Probably time to roll back the class changes, Rets and ferals way too high on expected DPS

There were 15 Fury Warriors ahead of the top Ret on 25m P1 Patchwerk.

among hundreds of thousands of parses its meaningless information, especially if ret is then ahead at the brackets

You guys are still fighting for crumbs, meanswhile the ferals are laughing at you.

I watched a video a today from beardigo. He was basically bragging that ferals can just ignore the mechanics, and saying they should be allowed to single target the boss.

Ferals and rets are all crying babes on this forum. So Blizz loves them most.

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This has more or less been the case for combo point classes forever till they made combo points stick on the player rather than the target.


Maybe just leave the game in its final patch state rather than introduce meta breaking changes that totally reworks class rankings :clown_face:

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It’s all good, warrior sims got improved rotations recently and gained a few hundred DPS on sims.

You are back to S tier.

roll back ret? i mean come on we only got a glyph addition to give us an extra rotation in dps. ICC tier for ret was always good and with shadowmourne in our hands it just gets better it not changed since old days vanilla except now we have a extra dmg rotation from a taunt that now doesnt taunt but does dmg.

All complains saying rets and fury and feral are bad/to strong/needs nerf should look at meters of their guilds and go get good/learn to play your class/stop complaining and be happy your clearing content!

In pve why complain… take these nerf to the pvp thats where it matters lol

That glyph is 10% dmg buff to ret. And it is the beginning of all stupid changes.

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It’s just a button you bind to everything for free damage lol.

You also got Divine Storm stacking your seal debuff.

Because this is a classic rerelease and only 2 specs have gotten buffed inauthentically. Both specs will be A tier or better in ICC. Your spec being buffed makes mine relatively worse. Where’s my buff?

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Source on your 10% claim?

Seems that you have never played this game.
Never argue with ppl like you.

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They are not just A tiers. Already S tiers.

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on fights like Saurfang it’s better for cat to stay on the boss for more dps & not losing combo points

They’re A-tier with BiS, the same as Fury.
Locks, mages and ferals are the kings of the dps.
Furies scale extremely well and are still king of cleave.

After a rough expansion it will be a fun phase for Fury - not top but pretty good. Looking forward to it.

Got all my Primordials now and good to go =D

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it’s also a terrible mechanic. they just macro it into everything because it’s instant and off the gcd. terrible design

its 10-12%, just look at details! and see the percent… or go to a log and see a percent. Why are you so invested in this and you dont even play WoTLK?

Guy’s and Gals, we’re back to arguing about RDF now, the “buff X class/nerf Y class” theme is over.

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