Profession changes datamined at wowhead

Yup, when I see an order w/o alloy, nope I aint spending any gold on this bc.

Alch is the easiest perhaps.

JC is just insane, and the worst part is you make 400-600 gold per day. Gem prices are plummeted. So, here we are at what I said, it has lost its magic, sadly.

I need 142 more points to cap on a single alchemist so that’s 7ish weeks if we assume 20 points per week. I haven’t really been obsessively filling out every kp orders either…my addon says I’m 27 points behind. So…six weeks is possible actually?

Also engineering’s tree is super small so I would say it wouldn’t be too unrealistic for that to be less than 6 weeks from completion.

Most of my trees are between 6 to 15 weeks from completion; the ones that are the farthest are JC and BS. But I did fill the entire gemcutting tree and have parts of jewelrycrafting on a single character (I have a second JC for the other half).

There are far to many profession trees to screenshot for this thread.

As long as a player is doing the x2 catchup points per day from work orders. All weekly points from orders.

Grabbing those catch up points for herbalism-mining- skinning. (Takes a couple hours to max out).

You will get there quicker.
I stopped with the x2 treasure KP on most of my toons about a month ago. After incorporating them across my account for Wax weekly, bloody tokens weekly for this expansion.

The math is quite simply there for anyone to verify if they have been active up until now. Its not refutable.
I am even behind the cutting edge players with the examples I gave earlier.

I can go through my professions on stream if you are adamant Im full of it. Search my name on twitch. Every morning I stream.

Pretty sure no one here was talking about gathering.

Its relevant. Thanks for being a productive participant of the conversation.

It’s my thread?

In this “open to all particpants, owned by no one in particular” thread, yes.

Just because you don’t know how to utilize professions, doesn’t mean they’re not making gold. I’m doing well with all professions - especially engineering.

do tell please, instead of insulting.

Just pointing out it’s a bit weird to thank someone for participating in their own thread?

At no time was I insinuating that other people cannot contribute. Just puzzled as to why someone would say that.

He is doing well with engineering how? Well I goin on a limb here but I guess he is crafting?

In my experience, the highest amount that you can get is from an embellishment ~300 gold.
So, I take his word with a grain of salt, I would like him to explain how he is doing, sure a magician never tells his secrets, but he can hopefully give us a clue.
But I do not think that would be the case, I bet he’ll comeback with another insult.

You are correct in that there is no call to be insulting. You are also asking for something perfectly reasonable. If you make a claim, you should be able to back it up.

However, they are correct that engineering is fairly profitable, as are most professions.

Here is some data to back this up. In this test I made 61 Bismuth bolts, 30 gyrating gears, 60 whimsical wiring, and 30 safety switches. I stopped crafting when I reached these values. So the multicraft is included in these totals.:

  1. Crafting 61 Bismuth bolts, R3. Cost for R3 mats: 3600 g. Multicrafted 4 times, AH price is 4270 g. Profit
  2. Crafting 30 Gyrating Gear, R3. Cost for R3 mats: 2061.5 g. Multicrafted 0 times. AH price is 2305.5 g. Profit
  3. Crafting 60 Whimsical Wiring, R3. Cost for R3 mats: 2997.8 g. Multicrafted 6 times. AH price 4560g. Profit
  4. Crafting 30 Safety Switch, R3. Cost for R3 mats: 3946.83g. Multicrafted 6 times. AH price is 5669.7 g. Profit

From these I crafted 38 Convincingly Realistic Jumper Cables (casted the craft 30 times and proc’d multicraft 4 times). Total cost to make: 12606.13 g. Price on AH: 18050. Profit is 5171.68 g after AH takes its cut. It sold in less than 30 minutes.

Before you say, but multicraft! I would note that multicraft is not needed here to make a profit; it just increases it. The multicraft I got were actually below average for this run, but within the margin of error to what is expected. I also did not include resourcefulness, which also increases profit.

The jumper cables are a battle rez item that can be used by all classes and is a fast rez; thus it is usable and valuable in all content.

You can also make a profit by using R2 mats and using concentration, but you’ll be limited in how many you can make. The upside of that is your per item profit margin is higher.

Engineering is an interesting profession in that both methods of crafting items are profitable. This is one example. The parts and the craft are profitable. There are other things you can make to profit from engineering, including items from previous expansions.

In addition, you can sell P.O.W. x2 (gun) to hunters in trade. Some are also selling the mount in trade.

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Thank you Teishoku. Interestin tidbits. Already put to practice your other post about chaos phials for alchemy.

That said… 100g here says he’s still gonna complain and feel insulted and stuff. Tis the way it is.

In the meantime… Am gonna do some jumper cables!

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Just because someone called you out for making things up/or not understanding how something works, doesn’t mean they’re being insulting.

I’m looking at one of my ENGI toons right now. Out of 28 recipes I just scanned for current content, 16 of them are profitable. And that’s just on one of my high pop realms. Some of those items aren’t mats/consumables so the price can be better and profitable on other realms. Some of them, that another person listed, have higher demand and are more likely to sell immediately upon posting.

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Well, sometimes that is true, but you were plain insulting, don’t be like that. At least be a man and stand on your ground.

I did the same scan, yes, there are profitable items if you buy r2 and use ingenuity, but the profit is like 10-30 gold per piece, Idk any prices on other servers. 10 gold is just nothing in this economy. There is one item that actually sells with high prof, and compared to other profs engi is still lame. I am making much more with enchanting/alch.

And surplus 10 gold per item does not mean you know how to profession works. You are just scanning, and w/e is there you sell. I thought you were gonna say something solid and that makes sense. I am not insulting btw.

Called it!

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I was scanning for your benefit to see how many things were profitable. I don’t recall exactly, but at the time the profit ranged from 30 - 8,000 gold. I don’t need to scan unless I’m using up concentration, I know what markets I’m in for ENGI and what’s selling depending on realm. Why would I share something solid/what I sell, so you can just tank my markets?

People aren’t going to give solid tips unless the market is already dead/dying/or they’re after views on social media/youtube and already made it big.

The first rule of craft club an all that? :grin: