<Process> is a Casual Late Night/Weekend Raiding Guild. We are recruiting Geared Healers and All dps for Uldir Progression team. Currently 2/8M. Raid times are
Tuesday, Friday, Saturday 9pm-12am Server. Tuesday is Heroic full clear, Friday/Saturday are Mythic Progression. Currently looking for players over
340 ilvl with simliar experience in Uldir. All specs and classes welcome, but looking for ranged dps and healers to round out our core group. We have Mythic+ running at all times pushing our IO scores
Any questions Add/Message:Raid Lead: Gaaris#1873
Officer: Chemistry#11203
We will answer any questions you may have.
Trust the Process!
Raid times are Central, western, eastern, Aussie?
Are these raid times EST,CST,PST?