What I mean isn’t individual raids brute forcing the fight but rather having more people attempting Naxx means more people clearing it.
With 1.12 threat levels, you make every raid before Naxx easier which makes the barrier to getting into Naxx considerably lower. Even AQ40, while not as heavily affected, is still made a little easier.
A big part of why so few guilds in Vanilla cleared Naxx is because of the barrier to even getting into Naxx in the first place(and the looming Burning Crusade release that was going to render all that effort more or less irrelevant).
I don’t know why you insist on commenting on here every day. Everyone has seen your wall of no post. Everyone knows your weirdly against classic and the people who want to play it. Just live and let live brother and quit being a weirdo about people wanting to play a game that you don’t like.
It’s a safe assumption that if they’re reverting MAIL changes to force people to interact more to hand off items and gear they’re going to do it with banking as well_
Here’s my respectful and (I think) Intelligent reply:
Blizzard is purposefully trying to make some things more inconvenient and matter more to the player base. They are intentionally reverting mailbox changes so that mail sends slower to make people decide on if they want the item RIGHT NOW, or if it’s worth the trek to go get it, to force people to interact more.
It is a safe assumption (and technically is IS an assumption) that dual spec will not be added. (Nor should it IMO)
So far there’s nothing, beyond technical things, that they have “added” aside from loot trading - and they’re on the record as stating that the ONLY reason that they are doing loot trading is because they fulfilled the request when an item was mis-looted almost always, as a matter of policy.
You’re being disingenuous (at best) you’re asking for a “verifiable” source on the effect of dual spec on a World of Warcraft economy?
This is such a stupid straw man argument it’s shocking.
1.) This is a video game, economists don’t really do reviews and analyses of video game economies.
2.) Even if someone wanted to do a WoW economy review (LOL) it’s not possible because there’s never been a real, stable, situation where dual speccing is introduced/taken away to see the effect on the economy.
3.) Even if there was 1-2 examples of the above, your asking for “verifiable” means we would have to rule out other factors, which means the circumstances would have to be repeated dozens of times to get a realistic sample.
It’s common sense that in ANY video game where money is infinitely coming in, and has an extremely limited outlet that inflation will occur, hell inflation occurred in Vanilla as well - eliminating a major gold sink will give greater rise to that inflation - because that’s how economies work.
Ziryus is still mad that classic is even coming out. He clearly missed the panel or is in such deep denial that he can’t bring himself to believe that vanilla means vanilla. It’s actually pathetic at this point.
Nor do I think classic was perfect.
That said I’m also not the guy who spammed wall of no, and am not the guy who asked repeatedly for post vanilla stuff to be added to what is an authentic experience.
The grind aspect has really been forgotten when it comes to Naxx. Few guilds stayed together to even attempt it. In private servers, the term “fresh” means more than just a new realm. Things were so easy, that people were still “fresh” when starting Naxx. Compare that to when we were jaded and flat out exhausted running on fumes, in Vanilla. There’s a reason why I haven’t really played since early TBC. Save for a dabble in one of the xpacs for all of a month or 2.
If things were to be re-tuned, the time and grind factor would come back to some degree. It won’t be anywhere close to like before. But the whole, we’ll raid Naxx 4 times a week, then do rest of the raids in 1 or 2 nights isn’t going to fly. MC was still around 2+ hours when we finally stopped doing it when we started AQ40.