My hopes are that one day blizzard will add more privacies settings like:
block pets and mounts from displaying information
block PvP information
block raids and dungeon information
prevent armory data from being collected from all third party sources (if blizzard has this feature already well they could of course improve it and make it immediate and not wait a month)
The CS forum is not a feedback forum for suggestions. My best thought is the move this to the General discussion forum, as that is the best forum for discussion and feedback. Alternatively you could make a suggestion via the in game menu.
I guess this thread is in response to the information you received in your other thread, which seemed like you offering a public service announcement about how you can encrypt your data, and then being told it doesn’t encrypt it, it can still be logged and uploaded by other players, and you don’t even own it (Blizzard does).
You’re certainly entitled to ask for changes, but you might be better off in a single player game that doesn’t require an Internet connection.
While I can understand certain levels of hesitancy, I think you’re at a crossroads where you need to accept all of this information is going to be relatively easy to access or you need to play a different game.
I’m not sure exactly what you fear being done with this data
His swats at the hornet’s nest so far have been somewhat tame, but eyeroll-worthy. My speculation is that he’s still in the ‘mess around’ stage of ‘mess around and find out’.
I don’t understand why you’d want to hide information like this beyond setting your profile to private; Like people use it to see where people are at when forming their raid teams and trying to see who is worth bringing.