Problems with War Within that I have as a Classic Andy:

Problem one: The Gear.

I actually have two problem with the gear that I absolutely detest as a Classic player.

First off, you can’t just get a piece of gear and let it be the best version of itself… no, you have to upgrade it a bunch, which introduces an extra grind that I absolutely detest.

Just let gear be gear and quit doing upgrade systems, they suck donkey balls.

Secondly: The RNG with stats is hugely annoying. you can never be completely certain if a bit of gear is a proper upgrade due to the random selection of stats. I’m pretty sure you have to sim it to be certain.

Problem two: the Nurubian pact mounts: they’re ugly as hell. 'nough said.

Problem three: personal loot system. I’ve never been a fan of it. if you’re gonna use a personal loot system, might as well make it so that everyone gets gear from every boss in a dungeon, or just have a chest at the end so people can grab loot. Doing a dungeon and not getting any loot for the trouble is kind of annoying.

Problem four: Coreway loading screen. Maybe it’s just due to my computer being crappy, but i really wish that the transition through the Coreway didn’t have a loading screen, it always ruins my immersion.

Problem Five: there arn’t any vendors selling Auction House Mounts like the Brutosaur from BFA.

Blizzard, it’s been three expansions since BFA: please give us another Auction House mount option. Hell, i’d even buy a giant spider if I had to.


Can’t speak for the rest, but re: Problem Four? Yes, this is likely a ‘your computer’ issue.

The Coreway builds upon the seamless load tech from Zaralek Caverns in Dragonflight, and it’s long/tall enough that most systems shouldn’t be getting stuck. What are you running on, for it to be doing this? You’re the first person I’ve heard of that’s getting that sort of chugging happening to them.


Same thing happens in classic. Enchants are even harder to come by in Classic.

lol… this is RICH coming from Classic.

Agreed. You can’t win 'em all. This is arguably the most ugly mount cycle there has ever been in an expansion release.

As opposed to what system is better? Classic’s “Loot Council” or DKP?

I don’t have a Coreway loading screen… what do you mean? Like when you fly down through the Coreway you have a loading screen?

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I only ever get a loading screen here if I’m using an FP.

Which I do’t really mind, because if I’m using an FP, I’m likely AFK for some reason anyways.


Being able to upgrade your gear to a higher level is a great thing. Valorstones are gained from ALL forms of content. It’s there as a means of strengthening your gear if you need it. Don’t want to upgrade it? Don’t optimize then - which is something we’ve been doing for 20 years.

The game gives out valor stones like candy and is a decent way of letting you get SOME form of progress if the loot you want doesn’t drop. This is a problem literally to only people stuck in the past.


Problem 1: Not seeing upgrading gear as a problem. I enjoy classic as well, but the upgrade system provides more opportunities for players to get gear and feel like they are getting stronger.

  • Sub Problem to 1: RNG on gear only comes in the form of tertiary stats and sockets. And even when gear doesn’t have sockets, there is a Non-RNG way of adding sockets to your gear. Tertiary stats only add things like movement speed, avoidance, etc. Its not super important to the quality of the item. So not really a problem either.

Problem 2: This is a preference thing. Not a problem in the game itself, just your personal taste in mount models.

Problem 3: In classic, you frequently do dungeons and never get a piece of loot (or rather any loot that gives you an upgrade where you actually want to put it on). Personal loot just takes away the roll that would have happened in classic. And often times, people would ninja roll on stuff they didn’t actually need or could even wear. So not really seeing an issue with personal loot other than they maybe could increase the chances of getting a piece of loot from a boss in a dungeon, or make it to where every person is guaranteed at least 1 item from a dungeon or raid where personal loot is applied.

Problem 4: Thats a personal issue with your computer. I have no loading screen when flying down the coreway.

Problem 5: Another you problem, not with the game. Just because you want an AH mount, doesn’t mean blizzard should bring the brutosaur mount back. It was exclusive to BFA and now is on the black market AH. Get it there if you really want one.

I will say though, I wouldn’t mind if they added another auction house mount to the game and made it like 10m gold. I don’t have the gold currently for that mount, but i certainly would try to save up and buy it. I already have the brutosaur mount, but variety in AH mounts would be cool :slight_smile:

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Uh, no I mean that you have to upgrade the one piece of gear to a better version of the same piece of gear.

What do you mean? All the gear I’ve seen is pretty consistant in classic.

GDKP, but i’d prefer it be automated instead of player controlled

yep. my system is relatively new, but i just havn’t gotten around to installing the new power supply and graphics card.

