Problem getting item from the great vault

This is my first time getting something from the great vault. Just completed the two delves got the completed the two delve popup. Go to the great vault to retrieve the award. There is the green check mark and the yellow swirly thing. II get the popup that says current award and that’s it, nothing. Tried clicking, right clicking. What am I doing wrong?

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You can collect reward every reset so that would be next tuesday i think.


Update - Also tried logging out and logging back in. didn’t work.

You’ll get it next week after reset.


The two mentions above are correct! Season One just started today, so the vault will not generate anything until next Tuesday’s reset.


You need to wait until after the weekly reset to collect the rewards from the vault. What you do this week goes towards collecting the rewards for the week, as you can only open up the vault once a week after the reset.


Great Vault rewards unlock every Tuesday after reset. You will get to pick 1 item based on what content you completed the week prior.

I.E = You completed 2 delves. If you do no more you will get 1 item to pick from. If you do 8 delves you will get 3 to pick from on Tuesday


That system is very confusing. If I were a new player, I would consider it broken and unsubscribe. The devs have made this game too confusing for new players. Every person I have tried to get into WOW has quit because of all the confusing nonsense. The devs are not players, so they will never be able to see from the player’s perspective. I thank the community for communicating what the developers could not!


I don’t see how it’s confusing. The vault tells you what rewards you are earning. Then at weekly reset the vault resets for the next week and you get the rewards from the previous week. I think it’s pretty intuitive myself. It’s basically how the old M+ system worked many years ago, but you can get rewards from many sources. The vault is the best system ever put in for casual players.


I don’t know about that. Not from what I have read.


I can see how someone who has never seen it would be confused. But it’s not confusing after you see it in action the first time.

It’s because you only get to choose one reward. You can complete more activities give yourself more options on Tuesday. You can keep completing higher and higher level activities to improve the iLevel of the choices as well.

Also to nip this in the bud, you MUST select your reward after reset to get the next week’s rewards to populate. We see players who don’t select a reward this week, and then next week, they don’t get new choices. You have to clear out the vault, either by choosing gear or the alternative currency, to move forward with the next week.

What? Because you have to wait until Tuesday? That is a severe overreaction, especially when the misunderstanding about the system is your own. There are plenty of websites and Support articles that explain how it works.

Your personal experience is not the experience of others, by and large. This is an INCREDIBLY easy game to understand. There are in-game tutorials and guides everywhere on the internet. There are discussion forums, including a forum specifically for new players to ask questions.

Not taking advantage of all the resources available isn’t the fault of the Devs.

This is a bald-faced lie. But even if they did make a personal choice to not play this game, it’s not required for the game to be successful.


I’m not sure where you are getting your information but I’d avoid using it for any factual references. The Game Developers absolutely are players, there are very few people throughout the company that don’t play games. Not everyone who works here plays WoW but those who are specifically on the WoW team, definitely do.

The game is 20 years old, with a massive amount of content and systems, Azraesyth. Our Game Developers try to provide what guidance they can, but trying to learn every aspect of the game as a new player is going to take some time. That is why we often recommend the various resources that are out there. There are dozens of great guides that cover every aspect of the game.

The benefit of having someone bring you into a game is having that person’s experience to teach you all the ins and outs. Are you helping them through it? Recommending guides or maybe the New Player forum? Again, this is a massive game with ten expansions, it’s going to be at least a little confusing even for experienced gamers to just jump in.

I am sorry if you felt how the Great Vault works was confusing. There is always room for improvements so I would recommend posting in the Dungeons, Raids, & Scenarios forum or submitting your feedback via the Submit a Suggestion option in-game under the Support Menu.


The current game director was a player long before he worked at Blizzard. You can still find his old guild’s dungeon and raid strategy videos.

The guy speaking in the video is Ion Hazzikostas, the current game director of WOW. He did not yet work for Blizzard when this video was made.


I’ve had this quest for 2 weeks and nothing has become available. Almost abandoned, but I figured it’s a necessary “stepping stone” quest to unlock other quests or content…

It doesn’t unlock content or quests, no. It just points you to the weekly vault.

Are you doing content in the game that unlocks those choices with the reset? Dungeons, Raids, Delves, PvP?


Also, be aware that the Season just started. The first time you will be able to get anything from the Vault will be after the weekly reset on Tuesday, September 17, 2024.

More info about what activities unlock Vault choices can be found at the link below.



The quest only became available at season start, this past Tuesday. I am assuming you mean the “collect a reward from vault” quest anyway.

If you did the required activities to unlock a reward they will be available on Tuesday the 17th (ie tomorrow) for you to pick up.

Edit: Kyzera we had basically the same reply! I somehow entirely missed yours.


You can go to the vault right now and it will show you what you’ve unlocked so far. You will get all those choices on Tuesday after reset. The vault is a weekly thing and is basically free bonus gear when you complete certain activities.


Just to add clarification (I know what you meant but newer vault users may not), you don’t get all those choices as items. You can pick one total item out of all the choices you unlocked. Not one per section, one total.


Right, that’s what I meant. It will offer you all the choices. The more you do, the more higher ilvl choices you can get, but you can only pick one item. I just didn’t think I needed to mention you can only pick one item since that’s common knowledge.