My wife and I play on the weekends together. Last night while questing in Stonetalon I received a PM from a guy, asking “what kind of f word name I had” I blocked him, he then PMd my wife and was nasty as well.
I added him to my friends list to see if he is allowed to play…and he logged in today, nothing was done.
How do these words even make it past the filter? We all agree to this massive agreement JUST FOR THESE TYPES OF BEHAVIOR.
Lil help?
You should remove the names from the post as that is against ToS as well as the masked profanity.
If someone does whispers you report the chat and move on, do not engage and give them ammo to report you for profanity.
Did you report the offending chat lines before blocking? If you just ignored the other players without reporting, I’m afraid nothing will be done (unless others have also reported them).
Whenever this happens, always right-click > Report and never respond.
Notwithstanding a backlog and that Blizzard cannot just instantly have someone review a report… what exactly are you expecting to happen overnight from december 31st to january 1st?
Thanks. Updated.
Sadly, there are a LOT of players who feel that they should not have to follow the rules that they’ve agreed to. We see it all the time here with people complaining that their account was actioned for inappropriate language use.
It’s extremely important to report that sort of behaviour using the right-click and report for language option. If it happens again, pleases make sure to do so. Here’s hoping you did that this time too.
Ignoring them is absolutely the right thing to do after reporting them
Give it time all report will be looked at but ignore and move on troll will always be trolls sooner or later it will catch up to them.
Are you referring to the Mature Language Filter, Saucy? If you have it on, unless they are using alternative characters it should be catching it. If it isn’t, please submit a bug report.
Otherwise, we don’t filter normal chat. People are able to talk how they wish, though we ask that they do abide by our in-game Code of Conduct. If they do violate our Code of Conduct, that should be reported using the right click report option so it can be reviewed.
Hopefully, it is a rare occurrence. I’m sorry you had to deal with that.
I have that turned off, it isn’t the language that bothers me. It’s the blatant breaking of one of the biggest rules IMO. The words he used … I would be banned FOR SURE, the fact that he then PMd my wife as well. It has been how many days now? He is logged in and playing as I type this. I have zero faith in Blizzard now, unreal, what a joke. All the " we create a safe place blah blah blah" is obviously just for show.
And i now this and wont be reporting anything anymore
Did you report them? Because you never answered that, you just said you ignored them. If you didn’t right click report what exactly are expecting Blizzard to do? If you did report them, they might have gotten a warning or a 24 hour silence. Blizzard doesn’t just instantly close an account over one chat violation.
Threads posted routinely from other players coming in complaining that they were silenced or suspended for abusive chat even though “they did nothing wrong,” only for it to be laid out exactly what it was that was said, then.
Are those all just grandstanding?
Reporting offenders does work, but you actually have to avail yourself of that function. Blizzard doesn’t seek them out, they react.
It’s understandable, unfortunately though you likely won’t know how far along your reports have gone, and what penalties may have happened or are pending.
A first offense might end up in a silence for a week, in which case they would still appear to login. But if you both used the report and ignore systems, you should be safe from future contacts.
Reports do work, they just are not as fast as you’re able to appreciate.
Not sure if this is still done but in the past when I reported people I would get in-game mail from blizzard telling me that my report was acted upon and resulted in account penalties, although they wouldn’t tell me what they were.
I have no idea if they still do that as staff-to-player interaction has become increasingly impersonal over the years, but it at least means that the reports are seen and acted upon. However, you’re not going to get immediate results from reporting someone. It takes time for the report to reach a staff member and then it has to be investigated to determine if any action is to be taken.
I don’t think you would appreciate if you were reported for something and were randomly punished for no reason because a game master decided to do the keyboard waltz in order to rush through reports they were receiving.
That is entirely your choice and you are not required to do so. You will, as a consequence however, have to deal with the lapse in the quality game experience as a result of allowing and enabling bad behavior to continue. Blizzard is reactive in its enforcement of social interactions, so players need to take action if they want results. That’s just how it is.
I don’t believe so. I think the problem that came with that is that people then actually bragged about getting people banned, which probably wasn’t the intention.
People want to rest assured that they’re making the game a better place, but all too many are eager to use it as a trophy.
Yes they do, I got one last week and someone in my guild said they got one today.
I still get notifications as well. Most times it is just a notice on screen, other times it is an in-game mail from Blizzard.
Not part of the solution makes you part of the problem.
I can see how you might feel that way. But please keep reporting this jerk. The reports do work. In fact, Blizzard has recently become quite aggressive in their penalization for social violations.
This is outrageous. Report all of these. And messaging your wife definitely approaches on-going harassment. You can report on-going harassment with this link:
Sorry this is happening to you. I hope your gaming experience improves.