Probably time to roll back the class changes, Rets and ferals way too high on expected DPS

Who cares?

Imagine being a shaman dps player and seeing utility powerhouse hybrids like ret and feral being buffed to the top lmao shamans always get the shaft

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FWIW, I don’t think you’ll find a single ret or feral who wouldn’t simply state: “buff shaman”.

We’re just built different from warriors on this.


Yep, buff Shaman. Let’s do it! Go team!


I agree, buff shamans. (for real though, buff them)


Enh definitely needs some love. Furies are fine, though.

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Feral is good.

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Very good!

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I’d also be fine with arms buffs, and with either spreading out the ardent defender love or nerfing the one protection paladin has.

But fury? Heck naw.

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we have the results, even before rets got their tier, taj, and smourne theyre notably ahead of warrior on almost all ICC fights week 1, and now in week 3 theyre still ahead. The big 3 upgrades for them cause them to scale more than warrior this tier.

Making changes in phase 2 so Aggrend can do more dps was nonsensical. They didnt even follow Kris’ Zierhut’s initial criteria for buffs (is he even there anymore?) and buffs were handed out to classes that didnt need it. The last class to get buffed was hunter (and yes, making it so you dont have to go into melee to trap is a buff) and theyre sitting at #1 in ICC right now. :clown_face:

That’s not how scaling works.

1 item being broken simply isn’t scaling, it’s an item being broken.


Calm down man, people don’t even have their 4 piece bonuses yet (ret’s just let us replace 2pc tier 9, it’s not a major spike for us). Scaling happens over an entire phase, not 3 weeks. Rets spike early with TaJ and 2pc. The actual gains from every other slot other than shadowmourne, which is about equal, are lower than a fury warrior, so rets slow down, fury doesn’t. Ret gets one more major spike with shadowmourne, but fury also gets that one.

Except they don’t. Warriors will end ahead. It’s pretty clear that you have no idea how scaling actually works in this game.


TAJ scales insanely well with better gear though.

What if some pally comes in amd out scales me and takes my chances of smourne away from me :sob:

the week 1 & 2 results are pretty bad for ret paladins, they’ve gotten so much of their power already with taj & 2 piece and aren’t even in the top 5, taj and shadowmourne scale extremely well together so maybe that’s the difference


Firstly, you chose the one sliver of my message where I was just generally assenting to the point someone else made in a reply before talking to yourself in the mirror about things that were not in my posts. I’m not here to argue the minutia of the changes that have transpired and might transpire. I maintain that a class “performing better” than yours due to buffs–and not nerfs to your own class–harms no one and helps everyone, rendering all of your hypothetical number crunching both childish and hilarious. You are not a victim just because the person next to you got something nice while you are doing fine without.

Secondly, I have no dog in the fight about ret paladins. After years of being somehow worse than feral druids in the classic scene, I was glad to see them buffed. Everyone knew they were an underwhelming spec, and their newfound increased performance in PvE harms not one soul playing another class. If it is causing problems (in terms of raid comps or loot distribution), it is the doing of elements of the community–not Blizzard.

Thirdly, I have no problem with the hunter buff either. And, to reiterate, buff shamans. Buff warriors too if you want. If we were worried about no changes, something tells me that ship might have sailed.

Oh, I almost forgot: the obligatory Clown emoji.
Whew, that was close.


They don’t out-scale you though. They just get their DPS from the tier earlier. Warrior catches back up and then some.

Also, most guilds chose first shadowmourne well before this tier, when ret wasn’t even particularly close to the top. If someone lost a Smourne to a brand new ret in their guild, they should probably find a new guild.

… or at least hope they are getting the 2nd one, which shouldn’t be TOO long a wait.

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It does yes, but if it was purely “for scaling” then other classes would gain something from it as well, they’d just scale worse.

That’s not the case here though. TAJ is simply broken, and if it wasn’t rets would likely need another buff.

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You nerds gotta carry until we get arp cap though. 2 set+TAJ is insane.

I mean we’ve had two rets and the first smourne goes to gleader, second is still up in the air :frowning: also one of our fury dropped group only cause he cant make schedule which makes me feel bad but he used to out DPS me reeeeee

I’m just gunna blame scaling again :frowning: