Probably not the place...but

Can I get help to just…calm down? My mom woke me up this morning in pain and is on her way to the hospital due to Covid taking a turn for the worse. I have literally no friends aside from 1-2 to turn to and no family members or anything. Her dad told her to suck it up so he’s useless. Sorry if its not the place/time but I just need help…


I’m sending you good vibes and well wishes to pass onto her. I hope she is ok. :blue_heart: :blue_heart: :blue_heart:


Hello, I see you posted a thread about having no friends. Not to worry, friendo, the good people here on the World of Warcraft General Discussion forums have your back!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

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I am so sorry for what you are going through, it’s hard to see a loved one in pain and feel like your hands are tied. You are strong and can handle this…your mom needs you to be strong <3 If you ever need to talk privately, I am here for you! Hang in there <3


Found your useless grandfather playing an undead warlock


Sorry to hear about your mom. Is she vaxxed/boosted? If so she’s got a much much higher chance of walking out of the hospital.

No. Nobody except my grandpa is. and he only got it because of his job

Hello, I am sorry to hear that. Please view this:

Especially step 4 and 15 right now! Here is a virtual hug :hugs:

why on earth did you guys not get vaccinated? it’s available everywhere…protect yourself and your loved ones and get the shots <3


Because there’s only one place here who does it and it costs $200. and we cannot afford $600 worth of vaccines

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Are you in the US? Iirc it’s free here regardless of healthcare/status.

Yes. Called yesterday and was told it is $200

The vaccine is free those people who are charging covid vaccines should be reported


No its free in the US, just more proof your post it bs attention seeking

Remote places take advantage of the people you know for example

Hello, I see you replied to the thread. While true, in this case, I don’t see that happening. Not only is it illegal in the sense that major fines can be handed out, in this case, one can lose a license to distribute in the first place thus putting their entire business under…for $200!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

It’s free at places like CVS, Walgreens and some Walmarts. Any place like that nearby?

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Big Yikes dude. Hope you never need anything.

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Our walmart, walgreens, and CVS are all out of them. Only place to get it is our local urgent care.

@Clark if you think that’s nuts, google Japanese fruit prices… they have extremely high standards for their produce specifically fruit (considered a luxury item). I remember seeing a package of like 10 strawberries for ~90 US

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