Problem with Rogues

Im not sure if others are experiencing this issue but I am and it’s really messing up my ability to play and enjoy a rogue.

Every once and a while my combo point skills don’t reward combo points until after the monster has died so during combat I cant build the points to use certain skills.

Latency is 52 ms home / 53 ms world

Im not understanding why this is occurring but its getting extremely frustrating. All my game files are fine (checked) and no computer performance issues also checked that. Help would be appreciated as the character im trying to build is almost unplayable?


I’m having the same problem. I can’t stealth, earn combo points until after the mob is dead, When I’m mounted I don’t see the mount ( I call it ghost running ) and now I can’t pick up quest… thank god I didn’t do arenas today lol I’d be pissed!


Affects Rogues,Paladins,Monks.


Having the same issue with my combo builders / expenders abilities. Also experiencing problems with invisible mount like a lot of people. It’s impossible to play like this. Do we have any idea when it will be fixed?

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Bump - happening to me, too. Is there a reason we aren’t getting replies to this? I’ve seen a few threads over a month now.

My rogue becomes 100% unplayable.

Can Blizzard, you know, actually reply to this? We are paying customers, and while I know a fix can’t happen over night, I definitely think we are entitled to some sort of communication.

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Regardless of what you’re entitled to, that’s not how Bug Reports forum works. You report bug, QA reads report and validates bug, QA forwards report to devs, devs fix it when they get to it, you find out it’s fixed when it stops breaking on you.

At no point do they confirm anything. Otherwise, they’d create the impression they’re obligated to fix anything, which they aren’t.

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This has been going on since DEC 2018.

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