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i get a loading screen as well going through there. usually not too much of an issue besides having to stop myself from scraping a wall when im going down once i get back from the screen. Going up seems to be a lot easier and i dont end up kissing walls then.

More like scam or favoritism council


Its why gdkp took off imo.

it was the fairest system. And if you lost the bid war…you got paid off the split. You still get something off the run.

A guild ML run…you leave with no gear. Not alot of money and repair bills.

And when you are number 6 on the list…you pretty much know that is how it will be for 10 weeks. I will put in 4 weeks the item didn’t drop.

Word. I mean, the new spider model is interesting and definitely a bold choice, but it would be nice to have at least one Nerubian mount not be a skinny spider the size of a football field that clearly couldn’t actually carry a Human, much less a Tauren on those legs.

I like personal loot just fine in most scenarios, but what I do NOT like is the game deciding I am not allowed to trade an item to a guildie or group member if it’s a higher ilvl than the one I have on.

I. Don’t. Want. Crit/Vers gear, and when the item is 3ilvls above the one I’ve already got equipped but makes me lose thousands of mastery to make the tradeoff for a handful of intellect, the item is NOT an upgrade or even a sidegrade, yet I’m stuck with it and cannot give it to someone else. I should be allowed to trade it away if I want to.

They made that rule as a safeguard against people being “forced” to trade items in a master loot situation, but dude: if the guys you’re playing with would do that if they could, then making it so they can’t and taking away everyone’s freedom of choice in gear trading doesn’t change the fact that you play this game with doucherockets.

I cannot stand vending an item that was a huge upgrade for someone who wanted it b/c the loot system won’t let me give it to them.

lol. You’re going to tell me that you get loot from every single classic dungeon run?

So… having more options is bad?

That’s a very disingenuous misinterpretation of what he said.

He said:

I added the italic emphasis there for ya.

I disagree with OP on this point. I like the new upgradeable gear and all of the options we have with stat customization in crafted gear. I like that if I find an item with the right stats, I can bump it up in ilvl and keep it long enough to make enchanting and gemming it worth the gold and the effort of doing so.

That said…he has a point about the grind. Valorstones and crests. Artisan’s acuity for recrafting and spark pieces. I mean. He has a point.

As we all know, vanilla had ZERO grinding. Not even a lil bit.


It is not. Attacking me for what I’ve said instead of actually arguing about it is disingenuous.

Well, you see.
He wants to have less options.

Because this is what we have today. More options.

You have a gear that drops at level 340. Then as you level, it can get to 554.
Then you go do the same dungeon in heroic and the same item can drop ilvl 580 on Adventure track 4/8 being upgradeable to 593 8/8.

Then you do a Mythic dungeon and the same item drops again, 593 on Veteran track 4/8 and you can upgrade up to 606.

In your vault depending you can get this item on Champion or Hero Track.

I see all of this as OPTIONS.

He wants the classic way of drops: You get your Savage Gladiator Chain and that is it, that is the best item.

You can’t have a version that is slightly worse but still good.
And also for almost 2 phases there was no other better chest, until Battlegrounds came out in Classic WoW.

The reason behind the gear upgrading is timegating. Retail is basically a phone game. It’s timegated by all the different currencies which Blizzard can manage to keep the theme park ride at the pace they want. I hated it for years, but have learned to enjoy it for what it is. A task driven game where you do a check list during the week, and keep up with the herd for the most part. Kind of an OCD scratcher.

Classic is more like my “real” mmo. Where you go all in and push.

The two games just can’t really be compared. Not because retail sucks, it’s just vastly different in what itch it scratches. If one doesn’t have the itch one version of the game is designed to scratch, they’re not going to like that one.

Have you played classic wow? Or Vanilla for that matter.
You wouldn’t know what is “timegating” things.

You typed all of that like I’m the one who needed convincing. And I didn’t “attack you.” Good grief. I called out your snark as a disingenuous interpretation, which it was.

He did not say he thought having choices was bad. He said having to grind for upgrade currencies was bad. I disagree with him, but I don’t have to twist what he said to make that point.

If you had made your argument and typed out what you typed at me instead of taking the cheap shot with a sarcastic strawman for the ownage points, I would’ve scrolled right on by your post.

Yeah I mostly play vanilla classic. There are gates on raids, and how many ranks you can go up per week. But it’s nothing like having valorstones and crests that are capped by the activities you can get them from. Or sparks, or coffer keys. Etc etc. The entire retail dynamic is time gated. Which is fine; it’s just a different way to come at an MMO.

In classic, you can just go into a raid and get the big drop and that’s that. No need for currency time gating to upgrade it each week to be the best it can be.