
Earlier players shouldn’t “own the right” to do something as simple as crafting work orders that come in from patrons.
The only difference between you and a person who hasn’t spent every week suffering from the boring grind of knowledge points is that you had the privilege of sacrificing your real-life time.
As to why you even want to sacrifice your real-life time, I can’t understand.
WoW could give us a game where everyone has enough gold to buy everything they want in the game. They choose not to… in order to sell WoW tokens.
The process of creating that artificial gold scarcity has bred a new type of WoW elitism centered around knowledge point time-gated content.
There is truly no need to disrespect anyone by calling them lazy or saying they don’t deserve or need to enjoy an aspect of a game.
You’ve lost sight of the common enemy: artificial gold scarcity
Do you honestly prefer the tedious grind of knowledge points as opposed to having more time for dates or seeing family, etc? What about vacations? Wouldn’t you rather enjoy a two-week vacation without having to worry that you missed out on knowledge point grind?
Or ask yourself if what you are really defending is the gold you are making.
Those will more than likely be part of the offerings for a faction’s renown reward we will have to grind in S2. Quite a bit like the mole peoples in DF.
I would have like a shatter in chanting since those crystals are starting to pile up, but Ill make do.
Knowledge reset is no skin off my back since I can read and there is no way to brick the knowledge wheel at all in this exp.
New armor patch is very much welcome for druids, shammys and pallys that have different main stats depending on spec. Freedom to switch is a beautiful thing.
Nothing to alarm me in those notes regarding professions.
He might have misspoke there, but for me, no, new players or returning players should not get catch ups for the reasons he said. People put time and effort into keeping up and abreast of things. To have someone come back in and catch up fast is disrespectful to the people who played non stop since the time of launch
What tedious grind? Getting weekly knowledge points takes max 30 min per week, do you really think that is a grind??
WoW is multiplayer game and it runs in real-time, there is no button to stop the game when you go offline.
Sure, you can go to gym and do your homework, but you cant expect others to follow your routines. Besides, Blizzard has put some timegates just so we could cook and clean. And they did add catchup mechanic, what more would you want?
They have addressed the issue I raised in my post (you know waaaaay back before people cough went a little off topic here)
Spellthread will be buffed to match the existing armor kit.
So, at R3, Stormbound Armor Kit gives 930 agi/str + 895 Stam.
Sunset spell thread at R3 will be adjusted to 930 int + 895 (up from 747 int/ 230 stam)
In comparison, the charged armor kit (new kit) will give 885 all stats + 895 stam.
The new item is now similar to the DF S2 armor kit which is intended for people who are swapping between int and agi or str with a small penalty for the flexibility.
For those of you that were paying attention to what I was actually warning you about, you can breathe a sigh of relief. Tailors making gold from duskweave and its products can unclench their buttholes now lol.
Since I understand what’s my business and what isn’t, I don’t mind when people nowadays have an easier time going back for mounts/transmog/achievements I “worked hard for” 10 years ago.
You could learn a lot from my correct perspective.
Except you are on the wrong point. Im referring to current xpac and catch up tools to profession trees. People have logged in every week to do their Weekly’s for points to have someone come along 6 months later and catch up fast. It disrespects the time of the first person took logging in each week sacrificing his time
Their expansion long profession kp farm is just lame.
We should have max’d the profs already, or very close to max.
It is just boring, tedious and cumbersome.
And most profs don’t make any gold at all, ie engineering.
I do not know how to fix, I wish I knew.
Spending a mininal amount of time each week should get you close to 100% for most professions by now.
I have missed a month due to a moose collision.
I am 6 weeks from capped on everything except Blacksmithing.
I do every profession. It takes about a total of 30 minutes for 6 characters on the crafting order reset day each week.
10 minutes for 6 characters total every other day for the 2 Knowledge point catch ups available around reset per profession.
It really depends on the profession. Alchy? I got toons that got all but one tab filled. Polishing that last tab on engy on numerous toons. Chanters are at 2/4 filled and I mean the big tab like the enchants and the DE tab. I reckon that by the end of S2 I will have filled all the wheels on all the professions… Most likely sooner in some cases. Witch also happened in DF go figure!
Yeah, I know that. You are right.
5 months and 2/4 is bleh, it has lost its magic, that’s what I was saying.
But he said he is 6 weeks away capping everything, let’s say you get 20 kp per week. that’s 120, there is no way it is possible for jc/ench, maybe alchemy
Jc is a bit of a monster yeah. That gem tab is soooo humongous! Chanting is more manageable Id say. Got the DE tab filled, 3/4 of the shatter done, main enchant one is filled and 2 wheels of that other one with the masks. Pretty much down to polishing there IMO. BS is the most finicky with the patrons not putting in alloys. Seriously I hope the dev that thought that part has children, I hope those children play with Lego right on his side of the bed and leave em there!