Probably not the place...but

Go to Mulgore and get a pipe from one of the Tauren there.
Go to Stormheim and collect some Fjarnskaggl
Put Fjarnskaggl into pipe, smoke it
When you see Sargeras tell him to come get his stupid sword out of my planet.

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i was gonna say, CVS was free. And my primary care place gave me a free flu shot

My sympathy about your mother. I hope everything comes out alright. Meanwhile, get yourself vaccinated. This website will help you find a location.

US healthcare can be opportunistic for rural people, but using Alaskan prices as an example isn’t the best. There are economic reasons for it being expensive (transportation + storage costs).

Also I’m not sure OP’s mom is eligible for a covid vaccine anyways since she’s currently sick with it. May have to wait for it to subside first.

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Are you sure you didn’t ask for a covid test? They can charge for those.

For what it’s worth, I’m given to understand that covid is most dangerous to the very young and very old. I sounds like your mom isn’t in either of those brackets. Also, I’ve heard that this new strain is not as life-threatening as the first one. In any event, my thoughts and prayers will be for your mom and you. Peace be with you.

That’s not how it works.

If you have or had covid within the past three months, you don’t take the vaccine. If at this point anyone who hasn’t had the vaccine, but think they may have covid, should still get tested for antibodies.

I knew there was a time limit before you could get it but I didn’t know it was 3 months. That’s nuts.

See if the hospital she is at can administrator them for free of charge. That urgent care charging 200 dollars, I would print off where it says from the cdc it’s free, walk in and be like “in not paying 200 dollars. I need my vaccine and you know it’s supposed to be free.”

Edit: I hope your mom gets better and yall stay safe. /hugs

OP did mention that the Urgent Care seems to be the only place that has any stock left. From my experience where I live, Urgent Care charges 100$ just to be seen, and then an extra 75$ or more for extra services (like stitches). Maybe, just a guess, the 200$ isnt for the shot, just Urgent Care pricing. Either way its a sham.

Also, virtual hugs and support. While everyone here may not really know each other all that well, we are still a community, and we are still your friends. Chin up. :grinning:

OP says has no family. Proceeds to talk about a grandfather. Sus.

Really hope your mother gets better soon, so sorry for what you’re both dealing with.
I do hope you get vaccinated soon. I live in rural kansas and found free vaccines at our local pharmacy and at our county health dept. CDC has searches for finding vaccines near you, if that helps. :hugs:

Look into monoclonal antibodies treatment, I think most hospitals have them.

And she’ll have natural immunity from it anyway.